Home > Embrace the Mystery (The Blood Rose #3)(55)

Embrace the Mystery (The Blood Rose #3)(55)
Author: Caris Roane

For a moment, she could hardly speak, but finally managed, “I want nothing more.”

“Good. I thought about taking you to my beach house or to my main residence near Buckner, but I want you to myself for just a little while longer and I also want to see you lying on top of all those furs again.”

A shiver travelled through Batya, head-to-toe. She would get to be with Quinlan again, to share his bed. But it would be different this time.

His lips curved in a really smug smile. I can smell your sex, my love. The idea appeals to you.

And you have that smoky scent, too.

Want me to fly you?

Let me fly part of the way. When I get tired, I’ll gladly accept your arm. And one more thing, I know you need to feed. Want a snack first?

I’m tempted, but we’re only an hour away, maybe less. I’ll wait.

The images that rushed through her mind crippled her ability to sustain the levitation and she collapsed against him. I take it we just shared the same visual.

Can’t wait. Cha, let me fly you. Just like this. Let me hold you against me, just as I did all the way to Ferrenden Peace.

She sighed deeply as love filled up her heart. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she pathed, Let’s go.

* * * * * * * * *

I’ll want to get your satchel first, then make a phone call.

With Batya held close, Quinlan searched the ground for several hundred yards. The satchel had been knocked from his hand when the net caught them. Finally locating the flowered bag, he touched down to retrieve it.

At the same time, he pulled his phone from the pocket of his battle leathers, called ahead to his housekeeper, and informed her about the brigade’s two-week absence. He asked her to create a simple meal for them, then promptly gave her the next three nights off. He couldn’t imagine leaving the stronghold one moment sooner than that and he definitely wanted some alone time with his bonded blood rose.

With Batya tucked closed to his side, he picked up her satchel and rose high in the air. He needed to feed, but he’d wait because he wanted the complete experience right now. He also needed to get to his stronghold because it was closer to dawn than he’d realized. He already felt the first warning twinges up and down his back.

He flew over the mountains, letting his heat keep Batya warm as she snuggled against him. She didn’t say anything, nor did he. Words seemed unnecessary.

The journey back to his stronghold became a time of reflection and amazement on so many levels. He now viewed his life as having taken place in two parts, before he’d begun his pursuit of Batya, and now after.

From the time that he’d buried his mother and killed his father, he’d truly never believed this day would come, that he’d have a woman in his life, that he’d feel in any way capable of protecting her because of all the ways he’d failed to protect his mother.

And the harder truth was that he couldn’t always protect Batya, not so long as terrible evil forces, like Margetta and her kind, existed in the Nine Realms. Life held no real guarantees except for the two inescapable realities: change and death.

Well, change had come and this time change rocked his world.

And he would spend his life making sure that Batya knew how much she meant to him, blood rose or not.

By the time he reached his fortress of wood and iron, and entered the fortified courtyard, a line of gray on the horizon had his spine aching.

Once past the massive, arched wood door, however, he breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing sounded better than the lock clicking into place.

“That was close,” Batya said, stretching out her arms and legs. “You’re shaking.”

“Well, we’re here now. You must be hungry.”

“Only for one thing.”

He growled as he drew her into his arms. He kissed her for a long moment, but he sensed something in her, not a hesitation exactly but something. He pulled back. “What is it?”

She had a blush on her cheeks. “Quin, there’s something I’d like to do with you, that I’ve never done with any man before and really couldn’t because only a vampire could do this, but…”

He liked the sound of that because she’d just referenced his fangs, and he loved that she was just a little bit embarrassed. He leaned close and whispered into her ear. “You want me to bite you someplace special?”

He felt her shiver. “I want you to bite me everywhere.”

He couldn’t think for a moment. The thought of obliging her had hardened him almost painfully. “Oh, Cha.” He stayed close to her ear, rimming his tongue along the curves that had a lovely fae peak on top.

She purred as he slid along the folds then finally dipped inside. He plunged in and out.

So, you want me to nibble on your ankles, where else?

The back of my knees.

He groaned again.

And… Once more he could tell she was shy about making the request.

Where else, Cha?

My br**sts. All over my br**sts.

The thought of slaking his vampire thirst on her large, beautiful br**sts just about robbed him of breath. She had a lot of territory to cover.

She drew back. Her eyes had a dazed look. “I want a bath first.”

He nodded. “I’ll meet you in the bedroom. I’ll just fetch some food from the kitchen.”

She grabbed the front of his Guardsman coat and pulled him close, kissing him hard on the lips. “Good idea.”

She turned and walked in the direction of his master suite, then with a giggle rose into the air and flew down the hall.

He smiled as he headed in the other direction.

* * * * * * * * *

Batya filled the boat-like tub, then climbed in for a good long soak. Quinlan returned with a beautiful branch of grapes and small, crust-less sandwiches cut into small heart-shapes. “Well aren’t these precious.”

Quinlan rolled his eyes. “I’m going to kill my housekeeper. She’s taunting me because of you. She must have known I’d bring you back here.”

“Smart woman.”

“But the white wine is good.”

“The best.”

She took the small glass, leaned back and sipped. She watched his gaze drift down the length of her body. His eyes took on a hooded look and his smoky, applewood scent got tangled up in the warm air above her. She was pretty sure she’d died and gone to heaven.

Food needed to be the priority, however, so she focused on the meal and the wine and encouraged him to do the same.

When he’d finished eating, he hopped in the shower. She finally eased from the tub, toweled off then used his blow dryer to get some of the dampness out of her hair.

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