Home > Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter #1)(23)

Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter #1)(23)
Author: Vi Keeland

“Yeah, well, I’ll be kicking some asses when I get back, all the same.”


We pull up at Navy Pier Park and Nico comes around to open my door. He helps me out of the SUV, but doesn’t release my hand. Together we walk with our fingers laced tightly from the parking garage toward the Ferris wheel. I’ve never been one for public displays of affection, but it feels good, oddly natural, not forced or contrite.

There’s a fair going on, as there is most summer weekends down at the pier, and vendors are set up all over the park. We walk around for a little while and the way that Nico directs us, I feel like we have a destination to get to eventually. But I don’t ask. It’s so unlike me to go with the flow and let someone else take the lead.

We come upon a bunch of tables set up, covered in Girl Scout cookies and dozens of girls in scout uniforms. A little girl is charging in our direction and for a minute I think she is running away from someone. Her face is so intent on where she is going. I can’t help but smile when I see her smile, her entire face lit up like a Christmas tree on Christmas morning as she yells, “Uncle Nico, you came!”

Nico lifts her up and swings her into the air as the little girl is about to crash into us. “Yeah squirt, I came. You asked me to, right?” He sets her back down on the ground and she grabs Nico’s hand and begins pulling him in the direction of the cookie table. Nico looks to me apologetically, and grabs my hand, pulling me with him. We’re a human train led by what looks to be a six or seven-year-old girl.

“This is my Uncle Nico and he’s famous!” The little girl yells to her friends. A gang of little girls swarm Nico and it’s the first time I see the big tough guy look a little scared.

A woman stands next to me and introduces herself as Katie, Sarah’s mom. She apologizes for her daughter’s excitement and tells me that Uncle Nico is very popular with his nieces and nephews. I’m listening to her talk, but I can’t tear my eyes from Nico as he interacts with the kids. He’s such a walking contradiction, everything that he doesn’t appear to be. Soft, gentle, sweet, and playful, nothing like the bad boy fighter who I first laid eyes on more than a year ago at a random fight that I had no business being at.

As if he senses me watching him, Nico looks up at me and catches me watching him. He smiles at me and I smile back. When I finally tear my gaze from the man who has captured my attention like no other, I find Katie is staring at me smiling. “What?” For a second I think I must have missed something during my momentary lapse of consciousness.

“Oh boy. You’re in trouble. I know that look he has. It’s the look of determination and the Hunter boys don’t stop till they get what they want.”

I laugh off her comment, but the thought that I could be Nico Hunter’s prey makes my stomach do a little flip flop.

Chapter 23


“We’re all set. Five weeks from Saturday you take on Kravits. The Commissioner himself gave me his word that it’s a one win hurdle to the title bout. You kick Kravits’ ass and we’re back in the belt.” Preach always sets me up, knows what I want to take away from a fight.

I nod and start swinging the jump rope.

“They want some new pics for the promo by Wednesday. Their dime, their shoot. All we have to do is bring the girls you want in the shots with you for the eye candy.”

I whip the rope faster, taking two turns with each jump. “No girls.”

Preach looks at me like I have two heads. “Whatta you mean, no girls. You’re Nico the f**king Lady Killer. Your shots always have ladies.”

I can hear the rope slicing through the air, each turn whistling as I increase the speed. “Yeah, well. Not this time.”

Preach squints as if he’s trying to read words that are written across my forehead. “This have anything to do with the girl?”

I don’t respond. It’s none of his business anyway.


Preach ratcheted up the workout today and I’ll probably be sore as hell tomorrow, but right now I’m running on sheer adrenaline. I do an extra five mile run after he leaves, sprinting almost the entire time. I just can’t seem to tire myself out, I’ve felt this way for the last few days.

I let the hot water work its way into my muscles, blasting the shower on the massage setting. My muscles don’t hurt yet, but I know they will when I come down. I’m restless and I can’t seem to relax. I give in to the mental debate I’ve been having since yesterday about not coming on too strong with Elle. I don’t want to scare her, but, f**k I want that woman. And more than in my bed. I send off a quick text, before I change my mind. I’m acting like such a pu**y. Can’t get you out of my mind. What are you doing? I’ll throw the ball in her corner and see where things lead.

I’m surprised when my phone chimes back quickly, indicating a new text has arrived. Me too. About to order dinner.

What are you in the mood for? I deliver.


I don’t respond to the text, but twenty minutes later I’m at Elle’s door.

She opens it and smiles. “Where’s my dinner?”

“I’m right here.”

Chapter 24


I barely shut the door when I find myself thrust up against it by six foot three inches of pure man. He’s all strength and power and there is no mistaking he wants me. Badly. Almost as much as I want him at this very moment.

I can feel his thick erection as he pins me to the door with his hips. He’s hard as steel and it makes me crazy to have so much clothing between us. I reach down for his zipper and yank it down in one desperate motion. The sound reverberates loudly between us and Nico growls as I reach in to free him. I need to touch him. Now. Feel his warm thick c**k in my hands. Freeing him from his boxers, I give him one quick pump from the base to the tip, squeezing firmly as I slide my way up.

Nico tries to grab for my skirt, his actions as desperate as mine. But I catch him off guard and grab his hand to stop him. He stills. I know already he will stop to check that I’m okay, even in the throws of passion. I use the seconds that pass, as he gives me room to confirm I’m okay, to slide down the door that I’m cornered against and drop to my knees.

I look up at him under hooded eyes. “You said you were bringing me dinner.”

The wide tip of his smooth c**k glides past my lips and I’m rewarded with a groan and small burst of pre-ejaculation on my tongue. I suck hard on his thick head and pump my fist up and down the length of him. Another throaty groan makes my clit swell and I drown out everything but the desire to hear the sound again. I need to hear it. Need to know what I can do to him. That I can bring him to the same place he has brought me before. The place I haven’t been able to stop thinking about for two full days.

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