Home > Reclamation (The Ravening #3)(39)

Reclamation (The Ravening #3)(39)
Author: Erica Stevens

Its nostrils flared and its eyes rolled toward me. My muscles quivered, I waited for it to knock Cade free and pounce on me. It remained relatively calm beneath him though as he placed a hand against its neck and began to rub it. "How are you doing that?" I asked.

"Years of practice," he answered flippantly.


"It's not mind control or anything like that. We simply have a way of calming things, it helps when we are hunting our prey. Perhaps it is our touch or maybe our voices that they enjoy so much." I could see that, as both his touch and voice had a way of making me do things too. I was certain the massive animal wasn't going to be as enthralled by my voice or touch though.

He took hold of my hand and pressed it to the corded muscles of the animal's neck. Admiration filled me as I stroked the lion's coarse coat and thick muscles. Its upper lip curled back to reveal canine's that I was certain would have made a sabre tooth proud. A loud snort escaped it as its snarl fell away and its eyes closed briefly.

I couldn't get enough of the animal as my hands roamed over its body. A smile spread across my lips as I lifted my head to look at Cade. The smile that curved his mouth wasn't as rare as it had once been, but it still melted my heart.

The cat snorted beneath him and my attention was drawn back to it as it yawned loudly and kicked one of its legs. "I'm going to let it up, do you think you can do what I did?"

My eyes flew to his; I inhaled sharply as I took in the massive animal. "I'm not strong enough..."

"You don't know that, not yet, and we have to learn just what it is that you might be capable of Bethany. I'll be right here and I won't let it attack you."

I believed him, but even so the thought of trying to wrestle down the massive animal was enough to make my bladder tighten and my head spin, but I was also curious to find out if I could do it and surprised by the fact that the curiosity appeared to be winning. This was a lot different than a deer; this animal could get me before I even had a chance to blink.

"Are you ready?" he inquired.

I studied the animal before finally forcing myself to nod. "I'm ready."

I wasn't but if I thought about it, I wouldn't do it at all. Cade hesitated before releasing the animal's powerful neck and launching himself to his feet. The cat was almost as quick as Cade was as corded muscles hunched and it shoved itself to its feet in one mighty push.

There is no place for fear here, I told myself. I became completely still as I allowed my mind and body to focus inward in search of the power that flowed through me like Cade had instructed me to. The world around me became completely still, the sounds of the birds and the insects within the woods faded away to nothing as an almost complete deafness took me over.

It was strange and a little unnerving to have the sudden calm of Cade's DNA asserting itself over my body. Maybe it was because he had given me more of his blood last night, but I found it far easier to focus on that part of myself than I had anticipated. My fingers tingled as something within me, something that he had given to me, came to life.

I could hear the animal's heartbeat and feel the air particles as they drifted around me in the hushed world. The animal shook its head as I raced forward and grabbed hold of it. I felt the shudder that rocked the lion as I wrapped my arms around its thick neck and flung myself to the side as Cade had.

The formidable animal rolled with me but I knew immediately that I wasn't going to win as thick muscles bunched beneath my hand and my grip was effortlessly torn free of it. I barely dodged the massive paw that swiped at my face as I bounced across the ground. A startled cry escaped me as teeth filled my vision and the mountain lion came at me with every intention of ripping me open and feasting on my insides.

I was certain I was about to die when Cade threw himself in front of me and caught the animal in mid leap. Struggling to my feet, I braced myself to help him, but he already had the wild creature shoved away from him and his arms open as he stood before me.

The massive cat's tail twitched in annoyance as it licked its lips, but it didn't come at me again. Obviously while I looked like an easy, tasty treat, Cade was a lot more off putting as the creature slinked back into the woods. Cade waited a moment, his head turned as he followed the cat's progress through the woods.

He glanced at me over his shoulder. "Are you ok?"

I wiped at the dirt smeared across my ass as I took stock of my body. I was a little sore but all my insides were still intact and I was standing so that was a good thing. "Pride's a little bruised, but otherwise I'm fine."

There it was again, that smile that used to be so rare but could light up a room and melt my heart. I couldn't help but return it as he lowered his arms to his sides and turned to face me. "We'll stick to deer from now on," he assured me.

I didn't exactly relish the idea of taking down Bambi on a consistent basis, but it was far more preferable than trying to take down a mountain lion again. Something I wasn't about to try a second time. "I may be different, but I'm not as strong or as quick as you."

"No, you're not" he agreed.

"That means that maybe my blood could be used to help others."

He groaned as he slid his hand into mine. "We'll see what Bishop has to say on it and if there's any way he can take a look at your blood again."

With unerring ease he led the way through the woods. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"To find Bishop and the others."

"How do you know they're this way?"

He flashed a grin at me as he touched his nose. "I can smell them."

"Well that's an interesting little talent."

He pulled me against his side and kissed the top of my head. "You have much to learn little grasshopper."

I couldn't help but laugh as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel the solid ridges of his abdomen as it flexed and bunched with each step that he took. Reaching out, he pushed aside a tree branch to reveal the backyards of a neighborhood I hadn't known was there. "What are they doing here?" I asked.

"Bishop's looking for something that he can make to use on the ship."

"Cade, do you really intend to go on that ship?"

He stopped walking and turned to face me. "If it means keeping you alive than yes, I do."

"And what about you?" I asked in a choked voice.

"I'll be fine."

He went to turn away but I grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him back. "I'm going with you."

The old Cade returned in an instant as his face became as hard as granite. "No."

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