Home > Embrace the Dark (The Blood Rose #1)(36)

Embrace the Dark (The Blood Rose #1)(36)
Author: Caris Roane

He fell on her, attacking her neck, sinking his fangs. He started to drink.

In the distance, she heard the wraith’s approval.

She slid her hands up into his long, thick hair and savored the feel of him taking her blood that he might live. Her body grew alive beneath his, straining against him as her hands slid over his bare muscled back.

As her heart evened out, she sighed. She understood now that the more she had been around Gerrod, the more blood she had produced, as though her body had understood on a hormonal level, even from the beginning, what she was long before Vojalie had spoken the words: blood rose.

*** *** ***

Gerrod felt born anew. Abigail’s blood had returned his life to him. At the same time, he could feel a waning battle in his blood stream: the taint of wraith blood against the antidote of a blood rose. A few seconds more, and a stream of peace flowed through him. His blood was now pure. Abigail had prevailed.

His body pounded with life and he was fully aroused against her, but his mind was alive with the other truth, that he had a ruse to continue until he could get his woman to safety.

He shifted his mind to focus on anything but the warm soft body beneath all his hardness of muscle and desire.

He thought of Abigail’s bakery and the unimportant cupcakes that had brought the most important thing into his life.

He had Gus to thank for Abigail’s presence in his life, Gus of the pink and purple embroidered socks, who never feared to call him on the carpet for his bad behavior, Gus, who’s sweet tooth had taken him into Flagstaff one fateful day, and to a bakery called Just too Sweet!, which led to a second bakery, Just Two Sweet!

Which led him here.

And safe to rise from her.

He stood up and extended his hand down. Her eyes glowed, just as they would were they both Invictus now. How strange to think the same coupling that created the perversion known as Invictus, also created the bond between a blood rose and a mastyr vampire.

She took his hand and he lifted her easily to her feet.

The show must continue, so he pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard, forcefully, pushing her head back until she slumped against him.

“So the bond is complete,” the wraith said.

Gerrod looked at the wraith who was now cast in a luminous glow. It took a moment for Gerrod to realize that he was seeing the wraith through new eyes, the bonded powerful eyes of a vampire and his rose.

“Tell me who is your leader? To whom do I owe the privilege of service now?”

The wraith actually smiled. “Neither the Great Mastyr nor his mistress are here and for now, you do not need to know more. But my mastyr did wish me to welcome you both to the fold.”

There was a woman.

The netting that trapped him was soaked in a magic oil that blocked his powers.

The Great Mastyr was bonded with a powerful fae.

Understanding flowed, why there had been so many more attacks and how he had been trapped in a net. The Invictus now had a powerful leader and perhaps even an equally powerful faery driving this renewed attack of the Invictus.

He would ponder all this later, share his information with the other mastyr vampires, and of course with Vojalie who was the acknowledged leader of the powerful fae of North America.

For now, he had a compound to escape with Abigail by his side.

Gerrod glanced down and saw that his clothes were ruined. There was nothing to be done, but continue the ruse wearing only his leathers and his boots.

He squared his shoulders as he held Abigail’s hand and walked from the cell. He felt within himself a power he had never before experienced, that which the bond to Abigail had given him. He felt his war frequency and knew the power lay therein.

He didn’t open it because he felt certain that doing so would take the building down. Innocent slaves lived here, not just wraiths. Abigail, prepare yourself.

I have pathed your war frequency. I know what is coming.

He glanced at her and smiled. Why am I not surprised?

Yes, her eyes were still glowing. They were one, as the Invictus were one. He could understand now how the pairs were able to function in perfect unison.

I am keeping my thoughts quiet, she pathed. Just move forward and I’ll read or sense what you intend to do next. I’m with you.

She was with him.


He was not alone.

Never again so long as she lived.

So what came to him was the absolute necessity that she live, that whatever decisions he made from this point forward, Abigail must survive.

He squeezed her hand.

He walked with her up the long hall and into the dark of night. He pathed to Derek, How close are you? Abigail and I are leaving the compound doors. Can you see us?

Yes. Wraiths are circling overhead. Several vampires and other realm-folk bonded to the wraiths have emerged and are now levitating as well.

Those in the air are all Invictus, but I see many slaves about.

What do you want us to do?

Retreat a distance of two hundred yards. What must happen next, I’ll accomplish alone.

One of the wraiths shrieked. “Look. The enemy is departing, fleeing.” A long stream of laughter followed.

He felt for his personal telepathy. Even though he knew Abigail tracked his thoughts, he pathed, Ready?


He closed his eyes and as he extended his left arm, summoning his war power, she slung an arm around his neck and planted her foot on the top of his heavy boot.

He looked up into the sky and saw that a dozen wraiths circled in an excited state.

Slaves huddled near the walls of the building.

His power began to build.

He heard violent shrieking all above him, where wraiths and the wraith-bonded realm-folk circled. The enemy finally understood, but it was too late.

He released his power and it was like a red wall of fire that rolled upward in the direction of the levitating Invictus. Within a split second, the monsters were on fire and raced in every direction through the air trying to stop the burning, but the flames only grew brighter and higher.

He smelled charred flesh and heard the sounds of death groans. He set his body in flight, just a foot off the ground and sped his way north faster than ever before. Within seconds he reached Derek, who hovered above the trees.

“You will escort us back to the castle at which time we will make plans. Follow me. I’m taking Abigail home.”

Derek gave a brisk nod and called out the orders.

Gerrod adjusted his arm around Abigail, savoring her warm soft body pressed against his. He held her tight.

He turned and once more set his tremendous speed on a path to the castle.

As Derek, Jason and the rest of the Guard, as well as their attending forces, gathered in levitated flight behind him, flying in a solid V formation, Gerrod smiled.

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