Home > You Don't Know Jack (NY Girlfriends #2)(16)

You Don't Know Jack (NY Girlfriends #2)(16)
Author: Erin McCarthy

He stood very still, eyes half closed as she ran her curious fingers over his chest, tracing the lines and brushing over the dusting of hair.

“You’d do that for me?”

Letting his shirt drop to the floor, Jamie brushed her lips over his clavicle. “Sure thing.” She couldn’t ruin something without at least trying to fix it.

“Will you let me take your jeans off?”

“Yes.” Her heart started to beat a little faster.

“Will you let me take your panties off?” Jack’s finger traced along the crotch of her jeans.

“Yes.” She shivered at the light, teasing touch.

“Will you let me put my tongue inside you?”

Somehow she didn’t think he meant in her mouth. The area he did mean was hot and moist in anticipation. Jamie nodded, afraid she’d squeak if she tried to speak.

His expression was puzzled, his eyes dark, voice quiet. While one hand stroked between her thighs, almost absently, as though he’d forgotten what he was doing, the other tugged a curl down to her breast, let it spring back up.

“Do you feel it, Jamie? This connection between us. Am I crazy? Should we stop here?”

And suffer the consequences of unsatisfied lust? No, thank you.

“I feel it, too,” she said, afraid if she didn’t reassure him, he’d have second thoughts. “That’s why I’m here with you, not wearing a top. I don’t sleep with men I’ve just met, Jack, but I feel that connection with you. And I’m willing to listen to it.” She was absolutely convinced she wouldn’t regret it.

“I’ve never believed in fate, or love at first sight, or anything that couldn’t be planned or quantified first. I’m not an impulsive man.” He shook his head, a wry grin on his face. “Until now. Until you, Jamie Lynn.”

He was playing with her nipple, rolling and touching and twisting, while his other hand continued its exploration of the inside of her thighs.

“Well, for a man without a lot of experience, you’re doing a darn good job.”

He laughed and let go of her, which was a huge disappointment. All that touching was torture, but only in the best way.

“I feel like you don’t judge me…I feel a freedom with you that I can never have in my career or with my family. Like I can make an ass out of myself and you wouldn’t care.”

“I wouldn’t care,” she said, touched that he could understand that about her. Pleased that he felt like he could be himself with her.

“I just want to have fun with you.”

No arguments from her. “I think I can work that into my schedule.”

“Good.” Turning his bare back to her, Jack said, “Hop on my back and I’ll give you a pony ride to the bedroom.”

Lord, was he serious? Jump on his back topless? She wasn’t sure she was that much fun. And his voice didn’t sound goofy, it sounded suggestive and…kinky. Jamie didn’t have a lot of personal contact with kinky. She wasn’t sure it was in her genetic coding.

Neither was coordination, she decided, when she went for it in an act of courage and leaped up on him. Her breasts slammed into his back, her hands grabbing at his shoulders, but the gravity of her big butt pulled her straight back down to the floor until she was just draped across his back like wet cotton.

“I think I’m too heavy for this.” Damn that Ben & Jerry’s. An embarrassed giggle escaped her as she realized her nipples were poking his firm, warm flesh.

“Try again,” he said over his naked shoulder.

“Are you crazy?”

“I think so.”

Which made her laugh. If he was going to be a nut, no reason she shouldn’t have fun. Anymore she felt like she was either counseling men or trying very hard to impress them. With Jack, she could just be herself and to hell with the rest. Tomorrow she was canceling all her subscriptions to women’s magazines with their advice columns on how to be sharp, sophisticated, elegant, and multiorgasmic.

Jack liked Jamie Lynn the way she was. And she had a feeling the multiorgasmic thing was a sure deal.

“Okay, I’ll give it a shot.” This time when she jumped up, he caught her legs and backside with his arms and jerked her up for better balance.

She let her legs dangle but kept them close to his waist. It was an impressive show of strength to keep her up there like that, and her mind shifted to the fact that her thighs were spread wide, wrapped all around him, her breasts brushing over his bare back in a little tease of touch. She hoped the bedroom wasn’t any farther than the swing of a cat, because she was ready and then some.

Jack must have felt the same urgency, because he started down the hall, pausing only to pretend to tip her backward once.

A shriek came out before she could stop it, and he laughed. Jamie took a gander at the living room and kitchen as they went past, and shivered. It was a big apartment, lots of light from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The sun was coming up and peeking through, sending streaks across the ebony wood floor.

But it was kind of austere, empty. There was no color, no warmth.

The master bedroom was small, but featured a big platform bed and a plasma TV hung like a painting over the dresser.

Jack paused in front of the bed, hands tightening on her thighs. “This is the end of the ride.”

Jamie slid off of his back before he could toss her on the bed like a sack of potatoes with breasts. She stuck her hands in her back pockets and tipped a little on her sandals, chewing her lip. Lots of white in this room. White walls, white sheets, white mirror, white sheets, white overstuffed chair, white sheets on a big, white bed.

Her gaze kept floating over to that bed. There wasn’t much else to look at. Just that big ol’ bed, all neat and tidy and waiting for someone to use it. Looking lonely, ready to be rumpled.

She suddenly realized Jack was staring at her. He stood about two feet in front of her, eyes running over the length of her. Under normal circumstances, meaning in front of any guy but Jack, that would have embarrassed the hell out of Jamie. After all, she was topless, wearing tight fitting jeans and platform sandals. A far cry from her usual tactics of cover-and-hide clothing.

But with Jack, she felt desirable. So much so that she tilted her head a little, ran her fingers through her hair, moved her one hip forward to show herself off to her best advantage.

“Wow,” he said, hands up as if he were framing a picture. “You are so incredibly beautiful.”

It was impossible not to blush when he said something like that. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

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