Home > Taken (The Vampire Legends #2)(11)

Taken (The Vampire Legends #2)(11)
Author: Emma Knight

He pulled out his paintbrush, dipped it into a midnight black shade of paint and touched his brush to the canvas. As he sat there painting the night sky, he became inspired. Hunter knew exactly what he could do to keep Violet in his good graces.

Chapter Eight

Hunter’s brush was flying across the canvas as he created his masterpiece of darkness. The teacher walked by in astonishment at his work. He couldn’t believe how fast Hunter had painted this piece and how much of the lesson he had absorbed and used in his work.

Hunter looked at the big black and white clock that hung on the wall above the door. It said 3:30pm, which meant he only had fifteen more minutes until class was over and until he would meet back up with Violet.

He sat there watching his artwork dry as thoughts of his conversation with Benji flashed through his mind. He was trying to recall exactly what Benji told him so he would know how to face Violet. He hoped she hadn’t heard everything but feared she had.

The bell rang. Hunter packed up his bag and walked out the door on his way to Violet’s dorm room. He knew his plan would work, which made him less worried about the outcome of their meeting.

Hunter got to the top of the fourth floor of her dorm and walked down the hall. As he walked, girls on either side stopped what they were doing and stared at him. Humans. He’d seen this reaction in them before. There was something about him that attracted them to him like a magnet. They all openly stared, and wouldn’t look away. But he wasn’t interested in any of them.

Hunter stood there, in front of Violet’s door, waiting for her to open it. He heard her footsteps coming close to the door as she swung the door open. She stood there alone in the doorway, motioning for him to come in with her pointer.

“Hey Violet,” Hunter said in a kind voice.

“Hunter, glad you came back. That was smart of you,” Violet said in a creepy tone.

“Listen, let’s get to the bottom of this.”

“Oh, don’t you worry. We will get to the bottom of this. Benji should never have disobeyed the ancient code and he will pay for it.”

“What do you mean he will pay for it?”

“That Rachel girl he likes so much-- we will have to bring her down. We can’t have anyone knowing our secret. It’s too risky.”

“Take her down?”

“Yeah, take her down…terminate her. What don’t you get about that, Hunter?”

“You can’t do that. You have to promise me you won’t kill her.”

“And why can’t I?” Violet said.

Hunter thought for a moment and then said, “You can’t kill her. If you kill her, Benji will kill himself.”

“He will not, he’ll be fine,” Violet said.

Hunter knew the powers that Violet had, and he knew she was backed by the Greslins, an evil pack of vampires that lived at Mount Pines. He knew if he were on her bad side she would make his life a living hell.

“Listen, Violet, there’s no need to go terminating anyone. Benji made a mistake -- but that doesn’t mean you have to go killing this poor human. She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“She heard the secret, that’s what she did wrong. How do you think she is supposed to live knowing our ancient code? If she keeps it bottled up inside, one day she will surely have to tell someone.”

Hunter knew the only thing he could do was make a pass at her. He knew that all Violet wanted in this world was to be loved by Hunter. She had tried to be with him many times before, but Hunter had rejected her. He figured that if it would keep her quiet, he would at least pretend he liked her.

“Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?” Hunter said, changing the subject and gazing into Violet’s eyes.

Hunter watched as Violet’s demeanor shifted. She became soft and let herself smile.

“My eyes?” Violet said.

“Yeah, you are beautiful,” Hunter said, trying to keep a straight face.

Hunter walked close to her and grabbed her hand. He could feel Violet’s body begin to relax. She grabbed his hand and pulled him down onto the couch. Hunter looked at Violet, and before he knew it, the two had locked lips and were making out.

He felt her tongue in his mouth and her cold hands going up his shirt. He didn’t want to think about what was happening. Hunter would have never predicted that his day would end up like this when he woke up this morning.

All of a sudden, Violet sat up and buttoned her shirt and motioned for Hunter to hide.

“Hurry, they’re coming,” Violet said.

“Who? Who’s coming?” Hunter said, trying to pull himself together.

“The Greslins. I hear them approaching the dorm. We have a meeting tonight and they will be here any minute. You have to leave. I can’t let them see you here.”

Hunter felt a sense of relief knowing that she was kicking him out of her room. He didn’t want their kissing to go any further.

“Come back tomorrow,” Violet said. “I’ll forget what I heard today if you come back to me.”

Hunter heard the desperation in her voice, and knew he had gotten himself into deep, deep trouble.

Chapter Nine

Rachel sat quietly in the back of her family’s station wagon on her way to school. She was thankful it was Friday, because she needed this week to end. Rachel’s mind jumped from thinking about her punishment, to trying to come up with a way to go out with her friends, to thoughts of Benji.

Sarah was sitting in the back seat with her, and her younger brother Mark was sitting shotgun. Rachel saw her sister take out her notebook and begin to write something.

A moment later, Sarah tapped Rachel on the leg and handed her a piece of paper. Rachel looked at Sarah and then down at the paper and began to read.

So, I tried talking to M & D late last night. They were still pretty pissed but I think they’re going to soften. I told them that their punishment didn’t fit the crime and that you really didn’t do anything wrong. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Eventually they started to see things my way. So I don’t know what that means for you in terms of your punishment, but you should talk to them again. They might lessen it. Hope that helps! Luv Ya Sis. XOXO

Rachel folded the note up and looked over at Sarah. She didn’t want to be too obvious since her mom was only inches away in the front seat driving the car. Rachel gave Sarah a thumbs-up and mouthed “Thank You” with a huge smile.

As the car pulled up to the front of the school, Rachel waited for both of her siblings to get out before she opened the door. She knew she had a better chance of talking to her mom if she were alone in the car.

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