Home > Take Me (Take a Chance #4)(34)

Take Me (Take a Chance #4)(34)
Author: Diane Alberts

“Make me.” She bit harder. “If you can.”

He caressed her hip, peeking out of his closed lids to make sure no one was watching, and traced the line of her bikini. At her indrawn breath, he dipped his fingers even lower.

The kids all came over, plopping at their parents’ feet or chairs or towels. The only ones without anyone surrounding them were Mike and Morgan. He stole a quick glance at her, wondering if she noticed the same absence he did. She nibbled on her lip and looked back at him. Her blue eyes sparkled up at him.

He kissed her nose. “Whatcha thinking?”

“I’m thirsty.”

Okay. Not what he’d hoped for, but whatever. “I’ll get you a margarita.”

“Uh…” He started to lift his hand for the waitress to come over but Morgan shook her head. “No thanks. I’ll have a lemonade.”

Mike’s niece, Katelyn, stood up, stumbling in her haste, and held her iPhone in front of her. “I need a picture of us all.”

“Not so fast, princess.” Thomas stood. “You need to be in it, too. Let’s get someone to take the picture.” As he headed toward a waitress, who walked around in a skimpy bikini, Brianna smiled and watched. Thomas gestured toward their group, and then came back. He eyed Zach and Chris. “Boys, get over here.”

Nineteen-year-old Zach said something to the blond girl next to him, then strode over. Chris followed more slowly but did the same. They all settled into their places and smiled.

The waitress held the phone up. “Okay. On three. One…Two…”

Everyone perked up. Thomas gave Brianna bunny ears, Jeremy hugged Erica closer, Kiersten stuck her tongue out at Garrett, and Morgan leaned closer to Mike. Mike hugged her tight, never wanting to let go.

“Three.” The flash went off.

Kiersten stood up and rubbed her belly. “I think I need a nap.” She gestured for her kids to come over, then turned to Garrett. “You coming?”

“Do you really need to ask?” Garrett leapt to his feet. “If you’re going, I’m following.”

Mike swung his phone. He’d downloaded a whipping app that made the noise when he shook his iPhone. Wah-peeshe.

“Seriously?” Garrett asked, shaking his towel and sending sand flying every which way. “I can’t believe you downloaded an app just so you could make fun of me.”

“And it was worth every penny.” Mike swung his phone again. Wah-peeshe.

“And you’re not whipped?” Garrett asked, laughing.

“Never said that,” Mike said.

“You’re not whipped.” Morgan said, patting his shoulder. “You’re just…obedient.”

Mike cocked a brow. “Yeah. We’ll see about that.”

After a few more minutes, and plans to meet up later for dinner, one by one, the couples all drifted apart, heading in various directions. Once he and Morgan were alone, Mike grabbed Morgan’s hand and led her toward the bar. She covered a yawn with her hand and leaned against him. He hesitated. He hadn’t actually been planning on napping but she looked exhausted. “Do you want to actually take a nap?”

“Actually, I’d love a nap. But I need a drink first.”

“Still want a virgin lemonade?”

“Yeah. I’m tired.” Morgan looked at him from the corner of her eye. “I don’t want to throw booze in the mix, too.”

“Lightweight,” he teased. As he ordered two lemonades, he leaned against the bar and looked out at the water. “I could get used to this place. Got any good theaters out here for you to work at? I could find a job here, I bet.”

Morgan laughed uneasily. “Maybe. I’m not sure. I never looked.”

Mike watched her, his curiosity piqued. She was hiding something. He could tell by the way she laughed just now. What was it? He paid for their drinks and led her to their hotel room. Outside the door, a swing sat waiting for them behind a fence. Once they sat down, he studied her. She kept taking small sips and avoiding his eyes. Yeah. Something was definitely up. “What’s wrong, babe?”

Morgan startled and turned to him, the straw between her lips. “Huh? What do you mean?”

“You’re hiding something.” He leaned closer and played with the brim of her hat. “I know it, and so do you. Spit it out and get it over with. You’ll feel better.”

She took a deep breath and set down her half empty glass. “Fine. But don’t get all worked up. Let me finish talking first.”

He gripped his cup tight. Shit. He wasn’t going to like this. “All right.”

“Remember how I said I would be home for a year and wouldn’t be taking another role for a while?” She toyed with the strings on the side of her bikini bottom and ducked her head.

“Yeah. I remember.”

“Well, something came up.” She peeked up at him, then lowered her head again. “Something changed, that is.”

Since when was his Morgan so damn worried about how he would react? He’d been thrilled for every role she’d gotten. Hell, he’d even traveled around most of the country watching her perform when he could. “Why are you acting so skittish? I’ve never been pissed at you for taking a part before, and I won’t be starting now.”

He grabbed her hand and squeezed tight, ignoring the surge of disappointment threatening to choke him. He’d known what he signed on for when he married her and he wouldn’t let her see how much he would miss her. It was part of their life. Besides, it was almost the end of the school year. He would be able to travel with her all through the summer months.

“It’s not that. You’ve been nothing but supportive.” She finally met his eyes. “But this role is a bit more permanent.”

“Okay…” He scooted closer and set his glass down next to hers. “Is it in Vegas? Or what?”

“Yeah.” She licked her lips. “And the rehearsal period is about nine months.”

“That’s a long time.” He cocked his head. “What’s the show?”

“It doesn’t have a name yet.” She tugged his hand to her stomach and laid it flat. “But we can pick one together, once we know more.”

His entire world spun around him, crashed to the ground, then floated back up to the f**king sky. “You mean—uh, are you saying…?”

She bit down on her lip and nodded, looking pale. “I’m pregnant. I know you didn’t want any kids, so I know it’ll be hard to accept at first, but I hope—”

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