Home > Blind Devotion (Chaos Bleeds MC #4)(6)

Blind Devotion (Chaos Bleeds MC #4)(6)
Author: Sam Crescent


“You heard me. I’ve got ways of making people disappear. Think about that the next time one of the Chaos Bleeds scum comes near you.”

The door to her room closed behind her. Who the f**k was Kenneth Carmichael, and how could he get rid of her mother? She didn’t have the time to think about it. For now she’d do exactly as he said without causing any waves. Sasha wouldn’t let anything happen to her mother, if she could help it.

Chapter Two

The night spent with Mia and Curse hadn’t been a total waste. Pussy rode behind them as they all headed toward the clubhouse. Mia had taken a bath, brushed her hair, and changed her clothes. She’d not smelled that bad, but it hadn’t been pretty, or at least it hadn’t been to him.

Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot, he saw Devil picking up his daughter and son as Lexie walked alongside him into the main house.

“What’s going on?” Pussy asked, climbing off his bike. He never wore a helmet if he could help it. The point of being on the road was to feel the wind in his hair, across his face. The helmet would stop that. Pussy would do a lot of things for the club, but wearing a helmet wasn’t one of them.

“Nothing. I’d feel happier if my family was close by me.” Devil shook his head as he walked into the clubhouse. The whole story would come out soon.

“Devil, baby, you don’t need to worry,” Lexie said, taking her daughter out of Devil’s arms.

“I’m not worrying, but I’m not having you in harm’s way, either. You and the kids mean too f**king much to me. Speaking of kids, I’ve ordered Judi and Ripper home as well. They’re packing their shit up. Vincent and Phoebe will be back at the clubhouse soon as well.” Devil didn’t lose his stride, talking as he escorted his family inside. Pussy kept up with them wondering what the hell had happened.

“That will make it a full house, Devil. You can’t expect the men to put up with the kids.”

“Tiny does it with his club. They can’t hack this life, then they’re out. It’s as simple as that.”

They all went silent, entering the clubhouse together. Devil stopped and covered his son’s eyes then started cursing. Glancing around, Pussy saw the problem. First, for him, was the mess, and then he caught sight of the na**d women and club members, along with all the alcohol on display.

“Fuckers, get your shit out of the main hall. Until further notice, sex is done in the confines of your own f**king room. You don’t have a room, then get out. I’m not in the mood to be ordering this shit around.”  Devil shoved one na**d man off the table.

Pussy didn’t recognize him, so he must have been a hanger on.

“Devil, this is the clubhouse. They can be here like this,” Lexie said.

“I’ve got to make a call to Tiny.” Devil turned, looking at Pussy. “Take my woman and kids and get them settled. I don’t want to worry about her safety for the next five minutes.”

Taking Edward from Devil’s arms, Pussy nodded. “On it, boss.”

His president walked toward his office. Turning to Lexie, Pussy saw the concern on her face.

“Come on. I better do what he says otherwise it’s going to get worse for me.” He took her hand, leading her away from the chaos in the main room.

“It’s all going to get a lot worse, right?” Lexie asked.

“I don’t know.” He walked up the long flight of stairs, going to the top floor of the clubhouse. The top floor was Devil’s and Lexie’s room. “Are you going to tell me what happened, or do I have to guess?”

Lexie sighed, moving her daughter to her other hip.

“I got a visit from Frederick yesterday.”

Pussy paused, turning to look at her. “What?”

“Can we get to the room? She’s heavy, and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

He didn’t respond but picked up the pace to get her to the main room. Did he want to know what Frederick was doing back in Piston County? Crap, if he was back and they’d not had a visit then it could only mean that he was here to see someone else. He didn’t like it. Pussy didn’t like the threat this man posed to all of them.

Inside the room he saw the windows were all closed. Putting Edward down in a safe place, Pussy went around the room, opening the windows to let some fresh air into the room.

Lexie sighed as a breeze rushed through the room.

“I hate this. I hate how paranoid he’s becoming,” Lexie said.

Turning to face her, Pussy saw Lexie was pale. She looked ill.

“What’s going on?”

“Devil was at the clubhouse yesterday, and I didn’t give it a thought to check who was calling. Phoebe calls around, and Judi still uses the doorbell to visit. She’s walked in too many times on me and Devil going at it.”

Pussy chuckled. Judi saw Lexie and Devil as her parents. Seeing your parents ha**ng s*x would upset anyone.

“Anyway, I didn’t check, and Frederick was at the door. He wanted to be let in. After everything that happened, I didn’t want to anger him.”

“You let him in. Do you know about Ashley?”

“I know everything that goes on at this club, Pussy. Devil doesn’t keep secrets from me, even though I imagine he’d like to try it. I wouldn’t let him. Chaos Bleeds is my family as much as it’s his.” Lexie shrugged. The shirt she wore fell off her shoulder.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No, Frederick didn’t hurt me. He asked to have tea and cake with me. The kids were playing, and I didn’t want to piss him off. He talked about loyalty and how important loyalty was.” She ran a hand over her face. “I don’t know what he’s trying to do, but I think he’s going to try and break The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds apart.”

Pussy frowned. “What?”

“He implied that someone within Tiny’s  club has lost all their loyalty. I don’t know what to make of it. Devil arrived and freaked out. He didn’t start shooting Frederick’s ass, but he was close.” Lexie blew out a breath. “I wish we could go back, you know? Go back to when shit was simple and I was pissed at Devil for stupid shit.”

He knew what she meant. “Devil’s always going to be like this around you. He loves you, Lex. You can’t let this upset you. Also, you know he’s going to protective of you. You’re his woman, the mother of his children. Even after everything you’ve been through, you’re f**king hot.”

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