Home > Give in to Me (Heart of Stone #3)(68)

Give in to Me (Heart of Stone #3)(68)
Author: K.M. Scott

The sound of footsteps on the stone walkway told me someone was coming. Tristan’s hand tensed on my arm as they came closer, and he pushed me behind him. A large man came around the corner and for a moment I held my breath until I heard a familiar voice.

I peeked around Tristan and saw Varo standing there. “I’ve been looking for you. You lost me at the museum. We need to get you out of here. The plane’s ready to go.”

Tristan held my hand tightly. “What’s happened?”

“Daryl called me. He’s worried about Karl. He’s been released.”

“Released?” I asked as I moved to Tristan’s side. “Is he here?”

Varo looked around and shook his head. “I don’t know. We need to leave here.”

Tristan didn’t question my bodyguard’s order, which told me he believed we were in danger. If I had any doubt, the gun in Varo’s hand put any uncertainty to rest. As Tristan asked him if he remembered something or another, I began to get scared.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Varo followed us as I led Nina and him along the streets of the city looking for a water taxi to take us to Marco Polo. As long as we got to the airport, we’d be safe, at least until we got back to the States. There I knew I could protect Nina much better than in Venice.

As we walked quickly back toward the Grand Canal, we ran into crowds of people flocking out into the night, making it harder to look out for Karl and whoever he had with him. I hadn’t seen his face yet, but I knew he was there. I’d taken everything that mattered to him, and now he planned to do the same to me.

My heart raced as we weaved through tourists and Venetians, all out to enjoy a beautiful night. They had no idea that among them was a man who wouldn’t think twice about killing two people just like them.

Nina held my hand like she was afraid I would let go, squeezing it harder when she heard a loud noise or when someone pushed against her as they passed by. My eyes scanned the crowds as we wound through them, every person appearing guilty as the minutes ticked by.

“We should try to find a water taxi,” Varo said behind us. “The sooner we get to the plane, the better.”

I saw a taxi coming in our direction, but it was on the other side of the canal. To catch it, we’d have to cross one of the bridges. Pointing toward the nearest one, I tried to make Nina believe everything was going to be okay. “What’s the name of this bridge? You know all about Venice.”

Her eyes grew wide, and I knew she wasn’t buying my act. “It’s the Accademia Bridge, not that it matters. Why are you acting like everything’s okay?”

“Because it’s going to be. Now tell me all about this bridge so we can at least pretend our tour of Venice was successful.”

As Nina gave me chapter and verse about the history of the Accademia Bridge, we began crossing over to the other side of the canal and I saw my first glimpse of Karl. We were too late.

Before she could realize what was happening, I stopped and turned toward Varo, who had seen him too. “I need you to do what you said you would.”

Varo simply nodded, and I turned to face Nina. “I need you to go with Varo now. He’ll get you to the plane and keep you safe. I’ll be there in a little while.”

Her eyes flashed panic, and she looked around to see what was making me send her away. When she settled back on me, I saw tears in her eyes. “No, don’t do this! Don’t send me away. You promised no more running. Don’t do this, Tristan!”

I cradled her face in my hands as the tears rolled down onto my skin. “Baby, I won’t let them hurt you because of me. Go with Varo so at least I can know you’re safe.”

“No! He’s going to hurt you or worse, and then I’ll never see you again. Please don’t send me away.”

I leaned in and kissed her as Varo moved around me to take hold of her arm. “I’ll see you soon. Don’t worry.”

She fought him off, but it was no use. He knew what he had to do. I’d made him promise that if she was ever in danger and I couldn’t protect her that he would. I needed to believe he’d live up to that pledge now.

Nina’s eyes pled with me not to send her away, nearly breaking my heart, but I had no choice. For one of the first times in my life, I was doing the right thing, no matter how much it was killing me to watch her as Varo took her away.

Karl stood on the other side waiting for me. Dozens of people separated us, each in danger if I didn’t find some way to get off that bridge. I took off in the direction Varo and Nina had gone, hoping to at least reach the walkway, but one of Karl’s henchmen was waiting. Terrified they’d already gotten Nina, I frantically searched for any sight of her, finally seeing Varo leading her into a building and hopefully to safety.

From behind me, I heard a familiar voice. “Son, I told you not to fuck with me. Like father, like son.” I turned and saw Karl’s face twisted into an angry smug expression as a man grabbed me from behind to hold me. “Take him to the room.”

“Planning to kill me in one of these hotels? Is that supposed to be ironic, Karl?” I asked, hoping to gain some time for Varo to get Nina out of Venice.

“I’m going to do even better, Tristan. I’m going to kill you in one of your hotels. Or maybe I could do it on your plane. I like the symbolism of that too.”

“Way to keep it classy, Karl. You always were new money. Never did understand your level, did you?” His answer to my question was a hard right to my face. After a few moments, I could see straight again, if not a little blurry. I knew I had to keep him there as long as possible. A couple more insults might give Varo the time he needed to get Nina to the plane. “No wonder my father only gave you a nothing company. He knew your true worth, didn’t he?”

But Karl didn’t take the bait. “Always the clever one, Tristan. Take him to the room, and West, find your buddy and that girl now!”

I turned to see West standing behind me. How long had he been working for Karl and living just yards away from Nina? I watched him take off to hunt down Varo and Nina and prayed to God I’d given them enough time to find their way out of the city. I heard two men start to say where to search for them and then all I felt was pain in the back of my head before everything went black.

“Wakey, wakey. Time to rise and shine.”

I opened my eyes and saw the familiar gold and burgundy décor of a Richmont Venice room. Karl sat in front of me with a cigar between his teeth, like some kind of evil villain character from an old cartoon. My hands were tied behind me, so I had to blink the sleep from my eyes. “Tie any women to train tracks recently?”

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