Home > Broken Dreams (Broken #2)(52)

Broken Dreams (Broken #2)(52)
Author: Kelly Elliott

“Do you want me to start it for you?” Reed wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled and shook my head. “What time is it? We should check to see if Layton and Whitley have called.” I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. I just wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

Reed’s eyes locked with mine, and we both smiled at the same time.

My smile faded some as I thought about the question I’d wanted to ask Reed since I told him last night I was pregnant. “I know we’ve moved fast, and now, we’re married and going to have a baby and all. Are you upset that we didn’t get more time to be together, just you and me?” I asked.

His smile faded for one brief second before it reappeared, and this time, it was bigger. He slowly shook his head. “I’m not going to lie. I would have loved being just a couple for a little bit longer. There were so many places I wanted to take you and things I wanted to do with you. I think the key will be making sure we spend time alone together after the baby is born. I don’t mean like taking off for weeks at a time, but we just need to make sure we get in some…alone time.” He raised his eyebrows.

I let out a giggle. “Well, ya know…it takes nine months, and I’m not that far along, so I bet we have a good eight months to enjoy each other.”

Reed threw his head back and laughed. “Damn, I have a hell of a lot to show you and do with you in the next eight months.” He tapped the tip of my nose with his index finger.

He was just about to lean down to kiss me when the phone in the room rang.

“Shit!” Reed turned and made his way to the phone.

After I used the bathroom, I headed out into the living room area where Reed was still on the phone.

He looked up at me and asked, “Are you hungry, baby? Do you want to get dinner first?”

I nodded my head like a crazed person. I was starving.

Reed hung up the phone, stood up, and made his way over to me. “Apparently, Whitley is hungry enough to eat Tink, so she needs food immediately.”

I let out a laugh. “It’s all that sex they’re having. Jesus, I’ve never heard of two people who have sex as much as they do.” I spun around and headed into the bedroom to get dressed.

“Gross, I didn’t need that image in my head. I’m still trying to get the image of them in the truck out of my head.”

I stopped and turned toward my husband. “In the truck? Having sex? When?”

Reed slipped on a pair of jeans as he tilted his head as if he was thinking hard. He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe right after they got together. Oh yeah, it was the day Layton gave Tink to Whitley.”

I let out a gasp and put my hands on my hips. “What? She had truck sex with Layton, and that bitch didn’t tell me about it?”

Reed looked at me like I was crazy. “Um…I guess so? Does it matter?”

I walked my naked ass over to my suitcase, flung it open, and looked for the perfect dress to wear. There it is—my favorite strapless blue dress, the one that fits me like a glove. Oh…I think I’ll go sans panties as well. I hugged myself and smiled as I thought about how Reed was going to flip when he saw me in this dress and my cowboy boots.

Now, back to the matter at hand. “Yes, it matters. She’s my best friend. She should have told me she had sex in the truck and that you caught them. You know what this means, don’t you?”

Reed pulled a green T-shirt over his head and looked at me.

Holy shit.

It was tight on him and showed every inch of his muscles. I moved my eyes up and down his body, and when they landed on his messy dark brown hair, I sucked in a breath. I loved when he had that just-fucked look to his hair. I licked my lips as I looked back at his chest. He had the perfect muscular body.

Oh Lord, and his tattoos drive me crazy. On more than one occasion, I’d traced them with my fingers and my tongue.

“Court? Hello? Earth to Courtney? Where are you?”

I let out a sigh and said, “Lost in your hotness.”

He laughed as he slipped on his cowboy boots, stood up straight, and winked at me.

Bam, just like that, and he was ready to go, looking all hot and shit.

Damn him.

He walked up to me and cupped each of my breasts, and I let out a gasp.

“Oh my gosh, they’re so sore.”

As he began sucking on one of my nipples, I totally lost my train of thought. He sucked one hard and pulled back until he made a popping sound with his mouth. He peeked up at me as he was about to move to the other nipple.

I quickly shook my head and pushed him away. “Okay, stop. I need to think, and I can’t think with you being all sexy and everything.”

He held up his hands as he stood up straight and then moved to sit down on the bed. I pulled the dress over my head and went to say something, but Reed cut me off.

“Whoa. Hold up for a second. You don’t have a bra on.”

Confused, I looked down at the dress and then back up at him. “So? I never wear a bra with this dress.”

Reed stood up and started going through my suitcase.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I tried to push him away.

“I’m looking for a goddamn bra. Your nipples are showing through that thing.”

I looked down and smiled. “That’s because you just turned me on by sucking on them, you dipshit.”

His mouth dropped open. “Well, I plan on turning you on a lot tonight, so no, I don’t want other men seeing my wife’s nipples.”

Oh, wow. Oh my. Hearing him call me his wife did things to me.

I slowly smiled as I began playing with my nipples through the fabric of the dress. “So, you wouldn’t want me to do this while we are at the club?”

His eyes widened, and he licked his lips. “Court, you better stop, or I’m going to take you right here.”

The rush of wetness I felt between my legs caused me to moan. “God, I’m so horny all of a sudden,” I purred as Reed took a step closer to me. Then, I remembered what I was going to say.

I held up my hands and yelled, “Stop!”

He immediately stopped and said, “What?”

“I remembered what I was going to say. You know what this means—Whitley having public sex in Layton’s truck and not telling me? I need to one-up her.”

Reed looked at me, confused. “Huh? What do you mean, one-up her?”

I looked at him with a serious face. “We have to have public sex…in a better place than she did.”

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