Home > Vendetta (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #4)(14)

Vendetta (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #4)(14)
Author: Connie Suttle

"If we don't hire him, the shapeshifter has another interview in Missouri," Winkler said, dipping a chunk of lobster in warm butter before eating it. "Lissa used to tease me about eating two lobsters."

"So she really was rare," Ashe observed. He remembered Winkler telling him that female vampires were extremely rare.

"Only fifteen or sixteen like her," Winkler nodded. "And they married her off to Hancock's sire." Winkler didn't look happy about that. "He made her life miserable."

"An arranged marriage?" Adele asked. "I'm not surprised."

"Sold to the oldest and highest bidder, that's what I understand," Trajan grumbled. "Lissa saved my neck, once. I wish you could have seen that." He smiled at the memory. "Winkler was challenged outside the full moon, and the challenger wanted the Seconds to fight. Old Karl brought in a werewolf blademaster as his temporary Second, and I only fight with my hands." Trajan held up the hands in question—they were large and capable, but they'd never held a sword. "Lissa stepped in for me that night, and it was something to see," Trajan shook his head in amazement. "I wonder what happened to that video Hancock had? Thomas Williams was there as a witness, wearing a lapel camera Hancock provided."

"You know, I think you may have to tell me the whole story, sometime," Adele said. "You're making me curious."

"Any time," Trajan said.

"Lissa was the only vampire to be Pack," Trace explained when Ashe climbed out of Winkler's van later. "She saved the Grand Master's life, too."

"But if they married her off to an assassin, was she an assassin, too?"

"Ashe, walk with me a little way," Trace herded Ashe down the street while Adele stayed behind to talk with Winkler and Buck about the restaurant they were building.

"Lissa wasn't sanctioned by the Vampire Council when she was turned. Her sire didn't report it. That made her rogue. The Council sent Gavin Montegue after her. He hauled her in after watching her for a long time. She was working for Winkler, back then. The vamps almost killed her outright. Ashe, she had Elemaiyan blood. A quarter, if I understand right. She could mist and mindspeak. Gavin kept her on a short, tight leash, and they sent her out after the worst of the worst. That terrorist, Rahim Alif? She took him down. Several others, too, that Hancock or his successor, Bill Jennings, took credit for. And she took down the ringleader of all the Dark Elemaiyan vampires. I don't know that entire story. Winkler knows more, but he doesn't talk about it much. Somebody convinced her to go after another batch of bad ones after that. She died, killing them. Winkler wouldn't talk to anyone for a month after she was killed. Her grave is in Oklahoma, but there's nobody in it."

"Because vampires turn to ash when they die."

"Yeah. Let's go back. It's dark and I figure your dad will be out and about soon."

"He already is; I hear him talking to Nathan," Ashe said.

* * *

"I got a good feel for the restaurant tonight," Adele told Ashe's father when they met him outside the house; they'd walked around to get home. "The lobster was really good, too."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Aedan slipped an arm around Adele's shoulders. "Walk with me for a little tonight, my love."

Ashe walked into the house, watching as his parents strolled down the street, their arms around one another.

* * *

"We got a hit on the kid's email," Matt Michaels was on the phone the moment Winkler walked inside his temporary home.

"Did you get anything?"

"Oh, we got something, all right. I forwarded it to you. I'll wait while you get into it and we'll talk."

"Trajan, Trace, take a walk," Winkler jerked his head at his Second and chief of bodyguards. Both of them hurried from the house. Winkler settled in with his laptop and pulled up a private email account. He opened the message Matt forwarded immediately.

Hello, I am Ashe's grandfather, the message began. This message is for you and not my grandson. Never fear, you will not trace this sending. The boy must be protected. The Bright Queen and Dark King are only now learning what he is, and his life may be forfeit if they can devise a way to take it. Guard him closely if you value your lives and your planet—R.

Winkler cursed, then slammed his fist on the desk in anger and frustration before cursing again.

"I feel the same way," Matt Michaels offered dryly. "And that Wildrif nut? He's probably with those homicidal idiots now, telling them anything they want to know."

"We need to find them. I don't look forward to doing it a second time, but it probably needs to be done. In secret, if at all possible."

"I know. I want to get Ezekiel Tanner out of the way, too. He's still out there, according to Jack Howard."

"I'll be in D.C. next week, Matt. I'll bring the boy with me. We'll do some questioning, too. I want to find out as much as I can about Wildrif and the Elemaiya Tanner dealt with."

"Sounds good. I look forward to your visit."

Winkler ended the call with a heavy sigh. "Can things get any worse?" he mumbled to himself before going to find Trajan and Trace.

* * *

"The source says his father guards the community and his son is never far away," Baltis said. "Therefore, we will gather a few of our own and go after his father very soon. Wildrif will tell us where the father is and we will go after him. I suspect that they may move the child to keep him away from the others. They surely know he has been our target all along."

"That sounds logical, my King," the guard bowed low before Baltis. "Let me know when you wish to strike and we will go at a moment's notice."

"I depend upon you to do so." Baltis waved the guard away. "I must think for a while. Bring Wildrif to me tomorrow. The later, the better."

"Of course, my King."

* * *

Adele was frightened when the courier knocked on the door early Saturday morning. Signing for the letter with shaking hands, she closed the door quickly and leaned against it. Thankful that she didn't have to make breakfast for Winkler's crew, she reread the return address before making her way into the kitchen. A postal box in London was listed as the sender. Adele knew what that meant. The Council had sent something for Aedan. Shoving it inside a drawer when she heard Ashe walking downstairs, Adele put on a brave face and began preparing breakfast.

"What do you have planned today, honey?" Adele asked as she put a plate of eggs and toast in front of him.

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