Home > Take Me (Take Me #1)(58)

Take Me (Take Me #1)(58)
Author: Bella Andre

And beautiful.

And sexy.

Travis’s c**k grew hard, reminding him, very firmly, that he and Lily hadn’t yet had a wedding night.

He carried the take-out cartons into the kitchen, utterly starving, but not for food. “Are you hungry?” he asked. When Lily shook her head it was all the invitation he needed. Reaching for her hand, he drew her back toward the bedroom.

Just outside the door he pressed her up against the wall. “I want to do what we did after the fashion show. Exactly what we did. Do you remember?” His voice was husky, and his dick was so hard it felt like it was going to burst. Lily nodded, and he slipped his thighs between her legs, the silky material of her skirt no barrier at all. “But today,” he said, “I want to do it all naked.”

Lily bit her lip, her white teeth leaving an impression on her plump red mouth. “Good idea,” he said, leaning over to suck her bottom lip into his mouth at the same time that he unzipped the long zipper at the back of her dress. The dress had a built-in bra, so when he slipped it off her shoulders, her br**sts were bare and beautiful.

“Oh God, Lily,” he said, “I’ve been dying for you.”

He bent his head down and tongued a nipple. She moaned and pushed her chest into his mouth. He slipped the dress all the way off her shoulders, then slid his thumbs into the thin waistband of her lace panties, shoving them down her hips. All the while, he tongued her br**sts, first one sweet nipple, then the next, until they were stiff points.

Once Lily was naked, Travis tore off his own clothes, never taking his mouth away from Lily’s soft, hot skin. He sucked at the pulse point on her neck, relishing the rapid beating of her heart, loving the musky smell of her arousal.

He kicked his jeans off and pressed his nakedness against Lily. Pinning her wrists above her head, her back arched against the wall, her full br**sts pushing into his chest, he slid one thigh between her legs.

He groaned with pleasure when she began rubbing her wet pu**y against him. “That’s it, Lily,” he urged.

“Come against me, sweetheart,” he said as he pushed his muscles hard into her clit.

With a gasp her eyes opened wide, then fluttered shut. Frantically, she rocked against his leg, and Travis pushed back even harder. He needed to suck her tits more than he needed to breathe. Without breaking rhythm he bent his head to the succulent flesh and nipped at her.

“Travis,” she gasped, as his mouth closed over her nipple. His c**k was sliding against her thigh, and he had to force himself to hold on, not to blow all over her leg.

As soon as she stilled against him, Travis slid down to his knees and buried his face between her legs.

“No,” she protested, “I can’t take any more,” but he ignored her as he lapped at her, loving her taste.

He pushed her open with his finger and tilted his head so that he could slide his tongue in, hard and pointy. Lily sat down onto his face and he held her up with his thumb on her clit. He rubbed tight circles on the sensitive nub, moving his tongue in and out, first slow and shallow, then fast and deep. When she began to convulse, he slipped two fingers into her and latched on to her clit, sucking hard and fast.

She cried out, but he couldn’t make out what she was saying as she came hard against his lips and fingers, clamping down on his fingers with each contraction.

Even though he really wanted a repeat of her mast***ation performance on the night they’d first hooked up, he couldn’t wait for it. Standing back up he said, “Wrap your legs around me, sweetheart.”

Her eyes were unfocused at first, but as comprehension dawned, she said, “I can’t. You won’t be able to


“Just do it,” he growled.

“What about protection?”

“We’re married now,” was all he said, and she blinked in surprise, then, thank God, when he didn’t think he could take it anymore and was about to drag her to the ground, she lifted one thigh around his hips.

Roughly, he pulled her other leg up and slid into her pu**y, hard and hot. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been inside a woman unsheathed. Lily clenched around him, and the sensations were incredible.

She wrapped her arms firmly around his neck and pushed her pelvis into his, taking him even deeper.

“Lily,” he groaned into her neck. He reared into her again and again, his orgasm so overpowering that he forgot everything but the feel of Lily’s hot cunt sucking his cock. He shot deep into her. “I love you,” he groaned, as she cried out his name. He held her up, panting and sweaty as he waited for his heart to stop beating doubletime.

“I love you, too,” she whispered into the hollow of his shoulder. They untangled their damp limbs. When Lily’s feet touched the floor again, Travis felt bereft of her comforting heat, her solid weight in his arms.

“Ouch,” she said as she pointed her toes and flexed her leg muscles. “I think I’m cramping.”

“Need a massage?” Travis asked, his wicked intent clear.

Lily ran into the bathroom. “You’ve got to catch me first, big boy.”

Travis pretended to chase her and by the time they were standing under the dual showerheads of his shower, they were giggling and tickling each other. Teasing touches turned into full-blown caresses, and even though he thought he’d eased his intense need for Lily in the hallway, Travis realized that he’d merely taken the edge off.

“Come here, you.” He soaped Lily up from her shoulders to her ankles. He’d never felt so at home before. Not until Lily. Pulling the nozzle from its holder, Travis washed her off, spending extra time between her legs.

She swatted him away. “I think I’m clean now, Travis,” she said sternly, even though her eyes were dancing.

Travis pretended to give it careful consideration. “Open your legs a little wider,” he said, and when she obeyed he shook his head. “No, I’m afraid I’ve missed a spot.” He hit her clitoris with a stream of water, sending her into an instant explosion. She opened her legs wider, pink, wet, and all his. Travis couldn’t stand it another moment. Sitting down on the tiled seat of his luxurious shower enclosure, he pulled her down onto his cock. And as she rode up and down, calling out his name, sending him into another spiraling orgasm, Travis knew that he’d never love anyone as much as he loved Lily.

Chapter Fifteen

Lily’s lids were heavy as she opened her eyes. For a moment she didn’t know where she was. And then she remembered: Travis’s loft. Not because of a one-night stand. Because they were married.

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