Home > Ruthless Game (GhostWalkers #9)(74)

Ruthless Game (GhostWalkers #9)(74)
Author: Christine Feehan

Sebastian laughed and cooed at her. She loved his bright eyes and the instant response. He rarely cried, watching her and Kane with his intelligent eyes. She leaned down to kiss his foot. “You’re such a happy baby,” she told him.

Sebastian’s gaze shifted from her face to look just over her left shoulder. His eyes went wide and staring, and his mouth opened in a silent scream. Rose rolled away from the baby, trying to get her feet under her. A dark shadow loomed over her, caught her by her hair, and threw her forward so that she landed hard a few feet away, sprawling facedown again. The moment she hit the floor, she rolled under the bed and out the other side, leaping to her feet and grabbing for the knife she kept on the nightstand.

A second man appeared in the doorway, scooping up Sebastian, who stiffened and began to wail at the top of his lungs, kicking and squirming, fighting the large hands of his kidnapper.

As Rose rushed around the bed, the first man caught her by her ankle and yanked. As she went down, he slammed into her back with the force of a linebacker, knocking the wind from her body. She felt a sharp sting in the side of her neck, and the man caught her body up and tossed her over his shoulder.

She hit his back with her head, unable to move. The knife dropped from her hand, the tip sinking into the floor. It wobbled back and forth for a long, strange, slow-motion moment, and then everything went black.

Chapter 15

“Keep going,” John Baily snapped, his face a stern mask.

Kane wiped the sweat from his forehead where it was dripping down to sting his eyes. He glanced at Eric. The doctor leaned against the wall staring into space, paying no attention to the therapist torturing him. Everything hurt. He could barely breathe, and he wasn’t altogether certain he could keep going. Was that the point? Were they trying to drive home to him that he was still weak?

He ignored Baily and stalked across the room to snatch up a towel. Gideon leaned against the wall regarding him with worried eyes.

“Tell him to go to hell,” he suggested. “He’s a sadist.”

“I haven’t even been working ten minutes,” Kane said, slightly ashamed. “He’s got me going up the ropes over and over, and my gut just can’t take it yet.”

“This is a bullshit workout, and you know it,” Gideon said. “I think Eric went to sleep, or he’d be all over this guy.”

Lights began flashing throughout the workout room.

Gideon turned and ran for the door, Kane following on his heels. The silent alarm had to have been triggered by one of the team; no one else knew about it.

Two Ghosts coming out of Kane’s house. They both carry a precious package. Javier’s voice filled their minds. Steady. Cool. Lethal.

Gideon broke off and went up the stairs two at a time. He could serve them better from the roof. He would be their eyes and wouldn’t miss if he got a shot.

Kane could hear his blood roaring in his ears. He didn’t have to be told what those precious packages were. How the hell had they gotten in without triggering the alarm? Mack met him on the stairs and threw him a gun. He knew the other team members would be pouring into the street, onto the roof, and would be ready to go mobile if their prey somehow managed to get through the gauntlet of team members.

Whitney’s two men burst out of the warehouse, running for the waiting SUV. It was dark with tinted windows and should have been running. Instead, all four tires were slashed and the engine was off. The man with the baby tore open the passenger door, looked inside to see the driver slumped over the wheel, his throat a mass of blood. Swearing, he slammed the door, and the two men took off running for the docks.

I’ve got eyes on them, Ethan reported. He was on the roof of the second building, already making his sweep for enemies. Heading for the docks. He caught sight of Gideon running across the warehouse roof toward the ocean side. A movement on the roof of the building across the street sent a chill through him. Gideon, drop! Drop!

Gideon threw himself flat as a bullet spit into vent housing, missing his head by a scant inch.

Damn it, Gideon. Are you hit? I don’t have a shot. I can’t take the shot. Lucas? Again it was Ethan. Fucking fog.

He hadn’t heard the shot, but there was no doubt one of Whitney’s sharpshooters had gained the roof of the apartment building, where they were most vulnerable. It wasn’t a long shot by any means and easily a silencer could be used without fear of losing accuracy.

Shoot that bastard, Ethan, Gideon snapped, keeping down. He couldn’t help, pinned down as he was.

I’ve got him, Lucas Atherton announced calmly. The sound of the shot cut through the drifting fog. He’s down.

The three men on the roof of the buildings scrambled to become the eyes for the team spreading out like wolves hunting on the ground. People walked along the street, moved through the fish market at the far end of the docks, and workers unloaded cargo along the docks. Traffic moved slowly, and the world seemed oblivious to the drama taking place on the street.

Javier, on a skateboard, dropped into position just a few yards from the fleeing men. He looked like any other teenager out for fun, sliding in and out of pedestrians with ease. He had spotted the SUV waiting in front of the warehouse and had taken a closer look before disposing of the driver.

Kane and Mack burst from the warehouse and ran together, weaving in and out of the pedestrians, sprinting fast. A bullet shattered the glass of a small bookstore, sending shards flying into the air and raining down onto the sidewalk and street. Several people screamed and began running.

Take a left, Top, through the alley. You’ll get around in front of them. Javier is closer to them, and Brian’s flanking them on their left. Gideon was as calm as ever.

Jacob’s closing in from the right, Lucas reported.

Get the shooter, Mack snapped.

Already done, Top, Ethan said as he took his shot. The shooter was in an apartment on the third floor, fifth window over. Ethan fired through the window, watching his bullet hit the target. He’s down. Sweeping now.

Paul and Marc are right behind you, Top, Gideon added.

Paul Mangan and Marc Lands were the best medics they had on their team. If Rose or the child were injured, it would be up to them to save them quickly.

They were surrounding the enemy, closing in fast.

Javier, take the one with the baby, and get him out of there.

On it, Top. Javier’s voice never changed.

He pushed hard with his foot, increasing the speed of his skateboard. He had let Whitney’s men see him when they came running out, dismissing him as a kid hanging out with his friends, trying new tricks. He’d studied them carefully, knew they were skilled and dangerous. The one he targeted held Sebastian in some kind of pack, leaving both arms free to carry his semiautomatic. The trick was not to try to outshoot them but to make certain his enemy never saw death coming.

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