Home > Kiro's Emily (Rosemary Beach #9.5)(15)

Kiro's Emily (Rosemary Beach #9.5)(15)
Author: Abbi Glines

Kiro reached down and shoved my legs open before moving to rest between them as he continued to lick and tease my hard peaks. Just when I thought my body couldn’t feel any better, he pressed his hardness against the ache between my legs.

Throwing back my head, I cried out his name. I wanted more of that, too.

“That’s it, angel. Feel good, baby. Let me take care of this hot body. It’s all I ever want to fucking do. Hear those cries of pleasure.” His words made me feel frantic. I wasn’t naive. I knew what this led to, and I knew that sex was going to hurt me the first time. But right now, I didn’t care.

“Goddammit, can y’all use a motherfucking room while Rush is here?” Dean’s voice was like a cold bucket of water. One I apparently needed, because I was ready to strip naked right here and let Kiro have me.

Kiro swore and covered me with his body as he pulled my bra back up and tugged my shirt down to cover me. “You could fucking knock,” he said angrily.

“In my own damn house? I can walk into the fucking game room with my son if I want to. There are bedrooms for this shit.”

Kiro started to say something else, and I grabbed his arm and squeezed. He turned to look at me, and I shook my head no. Dean was right. We shouldn’t have been doing this.

Kiro bent his head and covered my mouth with his. I forgot a moment about Dean and Rush while he kissed me. It was like he was tasting something special. Something he cherished. I melted into him.

“Fuck, man. Take her upstairs,” Dean complained.

Kiro broke the kiss, and his breathing was hard. “I hate you,” he said, turning to Dean.

Dean just laughed. “I bet you do.”

Kiro stood up, took both my hands, and pulled me with him. I saw Rush latched onto his dad’s leg as he stared at us. I instantly felt guilty. I was no better than his mother and Kiro yesterday. He was seeing something he shouldn’t, and this time, it was my fault.

“Stop looking like you ran over a puppy. He’s seen worse than that. It’s OK that you two were sleeping on the sofa together. He’s two. He has no clue what was really happening,” Dean said with an amused smirk.

I walked over and bent down to Rush’s level. Today he looked happy. He wasn’t scared, and he seemed to be taking in everything around him. “Did you have a good night?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Saw tuhtules,” he replied.

I glanced up at Dean, who looked pleased that Rush was talking to me. “We had a movie night in my room. Popcorn, brownies, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II,” he explained.

I looked back at Rush. “Raph is my favorite. Which one is yours?” I asked him.

He glanced up at his dad and grinned.

Dean chuckled and ruffled his hair. “He likes Raph, too. I think you just made a new best friend.”

“You’re stealing my woman, little man. Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing,” Kiro said in a teasing tone as he came up behind me.

I stood up, and his arms circled my waist and pulled me back against his chest.

Dean looked down at Kiro’s arms then back up at me. “So she’s your woman now?”

Kiro bent his head and kissed my temple. “Yeah.”

Dean let out a sigh, then shook his head. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Kiro’s arms tightened around me. “I do.”

Dean glanced from Kiro to me. “I was talking to her.” Then he reached down and picked up Rush.

We stood there as they walked away. Kiro hadn’t released his hold on me, but he had gone very still. Dean’s words had bothered him. I could tell that much. I wanted to like Dean, I really did, but if he was going to keep upsetting Kiro, I wasn’t going to be able to.

“I know what I’m doing. I want this,” I said firmly. I wanted him to believe me.

He dropped his head to the curve of my neck and inhaled. “God, I hope so,” he replied.


Fear. It was that simple. I was fucking eaten up with fear. I couldn’t even take her to her room. I was afraid she’d wise up and leave me. Instead, I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. Then I locked the fucking door behind us. I wanted to keep her here. Forever. Locked away with me. So no one could say anything to change her mind or even look at her. She was all mine.

Just mine. For the first time in my life, I wanted something to be mine. More than I wanted my next breath.

“Kiro.” Her voice was gentle. It was like she knew the battle going on in my head.

“Yeah,” I replied, as I moved her back toward my bed. I wanted her in my bed.

“Something’s wrong. Talk to me.”

I didn’t want to talk to her. I wanted to eat her. I wanted to taste every part of her body. Then I wanted to fuck her until neither of us could walk.

I reached for her shirt and lifted it up and over her head. I began to unbutton her shorts. I wanted them off. I wanted her naked. My angel naked in my bed. Under my body. Fuck. I was going to lose it.

“Kiro, wait, something is bothering you. What is it?” she asked, as I shoved her shorts down. She stepped out of them obediently.

So perfect. So fucking beautiful. Her skin was flawless and felt like satin. I ran a finger over her shoulders and down to her bra.

“What Dean said, did that upset you? He’s wrong. I want to be here. I’m doing what I want. You’re what I want.”

She was worrying about me. No one ever worried about me. But she was. When I would call her on tour, she always listened. She would be concerned when I hadn’t slept enough and ask me if I was eating properly. She cared. When things were shit, I would call her, and she would be there to remind me someone thought I was worth caring about.

“Emily,” I said, as I reached to unhook her bra. “I don’t give a fuck what Dean says. He doesn’t understand. You’re different for me. He’ll see that soon enough. Stop worrying about me, angel.”

She relaxed some, at least until her bra fell forward and left her bare to me. I went down on my knees in front of her and slowly pulled down the panties she was wearing. They were the same pink satin ones from last night.

“Kiro,” she said breathlessly.

I grabbed one of her legs and picked it up and placed it over my shoulder. “Lean back on the bed,” I told her, as I kissed the inside of her thigh.

“Oh, God!” she cried out.

Smiling, I inhaled the sweet smell between her legs, and I throbbed in my jeans. It was like my damn cock knew I had reached the promised land. Sticking out my tongue, I slid it between her legs and tasted my angel.

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