Home > Phoenix Rising (The Kindred #5)(59)

Phoenix Rising (The Kindred #5)(59)
Author: Erica Stevens

"I came to see how you were doing and to see if you would like to come with us?"

"Am I in danger?" she demanded.

"No, this is probably the safest you've ever been. The safest we've all ever been," Chris assured her.

"Then why would I go with you?"

Cassie was half tempted to bite her, but she was fairly certain she'd get drunk from just one pull of her blood. "We probably won't be coming back," Chris informed her.

"I'm surprised you came back now, this has never really been your home. That," she nodded across the street. "Was always more of your home, with her."

Mary's upper lip curled as her gaze raked Cassie from head to toe. "I wanted to say goodbye," Chris said feebly.

"I thought you might even be dead," Mary continued as if he hadn't spoken.

"We survived."

Mary didn't bother to ask what they had survived as she took a step back. "Well, goodbye."

It took everything Cassie had to keep her displeasure hidden as Mary closed the door on them. Her hand tightened around Chris's as he stared mutely at the door before turning away. "Let's go home," he muttered.

Cassie would have done anything he asked to take away the kicked puppy look he had going on right now. The creak of the door caused her to turn back as Mary poked her head out again. "I'm glad you're ok," she said.

Chris perked up a little as he took a step back toward her. "I'm glad you're ok too."

"I'm happy you'll be safer now. Maybe... uh... maybe you could ah... call once in awhile."

"I will... Mom," Chris's voice broke a little as he ran his hand through his hair. "I promise."

"Good. Stay safe."

She retreated quickly and closed the door on them again. Cassie couldn't stop herself from smiling at him as she leaned against his side. He continued to stare at the closed door as if it were a portal to another world. "That's the nicest she's been in years."

"She does love you Chris, the best that she can."

"Yeah, I know."

"I love you," she told him as she bumped against his hip.

"I love you too, Solar."

She glowered at him as he finally smiled again. "I really don't like that one," she muttered as he laughed at her.

He took hold of her hand and led her into the cold. Devon and Julian were standing outside the RV and she could see the shadows of Melissa and Luther moving around within. Gabriel was sweetly curled up within Devon's arms, sucking on his thumb as he watched them approach. They'd decided it was best for the rest of the children stay with Annabelle and Liam on the lot of land, and farmhouse, they'd purchased in Canada. Gabriel had simply refused to remain behind and Cassie had been more than willing to bring him.

Cassie rose up to kiss Devon's cheek. He grinned down at her as Gabriel straightened up and began to play with the collar of his shirt. Though the child had been distrustful of both him and Julian in the beginning, he'd quickly become comfortable around the two of them. He'd taken to following them around almost as much as he followed her.

"Everything go ok?" Devon asked.

"Better than I'd expected," she replied honestly.

Chris climbed into the RV and immediately began to argue with Julian over who was going to drive the first leg of the trip back. Cassie rolled her eyes and Devon placed Gabriel in the RV as he began to squirm. He tottered over to where Julian sat and climbed into his lap. Gabriel wasn't even remotely intimidated by Julian's scowl as he pulled at Julian's ears. Cassie couldn't help but smile as Julian gave up on trying to appear daunting and started to bounce Gabriel on his knee.

Devon pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "That's good. How are you doing?"

She shrugged as she glanced back at the house that had been her home for so many years. There were hundreds of good memories there, but it had stopped being her home when her grandmother died, and she was ready to move on. Ready and excited to start this next journey in her life, or afterlife.

"I'm ready to go home," she told him.

He smiled as he drew her closer. "Me too."

She savored her last view of the house before she closed the door on the RV and locked it. Chris and Julian appeared to have lost the driving battle to Luther, who was sitting in the driver's seat. Devon pulled her into his lap and cuddled her against him as Luther pulled out of the drive. Cassie watched the town she'd loved, and grown up in, fade into the distance as she rested her head against his chest and let his soothing, powerful aura lull her into a peaceful sleep.


Cassie stood in the shadows of the living room and watched the children playing just beyond the window. The sound of their laughter warmed her deadened heart as they chased each other in circles. She adored their home here, and the vast amount of property gave her the opportunity to test her abilities without pushing herself to the point where she might lose control.

She was getting better at drawing on only the ability she wanted, when she wanted it, and controlling it. Devon had taught her how to hunt animals, and to know when it was time to release them before killing them so her hunger was more under control. It had been over four months since the last time she'd lost control and accidentally killed one.

Devon watched her as she remained hidden amongst the shadows, a small smile playing across her full lips. Though he knew she missed the sun, she didn't complain about it, and had taken to this life far better than he had expected.

Though, he felt that was mostly due to the fact that she'd found a home here. That she had discovered a peace in death that she'd never had in life. None of them knew what was to come, but she had managed to find a stability, love, and family here that she had stopped dreaming of years ago.

She had always been beautiful to him, but her newfound inner tranquility had made her a stronger and more vibrant woman. One that he was awed by, one that he was unbelievably proud to call his, and he found himself looking forward to every day of the eternity they would share together.

There would still be bumps in the road, but he found he was looking forward to those too, as he had no fear of what she would become anymore. He knew who and what she was now, and so did she. She was a force for good, and anyone that threatened that good, or any of her loved ones would have to deal with the consequences of that. Consequences he knew she would be able to come back from as she was learning to control her power, to use it justly, and to thrive on it while not being consumed by it.

He smiled as one of the children squealed and feet thudded past the window. "They're having fun."

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