Home > Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend #4)(34)

Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend #4)(34)
Author: Monica Murphy

“We can see the view even better outside.” I turn to look at him and he’s got that charming, you’ll-do-anything-I-ask look on his face. “Come on, Chels. Live a little, remember?”

“All right.”

“You won’t regret it,” he says, reaching between the seats to grab the hoodie he promised from the backseat. His shoulder brushes against me with the movement and his head is so close to mine, I could reach out and touch his hair.

Instead, I clutch my hands together in my lap.

“You want to use this?” He holds the black hoodie out toward me and I take it, my fingers curling into the cool cotton. It smells like him, fresh and tangy sweet with that hint of spice. I wish I could hold it to my face and inhale.

He’d think I was a total freak.

“Maybe,” I say, holding the sweatshirt close. “Thanks.”

He flashes me a smile, then climbs out of the car and I do the same, meeting him in the front. I stare at the car’s hood, wondering how in the world I’m going to get on there without looking like a complete fool, and I sink my teeth into my lower lip, wincing when I hit a particularly sensitive spot.

I’ve been chewing on my lip a lot lately, I guess.

“Never crawl onto the hood of a car before?” he asks.

I turn to look at him, feeling like a dope. “Not really.”

“Need some help?”

“Uh …” I turn back to face the car, contemplating my choices. “I’m not—”

Owen grabs hold of my waist before I can even finish the sentence and I squeal, shocked that he’s lifting me off my feet and setting me on top of the car as if I weigh nothing. He settles me on the hood and I scramble backward, my feet slipping on the slick painted surface, but I’m careful, not wanting to put a dent in his nice car. Thankfully I don’t slide right off and I plant my hands on either side of me, bracing my body as best I can.

He climbs on top of the car like it’s no big deal, all long, strong limbs and graceful ease. Grinning down at me, he swipes his hair out of his eyes. “Want to sit on the roof?”

I glance back at it. “How am I going to get up there?”

“Come on.” He offers his hand and I take it, emitting another squeal when he hauls me to my feet and grabs my waist again, basically tossing me onto the roof. I spread his hoodie onto the very cold metal and settle in, laughing when he scrambles up the glass windshield and sits besides me with a goofy smile on his face, a little out of breath.

“You promised me a warm hood and instead all I get is cold metal under my butt,” I chastise him, leaning in to nudge his arm with my shoulder.

“Come here, then.” Without warning he slips his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close to him, and my entire side is pressed against his. “Well, I guess that worked.”

“You act like you planned this.” I shove lightly at his chest, my voice sounding breathless, my heart tripping over itself, and I glance down, noticing how perfectly we fit next to each other.

“It wasn’t premeditated. More like a spontaneous thing.” He stretches out his long legs before him, his firm thigh against mine, his body warmth seeping into me. We remain quiet for long, peaceful minutes, the only sound the chirping of a few random insects and the roar of the cars speeding by on the Skyway in the near distance.

Before us, the city lights twinkle and sparkle, the fog a misty veil. There’s nothing but darkness surrounding us, only the silvery light of the quarter-sized moon above us casting its gentle glow.

“It’s beautiful,” I finally say. “I’ve never been up here or seen this view before.”

“Yeah. Not many people have. Us locals know about the location but we don’t like telling you foreigners about it.” He chuckles and the deep sound reverberates through me, making me tingle.

“I don’t blame you,” I whisper, and he doesn’t reply. He doesn’t need to. Our silence is comfortable, soothing. I could so get used to this. Sitting on top of Owen’s car, his arm around me, the top of my head hitting at his chin. He’s so warm and solid, his arm curved around my shoulders a heavy, comfortable weight, and when he starts lightly stroking my bared shoulder with his fingertips, I want to melt.

“Comfortable?” he asks, his voice a low, sexy murmur that sets my insides trembling.

I nod, unable to form words.

“Still cold?”

“No,” I whisper, leaning my forehead against his chin. His stubble is prickly against my skin and I close my eyes, savoring this new intimacy between us. He holds me closer and shifts, his finger sliding beneath my chin so he’s lifting my face to his.

Oh. God. This is it. He’s going to kiss me. I crack open my eyes to find him studying me, his gaze roving over my face, and I release a shuddery breath.


He must think I’m a complete novice. He’s pretty much right if he does. “Yes.”

“Why?” He trails his finger along my jawline, across my chin, leaving a wake of tingles with his touch. “You had to know this was going to happen.”

“Um …” I start but he presses his finger against my lips, silencing me.

“You still going to tutor me after I kiss you? We’re not breaking any sort of code or rule, are we?” I shake my head and he traces my lips, first the top one, then the bottom, pressing gently against the sore spot my teeth have worn. “I hate that you get so nervous that you hurt yourself.”

“I’ve had the habit since I was a kid,” I admit.

“It’s a bad one.” Leaning in, he brushes my mouth with his, the kiss so brief I could almost believe it didn’t happen. “Shit, Chels. Did you feel that?”

“Feel what?” My eyes are still open, staring into his beautiful green, glittering gaze, and then he’s cupping my cheek, tilting my head back for his kiss. His eyes shutter closed right before mine do and I see his thick, long eyelashes in my mind just before he whispers, “This,” and then his mouth settles on mine.

I’m lost. Completely and totally lost to the drugging, delicious feeling of his mouth connecting with mine. One gentle, sweet kiss after another, our lips parting with each press and glide, until he slips his tongue inside my mouth, just as he slips his hands into my hair. His fingers tug, his tongue tangles with mine, and I’ve never, ever had a more perfect kiss in all my life.

Sitting on the roof of his car, the faint chirping of the crickets in the tall, dry grass, the even fainter whoosh of the cars rushing by, I’ll never forget this moment. His fingers in my hair, the sound of our lips connecting again and again, the soft whispers and our accelerated breaths.

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