Home > Game for Seduction (Bad Boys of Football #2)(15)

Game for Seduction (Bad Boys of Football #2)(15)
Author: Bella Andre

She was amazed that a truly gorgeous man like him didn't make her heart race. "Melissa McKnight." Wanting to clarify things immediately, she quickly added, "Dominic and I work together at the McKnight Agency."

Jason's friendly expression didn't change. "He'll probably forget to tell you this, but I've kicked Dominic's ass on the football field more than once."

Dominic let Jason's obvious fib go. "I appreciate you squeezing us in last minute."

"Anything for a friend," Jason said as he escorted them through the packed house and into a private, far-too-intimate dining room. "Enjoy your meal."

"Jason seems really nice. Especially considering how good-looking and successful he is."

Something that looked like jealousy crossed Dominic's face. "He's a good guy. Married his college girlfriend recently."

A waiter knocked, then entered to pour two glasses of complimentary champagne.

"I want to know more about you, Melissa."

She hastily swallowed the liquid in her mouth. "Why?"

Dominic's small smile made her hot all over. "I met you fifteen years ago, but we've never really talked."

Because he'd always been a superstar and she'd always been in awe of him. And even though she'd memorized every interview he'd given during the past twenty years, she didn't really know anything about him at all. His prefootball past was vague and mysterious.

Another waiter came in to give them the details of the seven-course menu, and she nodded in all the right places even though she didn't hear a word he said. As the waiter placed an amuse-bouche on the plate in front of her, she told Dominic, "My life is very ordinary. I'd rather hear about yours."

"Not everyone finds football exciting." Popping a seared scallop into his mouth, he swallowed before adding, "My mother wanted me to be a doctor."

She smiled. "I remember reading about that in Sports Illustrated."

He grinned. "What else do you know about me?"

Her face grew hot. "Nothing much," she lied.

"No?" he teased.

"It's my job to know about McKnight Agency clients," she insisted.

He merely smiled at her.

"In any case," she said, trying to get their conversation back on track, "your mother must be very proud of you now. You're one of the greatest wide receivers of all time."

Again, his grin told her that she'd said too much. "Smirking at me is no way to accept a compliment," she said, liking this verbal sparring too much for her own good.

His gaze fell to her lips, then slowly moved back up to her eyes. "Thank you. And yes, she's proud. But she never quite got over my not finishing college, let alone not going to medical school."

Dominic had catapulted into the spotlight after catching a season-winning Hail Mary pass during his sophomore year. The pros had beckoned, and Melissa knew how hard it was for players to turn down millions. Especially a top draft pick, like Dominic. Finishing college was a great goal, but the risk of getting hurt and missing the pros was too big.

"It would have been crazy for you to play college ball. You did the right thing."

His eyes locked onto hers. "A lot of things are crazy. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do them."

Her ni**les grew hard and she bit back a frustrated groan. He probably didn't mean anything sexual by that; it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

The waiter knocked again, then came in with the second course.

Dominic asked her, "Have you always wanted to be an agent?"

As she cut into the spinach and feta ravioli, she nodded. "My father's job always seemed so exciting."

"Is it?"

She smiled. "I love working with athletes. That's why 1 got my MBA. It was either that or a law degree."

"Smart move. I'd think other agencies would be dying to get you on board."

She bit her lip. She'd been planning that very thing this morning, before her father had offered her JP. And then Dominic.

"All I care about right now is making JP a great deal with a new team."

Dominic smiled indulgently. "Lucky guy."

She blinked, trying to get her feet back on steady ground. "My father went ballistic on me today, by the way. Thanks for that."

Dominic sat back, his muscular frame barely contained by the chair, and took a sip of sparkling water. She'd noticed over the years that he rarely drank, and admired his restraint. Especially since she was gulping down her wine as quickly as it landed in her glass.

"I want to work with you, and your father has no choice but to accept my decision."

She put down her glass. "But I don't. I want to build my career legitimately, not because you or anyone else feels sorry for me."

"I hear what you're saying. But I still think you're making the wrong decision."

She held his gaze. "Wrong or right, it's my decision, Dominic. Not yours."

Something that looked like respect surfaced in his eyes. "Okay then, I guess that means I'm on the hunt for a new agent."

"I hope you'll be happy at another agency."

"The only person I want to work with is sitting right in front of me." His voice was warm and smooth.

"Why won't you take no for an answer?"

The way he looked at her turned her insides to jelly. "I've never taken no for an answer."

Arousal instantly flooded her panties. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought he was trying to get back inside her panties! That was utter craziness. He was the one who'd kicked her to the curb, not the other way around.

They ate in silence for several moments, and then Dominic said, "I bought you a gift to seal the deal."

"There is no deal," she reiterated, but he'd already pulled out a small velvet bag and put it beside her wineglass.

The delicious food turned to cement in her mouth, and she took a big swallow of wine to force it down. "I can't, Dominic."

"Open it," he coaxed in a soft voice.

She'd been brought up to be polite, no matter what, and she just didn't have it in her to be surly in the face of an unexpected gift.

Plus, she was dying to see what he'd bought her. Being around Dominic was like sticking to a diet all day long, then stuffing her face with an entire chocolate cake at midnight.

She picked up the small black velvet bag and untied the silk bow around the top, and into her hand fell a string of diamonds alternating with purple sapphires on an intricately woven platinum chain. She sucked in a breath as Dominic rose from his chair.

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