Home > The Pregnancy Test (NY Girlfriends #1)(13)

The Pregnancy Test (NY Girlfriends #1)(13)
Author: Erin McCarthy

Except give himself whiplash checking Mandy out every five seconds.

This trip had been a huge ass mistake, and if he had to see her in a bikini he was screwed.

The thought sent his tray table bouncing up enthusiastically as his cock swelled.

Chapter 6

Mandy lay in a chaise lounge and flipped through the parenting magazine she had subscribed to eight weeks earlier when she had thought educating herself about pregnancy would actually alleviate stress.

The weightier Everything Guide to Pregnancy was collecting dust in her beach bag. She had brought it, knowing she had to read the thing sooner or later so she didn’t miss the early signs of labor, or make an ill-informed circumcision decision. But she had discovered something about herself – she was a wimp. She just wanted to sit back and enjoy anticipating her baby – not memorize terms like VBAC and effacement, or create her Delivery Advocacy Plan to take to the hospital like Jamie kept insisting she needed to do.

There was just too much information flooding her brain cells, and she had decided to take a month-by-month approach to things. She would read up to the point she had reached in the baby’s gestation and no farther so she didn’t collapse under information overload. But she had thought glancing through the magazine wouldn’t hurt, since it had cute pictures of chubby babies and funny little essays on parenting.

Besides, she was bored.

Punta Cana was beautiful, a breezy eighty-five degrees and blue sunny skies, not a raindrop in sight. But Damien had been avoiding her, or at least it seemed that way to her. She hadn’t seen him since they’d arrived at the hotel forty-eight hours earlier. On her own, she had taken all her meals with total strangers, having been adopted by a nice British couple in their sixties who clearly felt sorry for her.

While they were a couple of dears, and she had gluttoned herself at the amazing buffets the hotel offered – not the least bit worried about unwashed fruit – it wasn’t the same as being on holiday with family or friends.

She wasn’t comfortable parasailing, speed boating, snorkeling, or scuba diving since she was pregnant. Though she had swum in the ocean a few times, played three games of water volleyball, and one round of shuffleboard. She’d entered an egg race on the beach with other hotel guests and had petted a monkey, perched a parrot on her shoulder, and sat on a donkey.

All of which were delightful, but she was used to being surrounded by friends and coworkers. People to talk to. And as much as she’d tried, the parrot hadn’t said a peep. Mandy sipped her virgin daiquiri and wondered for the hundredth time why Damien had brought her on this trip. He didn’t need her here, clearly.

Which left her to read an article on the risks of pregnancy when using condoms.

Many pregnancies result from the condom breaking or a hole in the latex, but just as many pregnancies are the result of improper use.

How did one use a condom incorrectly? Stick it on their ear?

Many men try to put the condom on inside out, realize their mistake, and flip it over, thereby inserting the condom with seminal fluid already present directly in the vagina.

Oh, my God.

Ben had been notorious for doing that.

"Well, that explains a thing or two," she said out loud, tempted to fax the article to Ben. At his office.

"Explains what?" Damien asked from right behind her shoulder.

Damn. Mandy jumped in the chair and slapped the magazine closed. Hell, there was a cue-ball-headed baby on the cover, grinning for all he was worth. She flipped it to the back cover, which was a teary-eyed toddler gazing at the mess he’d made on the floor.

She shoved it in her bag. Which left her stomach completely exposed to his view.

Her bare, pregnant stomach, popping up above her bikini bottoms. She raised her knees to de-emphasize the bubble below her belly button.

"Nothing, just muttering to myself." Mandy shielded her eyes from the sun and turned to look back at him. "So you decided to actually leave your room?"

Complex and mysterious woman that she was, she found herself equal parts thrilled and horrified to see him. Or maybe she was just idiotic.

Damien dropped into the chair next to her and kicked his sandals off in the sand. "I figured the guys back at work would give me a hard time if I came home as white as when Heft."

"That’s true." Mandy tried to command herself not to look at his body, but it was hopeless. Already she was raking up and down him like a starving woman at a feast. Or like a horny pregnant woman having sexual dreams about her boss.

He was sickeningly flawless. Broad chest, a smattering of hair across his well-defined pectorals, a ripped washboard stomach. When he sat back on the lounger, he brought his arms up to cup his head, and Mandy sighed.

Those were the kind of arms a woman just wanted to sink into.

If she weren’t pregnant and hiding the fact from her boss.

"Make sure you put on your sunscreen. This sun is extremely powerful. I slathered it on, and I still got burned on my back and shoulders where I couldn’t reach." The sun was so hot Mandy had wondered if she were actually cooking her baby in utero.

She had shifted the chair to the shade of a tiki hut and made sure she drank lots of water and took breaks back in her room, so she thought she was safe, but maybe she ought to look it up in The Everything Guide. After Damien went away.

"Do you have your sunscreen?" Damien held out his hand. "I’ll get your back."

Oh, he did not just say that. Mandy bit her lip. There was just no way she was letting him rub lotion all over her bare back. "Oh, well! I’m in the shade, so I think I’m fine, thanks."

"We don’t want your British skin burning." Damien leaned over and started rooting in her beach bag. "Is your sunscreen in here?"

How very like a successful businessman to just take over and stick his fingers where they didn’t belong. "No, really…" She trailed off when he pulled out her issue of Baby Talk.

"What’s this?" He glanced curiously at it.

She ripped it from his hands. "Oh, just something I picked up by accident."

Because it was so easy to confuse a big, bald baby face on the cover with the half-naked women always on Cosmo.

But she couldn’t worry about how ridiculous her lie sounded when he was bound to encounter The Everything Guide to Pregnancy in another three seconds. Mandy reached out and snagged her beach bag from him.

"Let me get the sunscreen. You’ll never find it, I have tons of crap just rattling around in here." Hand deep in the bag, Mandy felt her cheeks heat. Damien’s eyes were shielded behind dark sunglasses, but he looked perplexed. Suspicious.

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