Home > Lash (The Skulls #1)(32)

Lash (The Skulls #1)(32)
Author: Sam Crescent

Shoved against Tate, Angel stared at the men before her. She saw the Lion emblem, and instant hate consumed her.

“Why didn’t you take the hint when I didn’t answer the phone?” Tate asked, crying.

“I thought you were in the shower or something.” She was numb. There were no other words to describe what she was feeling.

“I wish I was.”

“Call your f**king father, bitch. Let him know that we’ve got this town, and his crew better stand in line or we’ll f**king kill you.”

Tate was handed a phone. Angel saw the other woman hesitate. She glanced at the back of the crew and saw Murphy staring at Tate. What she saw next terrified her. Her father was stood next to Murphy. His face was hard as if a mask had come over him. He glared at her but didn’t say a word. Hatred filled her at the sight. Her own father was the one responsible for all this mess. He was betraying The Skulls, and she wished he didn’t make it through this day. The bastard deserved to rot for what had just happened to Blaine.

“Make the call, Tate,” Angel said.

Her hands were shaking as she squeezed her friend’s hand. Glancing down she saw her hands were covered with red. Rubbing them down the skirt she wore, she tried to wipe Blaine’s blood of her hands. How could he be dead? He was getting his life together.

Shaking her head, she listened to Tate as she said hello to her father.

The phone was loud enough for her to hear the conversation.

“Hello, Tate, honey, what’s the matter?” Tiny asked.

“Dad, you need to come home. The … the Lions are here, and Steven’s down. Blaine’s down as well.”

“Give me the phone, bitch.” The guy in charge snatched the phone and started cursing down the phone.

“Are you happy now?” Tate asked. Her gaze was directed at Murphy.

Angel wrapped her arms around Tate, holding her close.

“Is this what you wanted, death? No wonder you wanted to go with the Lions, they’re just f**king pigs in a jacket,” Tate said. The man holding the phone backhanded Tate.

She got hurt in the process.

“I suggest you get your asses down here. We’re going to end this, and then I’m taking your daughter, Tiny. She’s got a smart mouth, but I know what to do with a smart mouth, bitch. Just ask the whores who work for me.”

The phone was thrown to the floor and stamped on.

Angel went to her knees. She cupped Tate’s face and saw her friend had a split lip. How she could see past the tears was beyond her.

“We’ll get through this. Tate, look at me. We’ll get through this.”

“Your daughter’s a dreamer, Marston.”

She didn’t let his words affect her. Holding Tate in her arms she saw Eva was let go. The other woman went to Tate’s side.

“Come here, baby.”

Even though there was less than ten years between the women, Tate curled up against Eva. “Your father will come, I promise.”

For the next thirty minutes Angel sat on the floor with her legs folded waiting for the others to arrive. She never thought she’d be so relieved to hear the sound of bikes. Outside the front window she saw the shadows of the bikes crowd around. Letting out a sigh she held her breath as the front door was opened. Tiny, Lash, Nash, Butch, Zero and several of the other bikers including Hardy entered the house. Angel realised the shit was going down in Tiny’s house. If this was her home, she’d be pissed. From the look on his face, Tiny was more than pissed. He was livid.

“You finally decided to turn up,” the man said.

“We meet again, Jeff,” Tiny said. “Tate, you okay?”

“Been better.”

“Eva?” Tiny asked. His gaze never strayed from the man now known as Jeff.


Angel looked at Lash. His face was hard as he looked at her. Angel couldn’t do anything to comfort him. She was in pain.

“Now, let me tell you how things are going to go. You’re going to pack your shit up, and you’re going to leave Fort Wills. This is Lion territory now. My land, my club, and you’re going to get the f**k out of town,” Jeff said. Her father was pulled to the front. “He’s transferred all of your funds into my account. You’re penniless. I’ve won.”

There was silence at Jeff’s demands, and then Tiny burst out laughing followed by the rest of the men.

“What’s so f**king funny?” Jeff yelled at the room.

“You’re so f**king stupid to think I’d trust that piece of shit with my money. David got f**k all other than what we fed him. In fact.” Tiny held his hand out to the group. Nash handed him a piece of paper. “We’ve got everything from your club. Your money, which was very little, and we’ve bought your property, Jeff. You’re gone, finished.”

“What? How?” Jeff asked, looking startled.

“Do you really think we’d let David loose on our money? We’ve got cameras all around and to listen and to watch. We heard him make the deal with you. He’s a sloppy guy, and it was easy to change everything he did.”

Jeff turned to growl at David.

“I didn’t think anyone was watching me,” David said.

“You didn’t even check. You f**king idiot.”

“So, you’re in my house, threatening my family, and you think you’re going to walk away from that?” Tiny asked.

Angel watched as Jeff went angry. The Skulls were laughing at him, all because of David’s sloppiness and greed. It felt like it was in slow motion, but Jeff moved to them. He kicked Tate out of the way and pointed a gun at Eva.

Silence rang out once more. “I see I’ve got your attention. How about I kill your nanny?”

The only way to describe the expression on Tiny’s face was cold. It was like he grew frozen.

“I see I’ve got your attention.”

“You’ve picked the wrong woman,” Eva said. “I’m the working nanny. I’m not that important.”

“Shut up, Eva,” Tate said.

Angel screamed as another shot rang out. Eva slumped on the ground holding her chest. Jeff walked close to the other woman. Tiny was held back by his bikers.

“Let’s see if you’re right, honey. I think you mean more to Tiny than you think.”

“Murphy, now!” Tiny roared the instruction, and all hell broke loose. Guns were fired, and Tate forced her to the floor. Angel covered her head, curling up as tight as possible as the fight rang out.

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