Home > Knightfall (Tangled Crowns #1)(19)

Knightfall (Tangled Crowns #1)(19)
Author: Ann Denton

“They were just spotted at the border half an hour ago,” Mother said.

Johann turned to Ryan and grimaced. It made the scar on his cheek wink like a dimple. “Apparently, they’ve been slowly moving troops dressed as civilians to their border towns for months. This is not some hasty maneuver.”

My eyes flickered between Johann and my mother as they shared a look. And suddenly, everything clicked.

“What do they want? Have they made demands?” I asked.

“None,” Gorg answered, his face as hard as granite.

I bit back a smile. They all played their parts so well.

“I can’t believe this. Should we prepare for invasion?” Ryan turned to Johann.

“No,” I responded, before my father could answer. I gazed straight at my mother. She stared steadily back, waiting to hear what I’d say. I took a deep breath and went with my gut. We’d planned for contingencies and scenarios like this for as long as I could remember. She’d always taught me to divide the work. Give everyone a job in a crisis so they have no time to panic.

I applied that strategy. “We wait. We receive Abbas cordially. The ball is still on. In the lead up and during the ball Connor and his diplomats can feel him out. Quinn’s spies will tell us the difference between what Abbas says and what they see.”

I glanced up at Ryan. “You can tell the local militias to assemble using Quinn’s contacts. I also believe the ambassador to Sedara is angry at Cheryn. Perhaps, Declan could speak to him, with Connor’s help. Feel out their interest in an alliance. If Sedara seems agreeable, Ryan, you’ll need to go to Sedara yourself to ensure coordination in case this gets violent. While we house the pegasus fleet, we can feed them sycamore seeds to give them muscle tremors and make it difficult for them to fly. That will effectively remove them from the equation and keep this to a land battle.”

I turned and glared hard at mother. “Avia stays here. She starts training for my position immediately.”

“What?” my fathers all turned to stare at me. Ryan’s hand clamped down on my shoulder. I didn’t look at him.

“I thought you were staying,” Peter said.

“If war breaks out, I’m the biggest target. I’m also likely to—” the geas cut me off. I just pushed past it. “We need the second heir. She needs to be prepared.”

There was a long moment of silence. Then a single clap. My mother smiled at me from her bed. “You see? I told you all that four years wouldn’t lessen her strategic thinking. She’s still sharp as a whip.”

I didn’t smile back. I’d never liked these tests or her methods. Instead, I gave her a sharp nod. I didn’t bother to tell her that her look to Johann had given her away. In a true crisis, my mother never made eye contact. Connor taught me that about her. Even when we’d been eight, before his powers had fully developed, he’d been incredibly perceptive.

“Where did the pegasus poisoning come from?” Peter asks.

“Spent some time on a farm with horses,” I shrugged. I turned back to mother. Now that I’d passed her test, I wanted to discuss real issues. “This morning, a fire salamander was in Avia’s room.”

“Declan’s told me,” Queen Gela responded.

“The creature ran after Avia and only Avia. I’d like extra guards on her.”

“Abbas will take that as a personal offense when he arrives. He’ll think we don’t trust him.”

“I’d like a woman who works for Quinn on her then.”

Mother nods. “Done.”

I swallowed a smile and gave her a nod of thanks.

“Good. Well, I believe I have a long list of current events to catch up on.”

“Yes, and the royal dressmaker will be visiting to help create your ball gown.”

I curtsied and Ryan bowed and we left the room.

Back in the hallway, Ryan ran a hand over his buzzed hair. “She always test you like that?”

“Since I was nine.”

He blew out a breath. “Damn. I thought that was real.”

“We’re supposed to treat it as if it is. Once or twice, she’s given me a real scenario and enacted my advice.”

“What happened?”

“Considering the first time, her lesson was that my actions cost lives … nothing good.”

At the corner, I could see Quinn leaning against a wall, nonchalantly reading a letter. But I had no doubt he’d been listening, probably to every word in the Queen’s chamber, too. He pushed aside his black hair when he stood and slipped the letter into an inner vest pocket.

“Hale,” Ryan grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“Yeah?” I turned to look up at him.

His face was earnest. “If you think Dec needs practice controlling his powers, I’ll help.”

I held his eyes. I heard his words. But it seemed like his eyes said even more than his mouth did. He was offering to help me. Me. The bitch who’d left him high and dry for six years. “You’re sure?”

He nodded. “Better for him anyway. If something ever happened. He should be prepared. Right?”

I couldn’t help the smile that flitted over my face. “Thank you … sir.”

Ryan groaned and threw his head back. “You’re evil.”

“Suppose you’ll have to punish me … sir.”

He laughed. “Quinn, get over here and take Bloss away before I drag her back to my room and keep her there for a month straight.”

I leaned up on my tiptoes and pressed my hands against Ryan’s chest, “If you did that, I’d miss Abbas’ visit completely. No ball. I vote for lock up.”

Ryan laughed and pulled my hands off, passing them to Quinn. “You’re gonna kill me.”

Quinn took my hands and spun me out and then back in, as if we were dancing. He pulled my back to his chest, his bearded cheek rubbing against my cheek, arms entwined with mine.

Ryan walked off, smiling and shaking his head.

Hello, wife. Quinn’s sultry mind-voice flitted through my head.

I twisted so I could meet Quinn’s eyes. “You are in trouble.”

He grinned. And his grey eyes sparkled with mischief. So are you.

“What? Why am I in trouble?”

You agreed to consider Lady Agatha’s son, Willard, as a suitor.

Chapter Thirteen

“But … but … I’m already ‘married,’” I whispered as a healer swept down the hall toward my mother’s rooms. My eyes followed the man as he slipped inside. She hadn’t looked bad when I’d seen her. But she wouldn’t have told me about her discomfort anyway. The man wasn’t racing. I’d just seen her. I convinced myself it was a routine visit and turned back to Quinn. “If you all are bound to me … I thought no one could be added after a marriage ceremon—”

You don’t have to speak out loud to me, you know.


With the bead, you can just think something … and project it.

I pictured Quinn prostrate on the floor, bowing repeatedly to me. Like that?

You’re more creative than that, I’m sure.

I closed my eyes and imagined Quinn draped in fur, with homemade paper bunny ears clipped into his hair. He sat on Willard’s lap. The chubby man bounced him on his knee and handed him a carrot. “Suck it,” Willard demanded.

Quinn laughed silently, his shoulders shaking. That was a good one. His hand stroked mine as he moved me to his side and tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow, so he could escort me properly.

“I’ve had the unfortunate privilege of seeing something similar in real life,” I forgot to speak in my mind.

Thank you for sharing that trauma with me. I’ll treasure it forever.

I was furious at you this morning, you know. I thought I was delirious. We both paused to nod at Baron White admiring a painting as we went through the main gallery.

I know. Why do you think I avoided you until now?

I pinched the skin near his elbow and he started but didn’t pull away. I sneaked a glance and he was still grinning. That shite. I’d get revenge on him.

Did you hear everything Avia and I talked about?

Do you mean, will I be making my manservant test all my bathing products? And clothing? And brushes? And food? And double check under my saddle for tacks? Yes.

Damn it all. I hate you a little bit.

No, you don’t. He glanced down at me, eyes filled with amusement, and something more.

That something more sent a shiver of nervousness down my spine. I wasn’t quite sure why. Goosebumps rose on my arms as Quinn stopped walking.

He brought his hand up and stroked my cheek with the backside of his fingers. I’ve waited so long to talk to you.

Yes. Four years. He’d shown up to the castle and found no bride. You hate me for leaving, too. I’m sorry. I swear, I didn’t know my mother would block you from other relationships. I never knew. Ryan just told me. I wouldn’t have let her do that to you.


I’ll find a way to get you released from that spell. I promise. Just give me a few days—


I— my thought was cut off. Because suddenly, Quinn’s lips skimmed mine. My heart galloped like a war horse. WHAT?

He gave the slightest peck at the corner of my lips and pulled back to meet my eyes. I don’t want to be released from that spell.

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