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Blood Reunion (Blood Destiny #10)(48)
Author: Connie Suttle

I don't know. Besides, he's likely to tell Mom if I ask. I don't want to get in trouble and I don't want to upset Toff. What if his father is a bad person? Maybe that's why we haven't been told.

Wow, Sissy, I didn't think about that.

Well, we don't know, do we? If you and Ry start digging, don't get caught.

I heard they're going to start the discussions in the Council on those two in the dungeon.

What are they going to do? Those two wouldn't have done anything without Gren pushing them. I just know it.

But they tried to kill you. I know they thought you were Toff, but that's no excuse.

I know. Nissa's mental sigh came through plainly to her brother. Tory, I have to go, Calebert wants me. Nissa cut off the mindspeech.

* * *

Trik was amazed at Master Morwin's appearance. He'd not seen any vids of Amterean dwarves before and did his best to hide his surprise. Ry and Tory were correct, however; Master Morwin's eyebrows were indeed long and bushy, wiggling animatedly when he talked at length on any subject. Trik hadn't had much to smile about in all his fifteen years. He wanted to smile now and couldn't.

"Young one, I would like twenty pages on the history of the Alliance in the past sixty years—just hit the high points and hand it in three weeks from today. I think that will catch you up nicely with Ry and Tory. Then you will receive the same assignments they do," Master Morwin gave Trik his first homework.

"Thank you, Master Morwin," Trik nodded. He already liked having lessons. Plus, it was nice to have an opportunity to discuss what he'd read or learned with others.

"How's the hand today?" Tory asked after lessons were over.

"Not bad—someone named Rik came to work the muscles with me this morning while you were out practicing—is that right? You're learning how to fight with blades?"

"Ask Rik about that when he comes back—he's Falchani too and can fight with the best of them," Tory grinned. Rik was taller than Tory, but there was a chance he'd catch up to the tall warrior before he was grown.

"Just the ones I wanted to see," Uncle Aryn found them going down the hall toward their shared suite.

"Uncle Aryn?" Ry said. They didn't often have dealings with Uncle Aryn. Their mother always said that Aryn didn't have a lot of experience around young ones. Aryn was very old as a vampire—more than ten thousand years.

"Your mother is giving permission for all of you, Toff included, to attend the Council meeting tomorrow afternoon. We will be discussing the two in the dungeon. The Council will decide whether they should be charged with a capital crime or a lesser charge. You will be seated in the back and you must remain silent through the proceedings, of course. If you cannot do so, then say now and you will be excused."

"Oh, no. I want to come," Ry said immediately.

"Me, too," Tory agreed.

"The Council?" Trik was new and hadn't gotten all the information yet.

"It is the Council of Vampires on Le-Ath Veronis. Do not fear, child, you will be quite safe, I assure you." Aryn actually smiled at Trik—something Ry and Tory had seldom seen.

"Then I want to see it," Trik breathed. "I will certainly come."

"Then we will see you there. The Falchani will bring you in and get you seated beforehand." Aryn walked away from them.

* * *

"I'll be there with you—your mother says that some Council members may want to ask questions," Shadow told Nissa when she came from Calebert's workshop. She wanted to change before going to the dining hall for dinner. Shadow met her inside their suite so he could tell her that she'd been summoned to Le-Ath Veronis.

"Daddy, that's scary," Nissa shivered in alarm at the thought of being questioned.

"Your mother will remove livers if anyone harms or upsets you," Shadow smiled at his daughter.

"Can't vampires get along without their livers?" Nissa looked up at her father's face.

"Sweetheart, I'm not sure what they can or can't live without. Go get dressed, baby—we'll have dinner together. I think your great-grandmother wants to dine with us."

"Gramma Lira is coming to the dining hall?" Nissa was surprised. Grampa Glendes' wife usually had her meals in her and Glendes' suite.

"Yes. She says she hasn't paid as much attention to her youngest grandchild as she should."

"I thought Great-Grampa and Great-Gramma didn't want to play favorites." Nissa's lower lip trembled slightly.

"Baby, we forget sometimes what it's like to be young," Shadow pulled his daughter to the sofa. "Come on, sit here with Daddy for a while, all right?"

"Mom didn't forget," Nissa bit her lip to keep it steady.

"I know. But your mom is somebody really special. Just like her baby girl." Shadow hugged Nissa—hard. "I know you miss her while you're here. We have to work to get her to come back."

"You and Grampa and Great-Grampa messed up," Nissa mumbled.

"Yes, baby. We messed up. Now we have to get your mother to forgive that."

Chapter 12

Drake and Drew brought Ry, Tory, Trik and Toff into the Council chambers, and Toff and Trik were doing their best to stare around them unobtrusively while they walked through the cavernous hall. Floors and walls were formed of rare marble, while many rows of comfortable seats surrounded a dais where a podium, several chairs and a desk were placed.

"One of the news crews will set up elsewhere," Drew grinned at the four teens as he and Drake hauled them to a balcony on a lift. They were getting one of the best spots in the chamber, and could see everything from their elevated perch. Trik's chair was settled behind a sturdy barricade so he wouldn't be in any danger; Toff, Ry and Tory had seats next to that. All of them could watch the Council meeting from the balcony usually reserved for a vid crew.

Three extra chairs were lined up behind them, making Toff wonder if others were coming. "Remember, Toff, someone will come for you and for Nissa if your testimony is required," Drake tousled Toff's hair. "Don't worry about anything, just speak the truth. Roff will be here with you soon, and Shadow Grey will bring Nissa shortly." The Falchani twins left them alone and went to tend to other business, but Toff's question had been answered; Roff, Nissa and Shadow Grey would occupy the extra seats.

"We've only been here once before, when Haldis and Sark were sentenced," Ry whispered to Toff and Trik. "Normally we're not allowed, and we don't get to attend the Inner Circle meetings either, unless Mom says it's all right."

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