Home > Here Be Sexist Vampires (Deep In Your Veins #1)(20)

Here Be Sexist Vampires (Deep In Your Veins #1)(20)
Author: Suzanne Wright

“Lots of vampires have consorts.”

“I know,” I said bitterly.

“You were one,” he realised.

“I won’t be again. If I slept with you when you’re the kind of person who has three women at your beck and call for sex then I’d feel no better than them.”

Jared ran a hand through his chestnut hair, releasing a breath with a long puff. “Sam, I -”

“Let’s just not talk about it anymore, alright. It would have been stupid to shag when we’ve got to work together anyway.”

Jared shrugged. “Okay, we won’t talk about it.”

I nodded and paced toward the door. Just as I reached it, I heard Jared’s voice in my head.

But you’ll still want me. And I’ll still want you. That won’t change.

Life’s full of changes, I replied as Fletcher unlocked the office door and I waltzed out.


A loud grunt escaped me when I sank into my office chair. I looked around the office at the mess that the scuffle, to put it lightly, had left in its path. Broken cabinets. Cracks in the plaster of the walls. Documents scattered everywhere.

Then my gaze fell on the spot on the floor where only moments ago I’d had Sam underneath me; my mouth on hers, my hands in her hair, teasing her tongue with my own, and tasting her skin. I’ll never know how I managed to reign myself in and not skate my hands over every single part of her; my control had completely shred when that blast of heat circulated through me on just kissing her. It’d felt even better than I’d imagined it would. She had felt even better than I’d imagined.

Then she had pushed me away.

Obviously she’d had to put up with a lot of shit from her Sire – that got me pissed. Sure it made sense that she wouldn’t want to be another consort if things had been that crap in the past. But I had the feeling that there was more to it than that. The emotion in her voice...It was like she didn’t like that I had consorts and didn’t want there to be anyone else. Could it actually be that she wanted me to herself? Maybe. I wouldn’t want to share her with anyone else whether it was casual sex or not.

Internally I slapped myself, wanting to stop stressing over a woman and hoping to just blank it all out for now. But I could still smell her on me. Still feel the burning that the heat of the moment had left behind. Still taste her skin on my tongue. And I knew then that I’d never be able to be around her without wanting her. Not great.


Fuck. Twat. Shit. Crap. Bollocks.

Each profanity burst through my mind as I clambered out of bed. I’d only been awake for ten seconds and a flashback of what had happened with Jared was all over me! Wasn’t everything supposed to feel better and clearer after a good sleep? If that was a rule, I was clearly an exception to it.

Two red grape flavoured NSTs later and I still felt like I’d spontaneously self-combust any second now. Maybe I should go back to bed. It’s not like the recruits had any intention of showing up at the arena anyway. I’d then have to set their backsides alight and I seriously doubted that Antonio would be okay with that.

Three pounding knocks on the door made me jump. “Sam, luv, it’s me.”

Fletcher. If anyone was capable of pulling me out of my irate state it was Fletch with his relaxed personality and funny ways. I opened the door to find him stood there with his hands on his hips and an eyebrow arched. “Um-hmm.”


“I knew you’d procrastinate,” he said as he shrugged past me and marched through the apartment. Not exactly the relaxed, humorous bloke I was expecting.

Confused, I raced after him and found him in my bedroom flicking through one of my now full wardrobes. I’d unpacked my bags last night in pretty much a daze so I doubted that it was well organised.

Seconds later Fletcher thrust an outfit into my arms. “Dressed, lady, now.”

“I’m quite capable of picking myself something to wear, thanks. And since when do you have this right to order me about?”

“Since you and Jared had a fumble and you now want to hide in your room.” His expression dared me to deny it.

“We did not have a fumble. It was just a kiss.”

“So that’s why you’re so uptight? You didn’t actually get to the fumbling.”

“I’m not uptight.” We both giggled since my tone had contradicted my words. “Believe me when I say that I do not want a fumble with Jared, I think he’s a sexist pig.”

“That’s the thing, luv, I don’t believe you and there’s really no point in telling me porky pies because I’m an Empath.”

Oh. Empaths could sense the emotions of people near to them, which meant he’d been able to sense how much I’d wanted Jared last night. Suddenly I felt extremely vulnerable and embarrassed.

“Look, luv, I know it’s not my place to say, but I’m going to say it anyway – and I say this with love – you’re being a silly little mare if you’re going to hide from some bloke.”

“It’s not just Jared, alright,” I said tiredly as my bottom sunk into the bed. “The recruits wouldn’t come to training yesterday. They don’t think they need my help.”

“They’re Jared’s arrogant spawn, that’s why. Listen, you can’t take it personally. Blokes never like taking orders off women, especially if those women are more powerful than they are. Like you, they’ve escaped the hold of their Sires and their past and they’re making the most of it. Plus, they’re probably stuck up their own arses too just because they got picked for the legion, thinking they’re too sexy for their shirts.”

Fletcher said more but I’d stopped listening; certain things he had said were stringing together in my mind and an idea was slowly forming. A triumphant grin must have surfaced on my face because Fletcher looked at me oddly.

“What?” he said dubiously. At some point he’d sat beside me on the bed while I was in deep thought.

I kissed his cheek. “You’re a genius, that’s what.”

I relayed my little plan to Fletcher while I slipped on the outfit he had selected for me: a tight pink vest and pair of tight white khakis (most things he had picked me were tight). As the vest never quite reached my hips and the khakis hung just below them, this left a belt of bare skin on show – enough so that my belly button silver diamond ring could be seen.

“Well you’ll certainly get the recruits’ attention,” said Fletcher approvingly as he examined my appearance. “And once you put your creative plan in place they’ll be on their knees begging for forgiveness and your help.”

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