Home > Love Me (Take a Chance #2)(40)

Love Me (Take a Chance #2)(40)
Author: Diane Alberts

“You really mean it,” she whispered, and ran her thumb over the ring.

“I always will. Now, and when you’ve been Mrs. Jones for fifty years.”

“If you survive for fifty years,” she said, and laughed as she stroked his jaw with a sweet, tender touch before reaching up to pull the cord for the bus to stop. “Let’s get off here.”

He rose to his feet. His knees popped, and he hissed through his teeth. “Back to the hotel?” he asked.

“No, dummy. To the hospital.” She twined her fingers in his. The warmth of the ring pressed into his palm, and she looked up at him with a trust, a need, that he would hold on to for the rest of his life. “Then I’m taking you home…where you belong.”


They’d come full circle.

Brianna stood at the open window of the honeymoon suite of the Lana’i Resort and looked out over the Hawaiian shoreline, the sand brilliantly white beneath the moonlight, the water a blue like midnight suede. The scent of the tropical air was like wine, light and floral with just a tang of salt and a hint of fruity sweetness. She closed her eyes and breathed in with a smile. One night in a hotel had led to so many amazing things.

And now, in another hotel an ocean away, she’d get to spend her first night with her new husband.

No kids. No interruptions. No drama. Just her, Thomas, and the ache that had been building between them since the day he’d proposed.

They’d managed to steal a few moments together. Twining together hastily on her desk in the back office of the Golden Hand Casino. Biting her hand to keep from screaming as they wrapped around each other in the shower, the one place her children seemed to recognize as too sacred to walk in on. Clinging to each other under the covers and praying Katelyn wouldn’t have another nightmare right now, when Brianna was so close—though Katelyn usually did, and so close was never close enough.

She loved her children. But she loved Thomas, too, and right now she wanted to love the things he could do to her.

The suite door opened, and a pile of luggage on two legs walked in, cursing and reeling. Thomas dropped the suitcases with a wheeze. “Good God, why wouldn’t you just let me tip the bellhop?”

“Because he was half your size, and you could use the exercise.”

“Are you saying I’m going soft?”

“I’ll have to find out for myself.”

She pushed away from the window and crossed the room. His arms wrapped around her and jerked her roughly against him with a fierceness that made her instantly wet. No, there was nothing soft about him—and the hardness pressing against her stomach reminded her that she hadn’t had a taste of him since before the wedding ceremony.

He sighed, warm and content. “You know, I was thinking about this right before I met you. All that’s missing is the ice-cold beer.”


“Nothing.” He laughed, and the sound rumbled through her until her toes curled. “I’m just being an idiot. It’s my way of saying I’m happy.”

She bit her lip and reined herself in, reaching up to carefully touch his cheekbone. “Your nose looks better.”

They’d taken the tape and bandages off before the wedding, but there was still a slight bump and crook to his nose. She thought it was adorable—but she’d never tell him that.

He grimaced. “I still think my sense of direction is permanently shot now.”

“You’re not a pigeon, navigating with the iron in your nose.”

“No, right now I’m a dog and you’re in heat.” His hands slid up her back. His grin was devilish, dark. “That makes you my—”

“If you finish that, it’ll make me the wife who made you sleep on the balcony.”

“That’s not happening…Mrs. Jones.”

He dipped down and swung her up into his arms with easy strength, his powerful muscles bunching in ways that made her melt. She squeaked and clasped her hands behind his neck.

“I thought you were supposed to carry the bride across the threshold.”

“Across the threshold, to the bed…same difference. But if you want, I can go back out and bring you back in.”

“No,” she said. “Just kiss me.”

His dark, hungry smile was the only warning before he possessed her mouth with a hunger and intensity that swept her away in the sizzling fire between them. Kissing Thomas was like flipping a switch; the pent-up passion inside her broke free, infusing her with a wild desperation that left her hot, needful, her body tight and quivering with consuming hunger. His tongue caressed her lips, her mouth with a desire that made each stroke resonate through her entire body until her br**sts felt heavy and her ni**les peaked against the thin fabric of her sundress.

“Brianna,” he gasped.

She nipped at his upper lip. “Tell me you love me.”

He tumbled her to the bed. His long, hard body covered hers. He looked down at her with a possessive intensity that made her stomach flutter. His breath came harsh, and he spread a broad, rough hand over her stomach, stroking slowly upward until his fingertips grazed the underside of her breast.

“I love you,” he whispered, then dipped his head and took her nipple into his mouth, sucking through the cloth. She arched and wove her fingers into his hair with a gasp.

His teeth teased her gently, tugging carefully, taunting and grazing, before he covered her dampened breast with his palm and kneaded with a delicious strength that stopped just short of pain—a heated firmness and strength that left her writhing and arching up to thrust into his hand. He left a trail of fire everywhere he touched, burning her alive.

She needed to taste him. Her mouth trailed down his neck, and she pushed his light linen shirt back to nibble at his shoulder. Her hips rolled up against his, and she ground against him until he let out a tortured groan. That one sound made her feel wanton. Wild. Beautiful. Seductive. She spread her legs with a willingness that was deliciously shameful, wrapping her thighs around his hips until he pressed flush against her.

“Oh God,” she gasped, and bit at his throat. His c**k teased her, pushing her panties into her wet, slick folds until she whimpered. “Oh God, yes!”

His mouth found her ear. His rushed breath teased her; his teeth captured her earlobe and tugged. “I love you. I love you more than anything,” he whispered.

“Don’t talk,” she said, then sucked in a sharp breath as his thumb flicked her nipple. “Just kiss me again.”

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