Home > Gone Country (Rough Riders #14)(53)

Gone Country (Rough Riders #14)(53)
Author: Lorelei James

“She told you if you cut your hair, you’d hook yourself a man. It appears she was right.”

Chapter Twenty-One

“No offense, but there’s nothing in these boxes that I can use for my report,” Sierra complained.

“You did call Vi and thank her, right?” Then a thought occurred to him. “You didn’t tell her this information is worthless, did you?”

“God, Dad, way to think so highly of me. I’m not a completely thankless brat.”

Speaking of brat… Gavin held his tongue and waited for his daughter to continue.

“When I called Vi to say thanks, after like the millionth time you reminded me, she asked if she could pick me up at the bus stop tomorrow and take me to Spearfish.”


“Because Amelia’s birthday is coming up and she wants me to help her shop for presents. She needs my advice, since she hasn’t ever really shopped for girls.”

Gavin wasn’t surprised that Vi had asked, but that Sierra wanted to go. “You sure? She didn’t pressure you into it?”

That comment earned him an eye roll. “Seriously? When have I ever turned down a chance to go shopping?”

“Point taken.”

“Besides, I like Vi. She’s super sweet and her texts are really funny.”

“Wait. You text with Vi?”

“Uh, yeah. How else am I supposed to stay in touch with her? It’s been two weeks since we had ‘the talk’ and I still don’t get to drive anywhere.”

Point out the weather has been shitty. But anything he said would increase her combative attitude today. “Fine. Go. Have fun.”

“Cool. I’ll call her.”

When she left the dining room table, Gavin said, “Forgetting something?”

“God. I can’t do anything right today.” She backtracked and picked up her empty pie plate and stomped to the kitchen.

Gavin yelled, “Put it in the dishwasher, and don’t leave it in the sink.”

That earned him a cupboard door slam.

So naturally he yelled, “And clean up your damn room.”

Rielle exited the swinging kitchen door, holding a plate. “Is it safe to come out?”

“Much safer now that the teen terror is headed to her dungeon.” He eyed the plate. “What’re you having?”

“A hot guy I know made this delicious peach pie. But I’m willing to share.”

He scooted his chair back and patted his thighs. “Sit on my lap.”


“Because I want a taste of you and the pie.”

She straddled him. “You just want me to feed you.”

His dick stirred the instant that delectable body was close to his. “Maybe. Take a bite.”

Rielle sliced off a chunk, popped it into her mouth and chewed. “Not bad, tycoon. You are getting much better at this pie baking stuff. I liked the cherry better. Maybe we should go into business together.” She cut another bite and held the fork to his mouth.

After Gavin swallowed, he took the plate from her. “I’ll feed you. Open wide.”

“You just like saying that.”

“Yep. It’s too bad you didn’t add whipped cream. Because you know how much I like seeing white stuff on your lips.”

She blushed. And smacked him on the shoulder. “Gavin Daniels, you have such a dirty mouth.”

“Mmm-hmm. It goes well with my dirty mind.” He latched onto her butt, pulling her pelvis closer. He traced her full bottom lip with his tongue, then he gently sucked the succulent flesh, tasting the tang of peaches and the sweetness of Rielle. “I want you,” he whispered against her lips.

“I can tell.” She rocked forward into his erection.

“Your room,” he said huskily. “I’ll eat the pie off you and then I’ll eat you.”

“You make me crazy when you put those images in my brain.”

“Good. But I’m still not hearing yes.” Gavin dragged openmouthed kisses down her neck.

“Omigod, seriously?” Sierra complained.

Gavin tried to discreetly remove his hands from Rielle’s ass.

But Sierra wasn’t done stating her opinion. “You guys have two rooms you could be doing that in, not here, where I have to eat.”

“Watch your tone and think very carefully about the next thing that comes out of your mouth,” he warned.

“How is this my fault? I just came back down to get my stupid notebook so I can finish my stupid homework and find you two like… What. Ever.” She snatched her notebook and stomped off.

Rielle scooted back onto his knees. “Well, that was fun.”

“You’d rather we were still sneaking around?”

“No.” She traced the edges of his goatee. “We have to remember to restrict our displays to the bedroom when your daughter is home. But god, when you touch me the flame just ignites.”

“Let’s turn it down to simmer for now.” He kissed her once more and helped her off his lap. “If you hadn’t noticed, getting busted playing grab-ass made my dick deflate. I probably won’t be able to get it up at all tonight.”

“Poor baby. I can give you a hand with that. Later.” Rielle pulled him to his feet. “Let’s go upstairs and watch TV so Sierra doesn’t think we’re going at it in my bedroom.”

“I think there’s a college—”

“No sports.”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s all you watch. And you yell at the TV. Like you yelling at the players or the coaches or the referees will make a difference.”

The woman had no concept of the responsibilities of a sports fan. Loud indignation about lousy calls and shitty plays were his right.

Hopefully she’d fall asleep, like she always did, during one of her blasted cooking shows and he could catch the day’s highlights on ESPN.

He offered her a charming smile. “Whatever you want.”

Sierra burst into the kitchen, shopping bags hanging from both arms. “Dad! You have to see all the totally awesome stuff I got today.”

Vi trailed behind her, smiling.

“Hey, Vi. Looks like you guys had a productive day.”

“We did.”

“You have time for a drink?”

Vi appeared taken aback by Gavin’s question. “What are you drinking?”

“Crown and water.”

“I’ll have one. Light on the Crown since I’m driving.”

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