Home > Midnight Soul (Fantasyland #5)(124)

Midnight Soul (Fantasyland #5)(124)
Author: Kristen Ashley

I did it again.

And again.

I smiled to myself at the ingenious use of space that included a charming hidden compartment and then opened it again in order to put the bottles I’d purchased at the mall inside it.

These bottles included cleanser, something I would need to use on my own face to rid it of the paint without Josette at Noc’s to assist me (and this, oddly, elated me).

Also moisturizing lotion, which the woman who sold us our cleansers shared with us was a crucial element in our “skincare regime,” this moisturizer having two varieties, day and night.

And then there was toner, something which was explained but I still wasn’t quite clear on its purpose, just that it was vital to my skin appearing “healthy” and required Noc to take us to a place called a “pharmacy” so we could buy “cotton wipes” in order to use it.

The perfume I’d purchased I’d set on the counter surrounding Noc’s basin. The bottle was far too attractive to be hidden away in a compartment, no matter how clever that compartment was.

“It’s called a medicine cabinet.”

I jumped at Noc’s voice and turned to see him leaning in the doorway, watching me, a look of soft satisfaction on his face.

I felt my spirit settle into that look and asked softly, “Why is it called that?”

“You put what you put in it just now, but it was invented back in a day when there wasn’t much of that stuff. Mostly it was where you stored medicine.”

“Ah,” I murmured, watching him and not moving because he was not moving, just standing in the doorway, leaning his shoulder into the jamb, his eyes gentle on me.

It was, of course, after our trip to the mall and Noc had returned Josette to Valentine’s, where she assured us she was quite happy to experiment with her newly-acquired skills with the microwave in order to make her supper that night and again watch the television. “Where I learn much of this world,” she’d said.

I felt some guilt, however, for I knew she was saying such with only a hint of truth. Mostly, she wanted to be certain Noc and I had time together.

This was her adventure too, and as such she shouldn’t be spending it sitting in an empty house (for Valentine again was not there upon our return or even when we’d left), eating alone and watching a box, no matter how interesting what played on it was.

But for now, I was back at Noc’s where he said he’d make me dinner while I put away the purchases I’d made to keep at his home and where I’d be sleeping.

Needless to say, Josette and I very much enjoyed our time at the mall. We’d done as Noc said we’d do, filling his Suburban to the brim with our bags.

In other words, there was a good deal for me to put away.

And I had been doing just that while Noc had been in his kitchen cooking.

I was surprised he had these skills but only because, in my world, a man such as him would have servants to do these things for him.

In this world, it seemed everyone cooked for themselves, which I found most odd and vaguely alarming for there might come a time when I was expected to do the same and I had no desire to do so.

I didn’t think much on that. I thought simply of going through my marvelous purchases and putting them away while I smelled the pleasant aroma of Noc’s efforts filling the house.

“Is dinner ready?” I queried when Noc said nothing and continued not to move.

“Not quite,” he replied.

I tipped my head to the side and asked quietly, “Is all well?”

He looked to my perfume bottle on the counter and back to me.


He said this firmly but his manner was peculiar.

“You seem in a strange mood, my love,” I whispered.

With a suddenness that was astounding, his energy filled the room, wrapping me in its warm embrace with such fierceness, it almost made me gasp.

But even as this happened, his reply was calm.

“No, baby, just enjoying our first night of normal.”

“Our first night of normal?” I inquired.

“Life can’t be all drama and adventure, Frannie,” he replied. “Travel between worlds. Trips on galleons. Dinners with a queen. For us, it’s gonna be this. Your shit in my medicine cabinet, your perfume on my bathroom counter, dinner in the oven, a glass of wine waiting for you in the kitchen when you’re done putzing around.”

“You’ve poured me a glass of wine?” I asked, for some reason thinking this was the height of thoughtfulness.

“Yeah, sweetheart. I know how you like to unwind.”

He did. I always had a glass of wine prior to dinner as well as during it.

He looked to the empty bags on the counter and back to me.

“You need any help?”

I shook my head. “No, darling. And I’m almost finished.”

He lifted a hand in a casual gesture and dropped it. “Take your time. Made shepherd’s pie. It needs to bake, but even when it’s done it can rest until you’re ready.”

I smiled at him. “Thank you.”

He nodded, his gaze sweeping me from head to foot and back again before his beautiful lips formed a tender smile and he moved to leave.

“Noc?” I called.

He stopped and looked into my eyes.

“This new normal is lovely,” I told him. “And it being what our normal shall be, I look forward to much more of it. And you know I always enjoy spending time with you.” I felt my face soften and continued, “Especially when we have time alone. However, I do feel I should look after Josette and not leave her in her own company quite so much. I know she’s content with giving us time,” I hastened to add. “But until she finds her footing in this world, is able to get out, do more for herself, meet other people she can spend time with, we’re all she has, especially with Valentine absenting herself. I—”

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