Home > Enchanters' End Game (The Belgariad #5)(73)

Enchanters' End Game (The Belgariad #5)(73)
Author: David Eddings

"I thought not," 'Zakath told him. "It's been my experience that the failure of people to do what's expected of them is the result of poor leadership. It appears that you've not taken the trouble to encourage your men to be brave. That was a serious oversight on your part, Gethell."

"Forgive me, dread 'Zakath," the King of the Thulls wailed, falling to his knees in terror.

"But of course I forgive you, my dear fellow," 'Zakath told him. "How absurd of you to think that I wouldn't. A reprimand of some sort is in order, though, don't you think?"

"I freely accept full responsibility," Gethell declared, still on his knees.

"Splendid, Gethell. Absolutely splendid. I'm so glad that this interview is going so well. We've managed to avoid all kinds of unpleasantness." He turned to the attendant. "Would you be so good as to take King Gethell out and have him flogged?" he asked.

"At once, your Imperial Majesty."

Gethell's eyes started from his head as the two soldiers dragged him to his feet.

"Now," 'Zakath mused. "What do we do with him after we've flogged him?" He thought a moment. "Ah, I know. Is there any stout timber in the vicinity?"

"It's all open grassland, your Imperial Majesty."

"What a pity." 'Zakath sighed. "I was going to have you crucified, Gethell, but I suppose I'll have to forgo that. Perhaps an extra fifty lashes will serve as well."

Gethell began to blubber.

"Oh, come now, my dear fellow, that just won't do. You are a king, after all, and you absolutely must provide a good example for your men. Run along now. I have guests. One hopes that the sight of your public flogging will give your troops greater incentive to do better. They'll reason that if I'd do that to you, then what I'll do to them will be infinitely worse. When you recover, encourage them in that belief, because the next time this happens, I'll have made arrangements to have the necessary timber on hand. Take him away," he said to his men without so much as a glance over his shoulder.

"Forgive me for the interruption, your Highness," he apologized. "These little administrative details consume so much of one's time." The King of the Thulls was dragged sobbing from the pavilion. "I've ordered a small supper for you and your friends, Princess Ce'Nedra," 'Zakath continued. "All the finest delicacies. Then I'll make arrangements for the absolute comfort of you and your companions."

"I hope that this won't offend your Imperial Majesty," Ce'Nedra began bravely, "but one is curious about your plans in regard to our future."

"Please set your mind at rest, your Highness," 'Zakath replied in his dead-sounding voice. "Word has reached me that the madman, Taur Urgas, is dead. I will never be able to repay you for that service, and I bear you absolutely no ill will whatsoever." He glanced toward one corner of his tent where his cat, purring ecstatically, was lying on her back in Errand's lap with all four paws in the air. The smiling child was gently stroking her furry belly. "How charming," 'Zakath murmured in an oddly melancholy voice.

Then the Emperor of boundless Mallorea rose and approached the divan where Durnik supported Lady Polgara. "My Queen," he said, bowing to her with profound respect. "Your beauty quite transcends all reports."

Polgara opened her eyes and gave him a level gaze. A wild hope leaped in Ce'Nedra's heart. Polgara was conscious.

"You are courteous, my Lord," Polgara told him in a weak voice.

"You are my queen, Polgara," 'Zakath told her, "and I can now understand my God's ages-old longing for you." He sighed then as his apparently habitual melancholy descended upon him once again.

"What are you going to do with us?" Durnik asked, his arms still holding Polgara protectively.

'Zakath sighed again. "The God of my people is not a good or kindly God," he told the smith. "If the arranging of things had been left to me, all might have been different. I was not consulted, however. I am Angarak, and I must bow to the will of Torak. The sleep of the Dragon God grows fitful, and I must obey his commands. Though it wounds me deeply, I must turn you and your companions over to the Grolims. They will deliver you up to Zedar, disciple of Torak in Cthol Mishrak, City of Night, where he will decide your fate."

Part Three - MALLOREA

Chapter Nineteen

THEY REMAINED FOR nearly a week in the Imperial compound as the personal guests of the Emperor 'Zakath, who for some strange reason seemed to take a melancholy pleasure in their company. Quarters were provided for them within the labyrinth of silken tents and pavilions that sheltered 'Zakath's household staff, and their every comfort received the personal attention of the Emperor himself.The strange, sad-eyed man puzzled Princess Ce'Nedra. Although he was the absolute soul of courtesy, the memory of his interview with King Gethell frightened her. His ruthlessness was all the more chilling because he never lost his temper. He never seemed to sleep either, and when, often in the middle of the night, he felt some obscure need for conversation, he would send for Ce'Nedra. He never apologized for having interrupted her rest. It apparently did not even occur to him that his summons might in some way inconvenience her.

"Where did King Rhodar receive his military training?" 'Zakath asked her during one of these midnight interviews. "None of my information about him even hints about any such talent." The Emperor was seated deep in the purple cushions of a soft chair with golden candlelight playing over his face and his cat dozing in his lap.

"I really couldn't say, your Majesty," Ce'Nedra replied, toying absently with the sleeve of the pale silk gown that had been provided for her soon after her arrival. "I only met Rhodar last winter."

"Very peculiar," 'Zakath mused. "We had always assumed that he was just a foolish old man doting on his young wife. We had never even considered him a possible threat. We concentrated our attentions on Brand and Anheg. Brand is too self effacing to be a good leader, and Anheg seemed too erratic to give us much concern. Then Rhodar appeared out of nowhere to take charge of things. The Alorns are an enigma, aren't they? How can a sensible Tolnedran girl stand them?"

She smiled briefly. "They have a certain charm, your Majesty," she told him rather pertly.

"Where is Belgarion?" The question came without any warning. ''

"We don't know, your Majesty," Ce'Nedra answered evasively. "Lady Polgara was furious when he slipped away."

"In the company of Belgarath and Kheldar," the Emperor added."We heard of the search for them. Tell me, Princess, does he by any chance have Cthrag Yaska with him?"

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