Home > Take Me (Take a Chance #4)(19)

Take Me (Take a Chance #4)(19)
Author: Diane Alberts

That’s exactly why logic didn’t have a place in marriage.

Besides, if she let him inside her defenses, how would she ever get him out? And yet…

Maybe it wouldn’t be so crazy. He was only asking for a few days, really. A short-term relationship that just happened to have two rings and a piece of paper attached to it. No big deal, really, when you looked at it subjectively. She already knew he blew her mind in bed. Why not have a little bit more time with him, getting him out of her system, and then she would move on, like she always did.

And she would, at the end of the week. She’d leave.

“And if one of us decides it isn’t working before our time is over?” she asked. “If one of us wants out right away?”

“At any point, you can walk away. I can, too. This is just a trial period. If we decide we were right to avoid marriage, then we end it. No notice. No warning.” He kissed her temple. “We just leave.” He kissed her jaw, inching closer to her mouth. “But if we want to stay? Then who knows what’ll happen? If nothing else, we’ll just enjoy that amazing hotel suite a few more days.” He brushed his lips against hers, so gently she almost missed it. It was amazing how such a simple kiss could feel so darn strong. “So, what do you say? Yes or no?”

She studied him. He looked so sure of himself, yet vulnerability gleamed in his eyes. How was such a contradiction even possible? It made her want to wrap him in her arms and never let go. That wasn’t exactly a good way to start proving her desire to be independent. But when she opened her mouth to bid him goodnight, she heard herself say, “Yes. I’ll do it.”

He kissed her sweetly. But when she clung to his biceps, he moved closer to her. His tongue slipped inside of her mouth without a moment’s hesitation. She gripped him, unable to believe she’d agreed to stay married. Unable to believe she could be so stupid. But apparently, when it came to Mike, she could be pretty freaking stupid.

Because she was going to stay, even though she knew she should go.

Someone cleared their throat, and they broke apart. Brianna Jones stood there, her arms crossed. “Are you molesting my employees, Mike?”

“Uh. Not exactly.” Mike dropped his arms, his eyes darting between the two women. She could tell he couldn’t decide whether or not to admit he’d gotten married. And why should he? This was only a temporary arrangement. “I knew her before I found out she worked here.”

Morgan smiled at Brianna. “We met the other night at his friend’s bachelor party.”

“Oh.” Brianna looked at Morgan, then back at Mike. “And you’re kissing her in my hallway because…?”

Mike’s cheeks turned red. He actually turned red. Morgan didn’t think a certified bachelor lady-killer like him was still capable of such a tender emotion as embarrassment, but apparently he was. Huh. Who knew? He quickly recovered and a smirk spread slowly across his face. “If I have to answer that, then I need to have a little talk with Thomas about how to properly take care of a woman.”

Brianna blushed even harder than Mike. Morgan watched them both, unable to look away. She’d never had siblings, so seeing the banter between these two was enlightening. And…weird. Very weird. “I assure you, Thomas knows what to do with me.”

“After a year or two of marriage?” Mike snorted. “I’d hope so.”

“Okay, that’s enough. Stop making this about me. Excuse us for a second.” Brianna grabbed his elbow and hauled him far enough away that Morgan couldn’t hear what they said.

They both glanced at her at one point and she shifted on her feet. What were they saying? And how long was she supposed to stand here, pretending they weren’t talking about her? “Is everything okay over there?” Morgan asked, unable to stand their muted conversation another second.

Mike caught Morgan’s gaze over Brianna’s head and made a shooting gesture at his temple. Morgan smiled. Brianna, however, looked less than amused. She made some quick movement that made Mike groan and stumble back a little, then turned to Morgan with an innocent expression on her face.

“Yes, just give us a second,” Brianna called out. After one last, uncomfortable minute, the siblings finally separated. Brianna came back to Morgan and smiled, even if it was a bit tight. “It was nice seeing you again, Morgan. Thanks for filling in.”

Morgan nodded and slid her left hand behind her back. Why hadn’t she taken that darn ring off? Was Mike still wearing his? She tried to steal a peek but couldn’t tell. “Anytime you need anything, you let me know.”

“Same to you.” Brianna cast a long look in Mike’s direction, then sighed. “And trust me, you’ll need all the luck in Vegas if you’ll be hanging around him.”

Brianna walked away, leaving Morgan and Mike alone again.

“Sorry about that,” he said, shuffling up to her.

“It’s okay.” He held his hand out, which still had the ring on it, and she slid hers into it after a moment’s hesitation. “What did you tell her?”

“That we knew each other.” He shrugged. “I didn’t want her to know about the marriage thing yet. I mean, who knows what’s going to happen, right?”

Nothing. Nothing was going to happen. Because she didn’t want to be married, and neither did he. Morgan nodded. “Okay. Sounds good.”

She pulled free of his grip and closed her fingers around her cool band, but he rested his palm on her knuckles. “Whoa. What are you doing?”

“If you don’t want people to know, then I should take this off.” She glanced down at his ring. “This is going to fail, so there’s no point in us wearing them. Or telling anyone. I agree with you, for once.”

He clenched his jaw. “Why are you so certain it’ll fail?”

“I might not know you that well but I know me. I don’t want to be tied down. I want to be free.” Speaking of which…she pulled free of his grip. “What if I get the role in Chicago? Will my loving husband just sit back and let me go, not giving a damn that I’m halfway across the country without him?”

He paused, as if considering the situation. “Sure. Why not?”

“Because in my experience, that doesn’t happen. In my experience, men want the woman to give up all of her dreams and become a pretty, barefoot and pregnant housewife who cooks while wearing red heels and a checkered apron.”

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