Home > Blood Reunion (Blood Destiny #10)(61)

Blood Reunion (Blood Destiny #10)(61)
Author: Connie Suttle

"Yes. Any drain on a core's energy will be harmful. In our experience, crime will increase, deaths will increase, suicides will increase," he didn't finish, I held up a hand to stop him.

"In other words," I said, "Draining the core is like draining the heart out of people. And with a planet full of vampires, that can cause a big problem."

"Yes. If they decide to commit a crime or create havoc," Graegar agreed.

"Fucking lovely," I muttered.

"And since Le-Ath Veronis is a victim of multiple tappings," Tenigar began.

"The crime, deaths, suicides and other chaos will happen faster, is that what you're saying?" I lifted an eyebrow at him as I finished his statement.

"In a word, yes," he nodded.

"How many times did that little creep tap the core?"

"It's not the number of times, it's the number of locations that really matters," Renegar replied. "He tapped it from three locations."

"Fucking wonderful," I sighed. My headache was officially back. "Karzac, how quickly can I repair the core after the baby comes?" I turned in his arms and studied his face. His green-gold eyes were thoughtful as he contemplated my dilemma. Yes—it was my dilemma—the Larentii couldn't interfere, although they likely held the power to repair a planet's core. It also made me wonder about the race they'd mentioned—the one they'd assumed was dead.

"I would wait at least a month after the baby's birth, to get your strength back," Karzac admitted, lowering his eyes.

"So, six months, then, before we can fix this." I wasn't happy about that, and it frightened me that Le-Ath Veronis would likely be thrown into chaos during that time. "What about the crimes and the depression and everything else?" I asked Pheligar. "How long will it take for all that to go away?"

"It will not disappear overnight," Graegar answered for his Larentii grandfather. "It could take months—or years, even—for all of it to subside."

"And in the meantime, we have to deal with the additional crime, mental illness, what have you," I moved away from Karzac and tossed up a hand in helpless resignation.

"We believe that all this is a concentrated effort to harm you and your planet," Garegar offered. "If you allow this to upset you, then your enemies are winning already."

There's nothing like stating the obvious. I already knew Zellar was involved with Gren and Gren's disappearance, now I knew the how. The Larentii hadn't told me what race this Ra'Ak had belonged to, and I wondered at that. There was more to the story here, but they didn't want to tell it. We didn't know how old this Ra'Ak was, anyway. He could have been turned before his race died out, and he was the only one left. That was what I hoped for, anyway.

"Looks like I have two jobs waiting, then," I huffed. "First, to repair Le-Ath Veronis' core, and then to hunt down Zellar, an unusual Ra'Ak and Gren." I watched as all nine Larentii breathed a group sigh of relief—I hadn't asked them about the former race of this Ra'Ak and they seemed mighty happy that I hadn't.

* * *

Lissa's Journal

"Lissa, this will be the perfect time to return to Grey House. Trik will be going through the rite, and I hear that Toff would love to come for a visit." Shadow was good at wheedling, I'll give him that. "Besides," he added, "it will take you away from your worries here." Shadow had shown up, his dark hair cut and styled, dressed nicely in black and looking quite handsome. It was the arsenal he used in his attempt to lure me back to Grey House.

He knew, just as all the Inner Circle did—Le-Ath Veronis' core had been tapped, criminals were on the loose and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about any of it for at least six months. Those fool Larentii had gotten away without telling me who the baby's father was, too. Frankly, the question hadn't even entered my mind, I was so stunned at the other news they'd brought.

"Look, we'll have the monthly family dinner, just as we always do, and the rite comes after that. You didn't come for Nissa's rite. Trik needs as many familiar faces around him as he can get—being ousted from your family can be a trying experience, Karzac says so." Shadow was still pleading his case, his gray eyes begging. He was doing a damn fine job, too, of making me feel guilty. Yes, I felt guilty because I hadn't been there for Nissa. I'd feel guilty again for not being there for Trik.

"Shadow, I've had a headache since the tsunami, did you know that?" I blinked into his gray gaze, my fingers gripping the end of my braid. We were inside my study; I sat on my sofa there and Shadow knelt at my feet. I'd come to my study to try to get work done, but Shadow had shown up shortly after. I had to make a decision quickly, too; the rite was scheduled for the following day.

"Come on, baby. You can come. I'll be with you every second, and you can punch Grampa in the face if you want." Shadow's last statement was accompanied by a lopsided grin, so I knew he was teasing.

"I've considered punching him before, you know," I huffed.

"I know. I think Dad, Grampa and I all know that," he nodded and rose to slide onto the sofa beside me.

"Are they all going to talk and whisper when I come?" Yeah, the hormones were probably doing the talking, because I sure as hell felt paranoid about the whole thing.

"I'll turn them into toads." Shadow was grinning again.

"You will not," I attempted to brush away the arm he placed around my shoulders.

"I will," he ignored my attempts to push him away and leaned in for a kiss. "How many shall I tell them to expect?" He pulled away to smile gently at me.

"Trik, for sure," I sighed. "Tory, Ry, Toff, Roff. And me."

"Yes!" Shadow's answer said it all.

Chapter 15

"We're all going?" Toff's eyes were wide as he stared at his father.

"We're going. Lissa, too," Roff chuckled at Toff's excitement. "When we finish checking these bottles, I'll take you to Casino City to pick out something to wear. Family dinners at Grey House are formal."

Toff grinned at his father—Roff's honey-brown eyes gleamed with excitement—he wanted to go just as badly as Toff did. "Child, not many are invited to Grey House. Their offices are located on another planet, and that's where their clients come. Very few outsiders are allowed on Grey Planet. For any reason. Normally it's family only who get to witness the rite, too. This is an honor." Roff ruffled Toff's dark hair.

"Can we sit with Nissa?" Toff asked in a shy voice.

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