Home > Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(68)

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(68)
Author: Christine Feehan

"Zev and his pack will defend them as long as the rogues are in the vicinity," Fen said. "They're sworn to hunt the rogues and bring them to justice."

"Will they be more interested in actively hunting the werewolves, or protecting our children?" Gregori asked.

Mikhail shrugged. "We will protect our own children with or without them. I have much to consider before we call a full council of warriors. I want to meet with Zev as soon as possible, meet his pack and get them to take an invitation back to their council to meet with us. As soon as we have an answer, if it's positive, I'll call in the others."

Mikhail turned back to the thick bloodred crystal, still pulsing with light. "I thank my ancestors for their kindness in making the journey to be with us and help guide us through these difficult times. Be well and go with honor."

The giant columns sang for a moment, colors shifting throughout the strange aurora borealis effect, shimmering and slowly fading away.

Fen heard the dripping of water and bubbling of the hot mud, and the breathing of his companions. More, he could feel the pulse and heartbeat of the mountain itself. Below them, he felt the pull of the magma pools. There was a rhythm here he felt in his own veins. Something about the sacred cave had only added to his acute senses, heightening them even more. Was he still evolving as he'd considered earlier?

Or your connection with Mother Earth has granted you even more gifts.

Why had he ever thought Tatijana wouldn't catch those alarmed thoughts? He took her hand, pulling it to his chest over his heart. Her explanation was delivered in her casual, matter-of-fact tone.

"My lifemate, Raven, would love to meet you, Fen. After battles and solemn ceremonies and rituals, it would be good for everyone to just relax. She thought it would be nice to bring everyone together for a celebration of sorts," Mikhail said. "I realize you're probably exhausted, but she rarely asks for anything so . . ."

"A celebration sounds lovely," Tatijana said instantly.

Her fingers tightened around Fen's. He could feel her eagerness.

A celebration. A party. I can visit with Natalya and get to know her. Bronnie might even rise for this. She's not as outgoing as I am. She's a better warrior, but she's shy around so many people. I'm afraid she won't ever come out of the earth. Tatijana smiled at him. Wouldn't it be great if there was music? Dancing? I love dancing.

"Will it be safe for everyone with two of the Sange rau so close? And a werewolf pack?" Natalya asked.

"I doubt if even Abel would be crazy enough to attack the Carpathians when all are present," Mikhail said. "But we will certainly hold our celebration in a safe, well-defensible place and have safeguards."

Natalya and Tatijana smiled at each other. Above their heads, Vikirnoff and Fen sent one another a quick grin.

"It's settled then," Mikhail said. "Next rising, we'll have a little fun."

Chapter 14

Rain had fallen during the daylight hours, but that steady fall had only freshened the night air so that colors appeared vivid and clean. Leaves on the trees shimmered as Fen and Tatijana walked through the forest together toward the cave where the celebration was to be held. Fen found himself looking around him in a kind of wonder as if everything was new and he'd never seen it before.

Walking hand in hand with Tatijana always made him feel amazing, somebody-a family man. She would always know him like no other, and yet for him, he knew she would be a mystery he would take centuries to try to solve. How could one woman wipe out centuries of utter loneliness? How could she take away all the deaths, the friends he'd had to kill?

He walked with her slowly, savoring every step. Moss grew in chartreuse and lime curls up the tree trunks and over stones. He marveled he could distinguish the difference between the colors. The sky was so clear it appeared midnight blue, the scattered stars a wondrous collection of thousands of gems sparkling overhead. As they passed scattered bunches of flowers, Tatijana's sandal-covered feet skirting the edges of the beds, the night flowers unfolded their petals in tribute to her.

"You're magical, my lady," he said. "Absolutely magical."

Tatijana moved closer to him, fitting beneath his shoulder. "There's nothing magical about me, wolf man, but I'm glad you think there is."

He brought her fingers to the warmth of his mouth. She looked especially beautiful, dressed in a long flowing gown for dancing, just in case, she'd told him laughingly. She was definitely dancing tonight even if he was the one providing the music.

"I'm sorry you couldn't persuade your sister to come with us," Fen said. She'd tried hard to talk Branislava into rising just for a few hours, but to no avail. Tatijana had accepted her sister's decision, but she'd been disappointed. She missed her. He could feel that ache in her growing.

"She'll come out in her own good time. She's much fiercer than I am in a lot of ways, and yet she's always had a difficult time talking to others. Xavier, our father, really worked at keeping us afraid and under his thumb. He had a lot of psychological tricks. Bronnie always tried to shield me and she got the worst of everything."

"She was genuinely happy for you. Finding your lifemate. I could feel it," Fen said.

"She would be. She's like that. She may still come tonight. She didn't exactly say no. Bronnie does things her way. She wants to see Natalya and Razvan, that's my nephew, Natalya's brother. I told Bronnie I didn't think Razvan was close by, but just getting to know Natalya is a priceless gift."

They slowed their steps as they approached the edge of the forest, just at the base of the mountain, drawing out their time alone together.

"I gave her as much information on the rogue packs, elite hunters, Mikhail's concerns and everything else I could think of when she asked for it," Fen said. "She was adamant that I give her my blood."

"I expected her to insist," Tatijana said. "She's protective of me. All we had was each other for centuries." She gave him a little nervous half smile. "Do you really think I look all right?"

She had dressed with such care and changed her mind twice before settling on the long gown. She'd put her thick hair in a long braid and then put it up in an intricate knot. She'd taken that down and now it was partly up and partly down, in a knot but with loops of braids.

"You look so beautiful you take my breath away," he said sincerely. "You have no need to be nervous tonight, Tatijana. No one can hold a candle to you."

He was surprised at her vulnerability. She'd never really shown that side of herself before. She fought the rogue pack with him, stood up to Gregori and entered the sacred cave of warriors fully prepared to do battle on his behalf. She had even seemed sure of herself in the tavern, dancing and ignoring the rough crowd. Now, going to a celebration with her fellow Carpathians, she was anxious.

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