Home > Chosen (The Vampire Legends #4)(28)

Chosen (The Vampire Legends #4)(28)
Author: Emma Knight

As she approached Manhattan she could see the Statue of Liberty in all her glory, she could also see the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building in the distance. She knew she was close now; she could feel it in her bones. She flew up the west side of Manhattan up the Hudson River and was blown away, once again by the beauty beneath her. The sights and sounds below her were astonishing. It was like everything she’d ever seen in the movies and read in books but magnified. She felt alive again. She felt the energy and life of the city pulse through her veins and she felt like she had the power and strength to do anything. To conquer anything. It was a good feeling to have, especially now that she was only minutes away from reuniting with the Red Amulet.

She turned east and headed into midtown. She passed Radio City Music Hall and knew that while it was still early, in just weeks the holiday spirit would be starting to infuse the air and the people below her. As she headed towards St. Patrick’s Cathedral she passed Rockefeller Center. The tree would soon be there, under scaffolding, ready to be lit. The ice rink would be in full swing as skaters spun in circles below and the sound of holiday music filled the air.

It was Rachel’s favorite time of year. She had so many great memories of Christmas and the entire holiday season that it made her long for her days back in Pennsylvania before this madness happened. She missed her simple life of celebrating Christmas with her family and extended family. She missed them dearly but knew she couldn’t go back. Not now. Not ever. She had a new life now and she would have to start making new traditions of her own. She couldn’t go back she could only move forward.

She looked down for a spot to land and decided not to land on the street below. It was way too crowded with tourists and she knew it would draw attention to the fact that she dropped from the sky. She saw the two turrets that flanked the church and headed towards one of them. She flew quickly as she fell out of the clouds so as not to draw attention to herself. She landed on one of the turrets and then sat there a few minutes to catch her breath. She heard some screams down below of people that saw her land. She hid in hopes that she wouldn’t get caught.

“Up there. Get her!” a voice shouted from below.

The sounds of sirens began and quickly filled the air. There were flashing blue, white and red police lights that started to light up the ground below and after a few minutes, Rachel saw a chopper coming with a bright search light which was shining up the ground and the church around her.

She knew she had to think fast before they caught her. She quickly scaled the peaks of the church and jumped into the bell tower. She knew she would be safe there until the lights went away. She hid under the bell for what felt like an hour before the search lights died down and the ground below became quiet again. She then came out of her hiding spot, scaled down the side of the cathedral and walked in through the entrance.

She was surprised to see the entire church was packed. Ever pew had a person in it, and was full of people shoulder to shoulder. There was barely room to stand, let alone find a seat to sit down. Rachel could wait anymore. She had to find the Red Amulet. Time was ticking and she couldn’t just watch this service and let time go by without saving Benji.

She quickly pushed by throngs of onlookers and elbowed her way down the center isle of the church. People were letting out shrieks and gasps as she blew past them in a hurry. She didn’t care though; she continued to knock people out of the way.

Then, she spotted it. The pulpit from the vision in the kaleidoscope where Benji hid the Red Amulet. She’d finally found it after days of searching. She was now only steps away from it. Her heart started pounding out of her chest and her head started spinning. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on it again. Finally.

When she looked ahead of her at the remaining thousands of people still in between her and the pulpit she felt a pit in her stomach. If only she could fly up and grab it, she thought. But she knew that could get her killed and she couldn’t risk it.

She continued pushing and nudging her way past the flocks of humanity that had come to see the church service, knocking down small children and even a few of the candles that were lit on the sides of each pew.

Screams let out again, this time so loud that it interrupted the service and the priest even stopped his sermon to see what the commotion was below him.

“Silence!” the priest yelled out. “Is this the way we show respect our lord?”

The crowd grew quiet as Rachel continued to knock people over to make her way to the spiral staircase that led to the pulpit. As she came to the front of the isle, she saw a large rope that cordoned off the area of the guest and the clergy of the church. She saw security guards and police standing at the bottom of the pulpit to ensure that the priest was safe while giving his sermon.

She didn’t care though. She knew she could get past anyone or anything. She ran and jumped over the rope causing quite a stir. The guards leapt into action, holding their rifles out and some leaning to grab her, but she was too quick. She was unstoppable. She outran every guard and police man and found herself at the steps to the pulpit.

She saw two more guards she’d have to outsmart before getting up the stairs. She quickly used mind control on the two of them, having them enter into a trance and step away from the stairs and stop the other guards that were after her. She turned them against their own guards and then made her way up the stairs. She couldn’t believe that it worked so quickly, but didn’t want to jinx it by questioning it.

She ran up the stairs quickly, skipping a step as she went up the spiral and into the top of the pulpit. The priest looked terrified and in shock as she approached him. He put out his hand and covered his face with his robe to protect him. She pushed over the priest as shouts came from the onlookers below.

“No! Lady stop!” people yelled out.

“Save him. Save the priest!” others yelled.

“Intruder! Terrorist!” another person yelled.

Rachel was not fazed by any of it though—she was on a mission and would let nothing stop her now. Not even the NYPD or the intense security guards of St. Patrick’s.

She looked at the altar, where the priest was standing and pushed him out of the way again. Then, he pushed her back, grabbing her by the wrist and holding her tight. Rachel quickly reacted and grabbed his arm and flung him over her body; he landed on the top of the staircase at the entrance to the pulpit.

“What are you doing to me?” the priest yelled.

“Get out of my way!” Rachel said back.

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