Home > The Journey Home(62)

The Journey Home(62)
Author: Kelly Elliott

Mary wiped a tear away. Monica grinned from ear to ear and cleared her throat. I knew she was choked up.

“You look beautiful, Maddie.” Monica said. “Just beautiful.”

I looked down at the dress and I chewed on my lip. I peeked back up and asked, “Yeah? You think so? Do you think Cale will like it?”

I picked up the train and turned around slowly. When they saw the back, Mary and Monica both gasped. My nerves were finally settling. It appeared I’d found my dress.

“Holy shit. I can practically see your ass! Cale is gonna faint.” Monica said, fanning herself.

Mary giggled and said, “If you aren’t already pregnant, you will be by the end of your wedding night.”

I felt a blush moving across my cheeks as I looked down at Suzie. She winked and said, “It’s perfect.”

I nodded and said, “I’ll take it.”

Monica skipped and did a little fist pump. “Yes! Now let’s go have lunch. I’m starving, and these babies must be having a rolling over contest in here.”

We spent the rest of the afternoon discussing the details of the wedding. It was going to be small, very small. Only family and close friends. Craig and Diane, Jack’s parents, had done an amazing job having an arch built for the beach.

I’d turned fifty shades of red when Cale said he wanted the arch to placed in specific location on the beach. My heart soared when he pulled me to him and whispered in my ear, “This is the exact location I first claimed you as mine.” It took everything out of me not to beg him to take me again, right there on the spot.

“Is everything ready for Lily’s party?” Mary asked.

I took a sip of tea and nodded. “Yep. I ordered the cake months ago. All the decorations are set and ready. Did Mitchel order the bouncy house?”

Mary rolled her eyes. Cale’s father, Mitchel, had insisted on a bouncy house. Lily wouldn’t be able to go in it without one of us with her, so I figured Mitchel secretly was using Lily’s birthday as an excuse to get one.

“Yes, the damn thing was ordered weeks ago.” Mary said, sighing.

Monica and I giggled, but Mary said, “Don’t laugh, your father got all excited about it, too.”

I almost choked on my tea as I busted out laughing. “Did you know Daddy has been dating?”

Mary waved me off like what I’d just said was old news. “Please, I set them up.”

I gasped as Monica leaned in closer and said, “Do tell, Mary. Do tell.”

She wrinkled her nose and said, “Well, I had a friend who just moved here from LA. She went through a terrible divorce a year ago. Her ex was starting to call and show up at her house, so she decided she needed some time away from California. She used to be a teacher, years ago, so I talked her into applying at the university. She got hired and she is loving it. She’s also loves dating your father.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

Who is this person sitting before me? The older Lily got, the more relaxed Cale’s parents became. They’d even bought tickets for a train ride across Canada to celebrate their anniversary.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. “Gross.”

My mother popped into my head and I was momentarily saddened by her not being with us. I pulled out my phone and went to send her a text message. She hadn’t responded yet to the wedding invitation. Daddy hadn’t wanted me to invite her, but I just couldn’t do that. I didn’t invite her to Lily’s birthday party, though.

I looked closer at my phone.

Mrs. Jones: Please contact me as soon as possible.

I had a text from Zoey’s mother. My heart pounded and I instantly felt sick. Why was she texting me? Why did she want me to contact her?

“Maddison? Honey, is everything okay?” Mary asked as she reached for my hand.

I felt tears building in my eyes as I looked up at her. “It’s Zoey’s mother. She wants me to call her.”

Mary’s face dropped. She reached for my phone. “What? Let me see that.” She read the text, then took a screen shot of it and sent it to someone before picking up her own phone and making a call.

“Mitchel? I just sent you a screen a shot of a text that was sent to Maddison’s phone. Okay, good. Call Jonathon and have him get on it. Yes. I know.”

Monica looked just as confused as I was. I couldn’t help but wonder why Mary was having Mitchel call their lawyer?

Mary handed my phone back to me as she continued to talk to Mitchel.

“What’s going on, Maddie?” Monica asked.

I shook my head and whispered, “I don’t know.”

My phone rang and I jumped. I looked down to see it was Cale. I answered. “Hello?”

“Maddie? I need you to come home. Right away.”

I jumped up, making the table jerk. Everyone looked over at us. “What? Why? What’s wrong with Lily?”

“Nothing’s wrong with Lily. It’s Zoey’s mother. She just served me with legal papers. They are seeking joint custody of Lily.”

My entire world stopped. There was no way in hell I was letting that vile woman anywhere near my daughter.

CALE TOOK MY hand as we sat in the conference room full of lawyers. My father had his lawyers present. Mitchel had his lawyers, and Zoey’s parent’s had their lawyers.

Daddy’s top lawyer stood up and faced Mr. and Mrs. Jones. “We are more than ready to take this to court. You have had zero contact with Mr. Blackwood since the death of your daughter. You’ve made no contact whatsoever to even try to see your grandchild. For you to approach my clients and say you want joint custody of her is insane. There is no judge on this planet who will even entertain this petition.”

I swallowed hard as Cale squeezed my hand. Zoey’s parents leaned over to listen to something their lawyer was whispering. He seemed totally caught off-guard when it was revealed that neither of Zoey’s parents had ever laid eyes on Lily.

Mrs. Jones leaned back and shot me a dirty look. I smiled politely and she turned away. Their lawyer stood up and cleared his throat. “My clients are willing to let the petition go, for now. They would, however, like to be a part of Lily’s life.

Cale and I both said, “No,” at the same time. Mrs. Jones snapped her head back and the look she gave me actually caused me to shudder.

“We have every right to see her.” Zoey’s mom said. I stood up and glared at her.

“How long did she have colic?” I asked.

Mrs. Jones looked at me like I was nuts. “Excuse me?”

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