Home > His Obsession (The Owners #2)(33)

His Obsession (The Owners #2)(33)
Author: Sam Crescent

“Yes,” James said. Stephen followed the other man out of the room then down the hall. They were inside a small room with a pool table. Cadeon sat at the bar nursing a beer. Tate and Kevin looked worried.

All the men stood when he entered.

“What’s going on? We heard you went to see Rebecca. What’s going on?” Kevin asked.

“It would seem Lloyd Black has other business ventures,” Stephen said. “He was involved with Dominic in some way, and he’s going to do everything he can to bring down the two clubs.”

Cadeon took a long swig of his beer.

“But he signed one of those forms keeping the club protected,” Sean said as way of an argument.

“You’ve met Lloyd. Do you really think he’d give a shit about a piece of paper? He’s in prison. If he can feed the police or someone any information about this place then that is his escape clause.”

They all looked shocked. Stephen was past shocked. He had no clues about what to do. His father would know, but he wasn’t his father.

“Then we need to link him to Dominic and the underhand dealings,” Tate said.

“How are we going to do that? It would be our word against his. When he blows the lid off this place we’d be nothing but suspects in anything they wanted to throw at us. Wealthy businessmen in the line of fire sells newspapers and promotes people. You all know this,” Stephen said.

“I’ve got contacts in the police force as well as other places. I can keep this story out of the paper, but it will require payment along with membership,” Lucas said.

“Membership? This club is supposed to be exclusive. No one is supposed to know it exists,” Stephen yelled.

All the men snorted at his statement.

“Exclusive? Stephen, I knew about you and this club many years before I even met you. Your club stays quiet and out of the media because there are men who want in,” Lucas said.

Stephen glanced around at all the men. He noticed James smiling. “Is what he says true?”

“Yes. Our clubs remain but a rumour among most people, but then most rumours have a slight edge of truth. It doesn’t take a person long to find out what is the truth and what is not.”

“Then we do what we can. I need to talk to my lawyer about Lloyd.” Stephen stood, running his fingers through his hair.

“I’ll reach out to my contacts. I’ll see what I can do,” Lucas said.

The others spoke in agreement. Stephen made sure to announce to the members present in the club the danger they might be in. Several men offered their services to try to help the club while others left without the intention of returning. Stephen noted all the men who left and would dissolve their membership. Anyone who left without offering assistance was not a true Owner. His club would remain for the true possessives, like his father had kept it before him.

He left early to make it home with enough time to spend with Ursula. The weekend was looking up, but he still had much to do. His only consolation was his woman.

She stood in his kitchen frying up some chicken. Her smile greeted him as he circled her waist and held her close. He inhaled her scent, and all of his worries disappeared into the night.

Chapter Fourteen

One week later

Ursula glanced over at Stephen as he drove down the long country road to her family’s house. They lived in a four bedroom house along a country road. The whole place was usually dead, but with the sudden injection of cash the street was busy.

“What are you thinking?” she asked when he had to stop suddenly.

“I’ve never driven along a busy country road before.”

“Your eyes are going to be wide open by the end of today.” She flicked through a map trying to do something with her hands. Her nerves were getting the better of her. She was in love with him, and she hoped her parents liked him. Glancing back over at him, she hoped he liked her parents. The more she thought about their differences socially, the more she felt their relationship was a bad idea.

You can’t back down now. You’re in love with him.

She shut off the thought instantly. They hadn’t spoken about love. She toyed with the pendant between her br**sts. Every time she had doubts, she’d seek out the piece of jewellery he’d given her.

“You’re treating me like a snob,” he said.

“I’m sorry. I’m judging you before we’ve even got there.”

“Cadeon’s woman, Violet, came from a lot less.” He took her hand, kissing her knuckles while the traffic stopped.

“What do you mean?” she asked. The smallest touch of his lips made her pu**y tighten. They’d made love that morning. She didn’t understand the feelings inside her. Her parents were protective of one another. Did they feel this need to be part of the other’s life? They must; they were married.

“Violet was hidden away by her mother in order to protect her. She had a very protective upbringing in an unconventional sense.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Her mother was a prostitute. She hid Violet away so she didn’t have the same life as her. Cadeon loves her regardless. Don’t judge me, Ursula. Seeing this part of you is refreshing. I want to know who you are.”

“You always say the right things.”

He smiled then turned his attention back to the road. She watched him for a few more moments. He hadn’t spoken any words of love. Cadeon loved Violet, and he could overlook her past. Did Stephen love her? He cared about her; she couldn’t deny that. Love was different. She knew not to expect loving words. Paul had never spoken them to her. She had never spoken them to him either.

“Stop being nervous.”

“I’m not.” She chuckled, taking a deep breath as he pulled up against the road to where she pointed.

“This is your house?” he asked.

“My parents’ house. They own it. Well, they’re paying a mortgage and all. This is where I used to live before I moved out.” The door opened, and Caroline stood wearing a really tight jumper. “Here we go. Are you ready?”

“Never better. Can I leave my car on the side of the road?” She gazed at him and saw him smiling. He got out of the car laughing. He walked round the car to help her out.

“I couldn’t resist,” he said.

“I’ve never seen you this perky.” He wrapped an arm around her waist, nuzzling her neck.

“I’ve never been to meet the parents. This is a novelty I’m going to enjoy.” She laughed then sobered up when she saw all of her family waiting for her.

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