Home > Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires #4)(8)

Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires #4)(8)
Author: Chloe Neill

An attack that left three innocents dead."

After a moment of silence, Tate sat back, crossed his hands behind his head, and rocked back in the chair. "I'm not thrilled this is going on in my city. I'm not happy about the attack on your House and whatever animosity lies between you and the Packs, and I'm not happy that my citizens are scared enough of vampires that they've lined up outside your home to protest your existence."

Tate sat forward again, fury in his expression.

"But you know what really pisses me off? The fact that you don't look surprised about Mr.Jackson's report. The fact that I've learned you're well aware of the existence of drinking parties you call 'raves.' "

My stomach clenched with nerves. Tate was normally poised, politic, careful with words, and invariably optimistic about the city. This voice was the kind you'd expect to hear in a smoky back room or a dark restaurant booth. The kind of tone you'd have heard in Al Capone's Chicago.

This was the Seth Tate that destroyed his enemies. And we were now his targets.

"We've heard rumors," Ethan finally said, a master of understatement.

"Rumors of blood orgies?"

"Of raves," Ethan admitted. "Small gatherings where vampires drink communally from humans."

Raves were usually organized by Rogue vampires - the ones that weren't tied to a House and tended not to follow traditional House rules.

For most Houses, those rules meant not snacking on humans, consenting or not. Cadogan allowed drinking, but still required consent, and I didn't know of any House that would condone outright murder.

We'd come close to having raves pop into the public eye a few months ago, but with a little investigation on our part, we'd managed to keep them in the closet. I guess that blissful ignorance was behind us.

"We've been keeping our ears to the ground," Ethan continued, "to identify the organizers of the raves, their methods, the manners in which they attract humans."

That was Malik's job - Ethan's secondin- command, the runnerup for the crown. After a blackmailing incident, he'd been put in charge of investigating the raves.

"And what have you found?" Tate asked.

Ethan cleared his throat. Ah, the sound of stalling.

"We're aware of three raves in the last two months," he said. "Three raves involving, at most, half a dozen vampires. These were small, intimate affairs. While bloodletting does occur, we have not heard of the, shall we say, frenetic violence of which Mr. Jackson speaks, nor would we condone such things. There has certainly never been an allegation that any participant was . . . drained. And if we had heard of it, we'd have contacted the Ombudsman, or put a stop to it ourselves."

The mayor linked his fingers together on the desktop. "Ethan, I believe that part and parcel of keeping this city safe is integrating vampires into the human population. Division will solve nothing - it will only lead to more division. On the other hand, according to Mr. Jackson, vampires are engaging in violent, largescale, and hardly consensual acts. That is unacceptable to me."

"As it is to me and mine," Ethan said.

"I've heard talk about a recall election," Tate said. "I will not go down in flames because of supernatural hysteria. This city does not need a referendum on vampires or shape-shifters.

"But most important," he continued, gaze burrowing into Ethan, "you do not want a bevy of aldermen showing up at your front door, demanding that you close down your House. You do not want the city council legislating you out of existence."

I felt a burst of magic from Ethan. His angst - and anger - were rising, and I was glad Tate was human and couldn't sense the uncomfortable prickle of it.

"And you do not want me as an enemy," Tate concluded. "You do not want me requesting a grand jury to consider the crimes of you and yours." He flipped through the folder on his desk, then slid out a single sheet and held it up. "You do not want me executing this warrant for your arrest on the basis that you've aided and abetted the murder of humans in this city."

Ethan's voice was diamond-cold, but the magical tingle was seismic in magnitude. "I have done no such thing."

"Oh?" Tate placed the paper on his desk again.

"I have it on good authority that you changed a human into a vampire without her consent." He lifted his gaze to me, and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "I also have it on good authority that while you and your vampire council promised to keep Celina Desaulniers contained in Europe, she's been in Chicago. Are those actions such a far stretch from murder?"

"Who suggested Celina was in Chicago?"

Ethan asked. The question was carefully put. We knew full well that Celina - the former head of Navarre House and my would-have-been killer - had been released by the Greenwich Presidium, the organizing body for European and North American vampires. We also knew that once the GP let her go, she'd made her way to Chicago. But we hadn't thought she was still here. The last few months had been too drama free for that. Or so they'd seemed.

Tate arched his eyebrows. "I notice you don't deny it. As for the information, I have my sources, just as I'm sure you do."

"Sources or not, I don't take kindly to blackmail."

With shocking speed, Tate switched back from Capone to front-page orator, smiling magnanimously at us. " 'Blackmail' is such a harsh word, Ethan."

"Then what, precisely, do you want?"

"I want for you, for us, to do the right thing for the city of Chicago. I want for you and yours to have the chance to take control within your own community." Tate linked his hands on the desk and looked us over. "I want this problem solved.

I want an end to these gatherings, these raves, and a personal guarantee that you have this problem under control. If it's not done, the warrant for your arrest will be executed. I assume we understand each other?"

There was silence until Ethan finally bit out, "Yes, Mr. Mayor."

Like a practiced politico, Tate instantly softened his expression. "Excellent. If you have anything to report, or if you need access to any of the city's resources, you need only contact me."

"Of course."

With a final nod, Tate turned back to his papers, just as Ethan might have done if I'd been called into his office for a friendly chat.

But this time, it was Ethan who'd been called out, and it was Ethan who rose and walked back to the door. I followed, ever the dutiful Sentinel.

Ethan kept the fear or concern or vitriol or whatever emotion was driving him to himself even as we reached the Mercedes.

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