Home > Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls #5)(93)

Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls #5)(93)
Author: C.C. Hunter

The thought hit her that she might be too late. She pushed it away, unable to accept it.

Willing herself invisible, aware that she dealt with other chameleons, she listened to hear if anyone else was in the invisible realm. The sounds made by another invisible always seemed almost closer.


Only silence echoed in this unique world, but like her, they might be standing silent.


Aware her footsteps might be heard, she waited for the gate's motor to grow a bit louder, offering the tiniest advantage. When the gate opened a few more inches she could slip inside.

Breath held, trying to make herself as light on her feet as possible, she moved in. She got just inside the gate when she heard another sound-a footstep. She wasn't the only one invisible.

Another guard appeared a few feet from the other. He cut his eyes around.

"Do we have company?" the first guard standing by the gate asked.

"Maybe? Get the damn gate shut off so I can know for sure."

Knowing now, before he faded again, was her only chance, she took off at a dead run. Crouching behind a prickly bush, realizing her odds of being seen in the visible realm might be less than being heard in the invisible sphere, she willed herself to appear.

The buzz in her protective mode still ran high and she found herself needing more oxygen. Still gripping the sword, she closed her eyes one second, and that's when she heard it-a deep angry growl.

Shit. They had guard dogs.

Opening her eyes, she stared at a snout with snarling teeth exposed and glowing yellow eyes. The black spiked collar told Kylie she was right, it was a guard dog, but the wild look in his eyes told her the animal was at least part wolf.

Kylie swallowed her fear and smelled the animal's breath. It jerked its snout up, showing more teeth.

His growl became lower, more intense. The tags hanging from its collar clinked and seemed too loud.

Looking the animal right in the eyes, she tightened her hold on the sword. Don't make me kill you. My fight is not with you. I even kind of love wolves.

Instantly the animal backed up. His yellow eyes never blinked. He crouched down on his haunches, hisgaze shifting away from her eyes. Kylie remembered the wolf she'd run across at Shadow Falls and how it had shown submissiveness.

She didn't understand it, but she'd take whatever advantage she had right now. Because face it, she had a feeling she was going to need it.

She glanced back where the men stood by the gate. Only one remained. The other had gone back into the invisible realm. He could be anywhere.

Willing herself invisible again, she listened. Heard the footsteps moving in front of the bush. They slowed down. Her heart pounded so loud, she was certain he could hear it.

The dog/wolf turned and bolted out of the bush.

"Damn it, you mongrel," the guard's voice rang out. "I thought I had something."

Through the leaves, Kylie saw the man appear. He stomped over to the animal and kicked his back leg.

Hard. The dog yelped, and Kylie's blood raged for the defenseless animal. When the man drew his leg back again, Kylie reached down and picked up a stone and tossed it to the bushes to her right.

The man swerved around and went to look in the bush beside her. The closer he came the harder it was to breathe.

"Got anything?" the man from the gate yelled out.

"I don't think so," he muttered, and started toward the gate. "Just that damn ugly-ass dog."

That ugly-ass dog just saved my butt, Kylie thought, her heart still bouncing off her breastbone with the need to protect.

When the man remained visible and started chatting with the other guard, she knew this was her opportunity to move away, maybe find a place to actually get inside.

Becoming invisible again, she quietly moved around the house looking for an entrance. The wolf/dog came limping toward her, confirming her suspicion that it could see her.

Willing herself visible, she reached down and touched the dog's back leg. She felt her hand grow warm. Get me inside the house, friend, she told the animal with her mind, unsure if it would work, or if she was simply hoping. Then again, Derek could communicate with animals. Maybe she'd changed herself into fae.

The canine turned and started moving beneath the stilts holding up the beach house. She started to continue on her own way, but the dog stopped and looked back at her almost as if to say, This way.

Chancing it, she followed the dog. After moving in and around multiple beams, she questioned her decision, but then the dog stopped at what appeared to be a ramp that led up to a doggy door. Still invisible, she tried to move in rhythm with her canine friend. Not an easy feat carrying a sword.

She accidentally hit the sword on the edge of the door. If anyone lurked inside this dimension, they would have heard her.

Inside, she stopped and listened. Not a sound echoed in the darkness. She saw a couple of sleeping bags and empty dog bowls. Bet they don't feed you regularly, either, do they, buddy? But if they were fed here, that meant there had to be a door into the house. Whether it would be locked was another matter.

Scanning the dark room, she saw the door. She petted the animal again. Thank you. She stood up and reached for the doorknob. It turned in her hand. An almost silent twist of the wrist. She inhaled, feeling successful so far. But she didn't kid herself, the hardest part was finding her mom and getting them out of here.Getting them out alive.

The sword seemed to vibrate in her hand, as if reminding her that escaping tonight wasn't that simple.

Tonight she would use the weapon, only this time it wouldn't be practice. It would for be real.

* * *

At first she thought everyone in the house was asleep. She moved her way through a big kitchen, then she came into a large living room with a big rock fireplace. This room seemed to be the center of the house. A door led off from both sides. She spotted a light at the end of one hallway. She heard voices. Moving with baby steps down the hall, she listened to see if she could hear her mom.

One voice was clear: John. A second voice spoke and chills ran down her spine. She swallowed the taste of fear down her throat: Mario.

No female voices entered the conversation. Debating what to do, she decided to search for her mom. At this time of night, her mom would be asleep. She turned down the other hall, where it looked like bedrooms would be.

The first room appeared to be a guest room. With hopes her mom might be sleeping there, she opened the door. The room stood eerily silent and empty.

She saw a room at the end of the hall and figured it was the master bedroom. Right then, she somehow knew that's where her mom slept.

She'd been sleeping with John.

Sleeping with the enemy.

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