Home > Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls #5)(20)

Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls #5)(20)
Author: C.C. Hunter

"I won't." She couldn't deny him this, not when his expression practically begged for her compliance.

Yet deep down she wondered if her heart said it was an untruth, and if it did, had Burnett heard it. God help her, because if her grandfather did ask her to meet him, how could she tell him no any easier than she could Burnett? Her loyalty was truly torn. She only prayed it didn't come to that.

* * *

The eastern part of the sky was a bit lighter than the rest when Burnett and Holiday walked Kylie to her cabin. The stars sparkled in the sky as if they knew they were about to be shut down by the sun and wanted to give out a bit more light.

She should be exhausted, and part of her was, but she doubted she'd fall in bed and go right to sleep.

Her mind chewed on so many things that turning it off seemed impossible. Plus, she had an appointment to attend her very own pity party. The knot that she'd felt in her throat earlier was now caught in her heart area. In the past, Kylie had learned that nothing but a good cry could ease that kind of ache.

Obviously, the soothing effects of Holiday's touch were wearing off. Or maybe this was too much to completely be eased by a fae's magic. Some things just needed to be worked through. Things like leaving her grandfather's house without saying good-bye. Things like the fact that she'd almost killed Lucas.

Things like wondering if it was really Monique, Lucas's fiancee, she'd seen tonight. Things like missing her mom, and she was halfway across the world sleeping with some creep.

Things like having a psychotic murderer wanting to take her down.

His threat rang in her head like a bad line in a song that you couldn't forget. You will come to me, Kylie Galen, come to me willing to die, to suffer at my hands for my pleasure, because the price will be too great! Your weakness will take you down.

And working through things like that might include shedding a few tears. Who could begrudge her that?

Of course, she should probably spend some time trying to figure out what he meant by her weakness.

"How about we take a trip to the falls tomorrow?" Holiday piped up, and then as if reading Kylie's emotional status, she reached over and gave Kylie's arm a squeeze.

Kylie nodded.

"I'll figure out when's a good time first thing in the morning," Burnett added, making it clear he would be going with them.

Silence fell on them like a soft rain. The sky had turned slightly purple as if morning would be in the next hour. Burnett cleared his throat. "You do know we will have to go back to you being shadowed?"

"I figured that," Kylie said.

"Before I work out the shadowing schedule, is ... is there anyone you don't want to be shadowing you?"

"Only one," Kylie said. "And I think you know who that is."Burnett just nodded.

Their footsteps fell on the graveled path and sent out crunching sounds in the darkness. "How is Helen?" Kylie asked.

"She's much better," Holiday said.

"Has she remembered anything yet? Do we know if it was Mario or not?"

"No," Holiday answered.

"We're still investigating it," Burnett said, and a bit of frustration sounded in his tone. "But we know that Mario was spotted in Fallen that same morning. And with his appearance tonight, everything points to Mario being behind this."

They got almost to the turn in the path. In the distance Kylie could make out the cabin. Not a light flickered inside. Kylie glanced to Burnett. "Is Della back yet?"

"No, not yet," he said, and something about the way he said those three words set off alarms.

She caught him by the arm. "What happened?"

Burnett held up his hand. "She's fine. She ran into some trouble late yesterday, but everything's fine now. She should be back either later today or tomorrow."

"What kind of trouble?" Kylie asked, her concern over Della giving her a reprieve from her own problems.

Burnett hesitated to answer and that made Kylie even more suspicious.

"What happened?" Kylie insisted.

"She got into an altercation with some gang members. But-"

"Are you sure it wasn't Mario?"

"I'm positive," Burnett said.

"Was she hurt?" Kylie's chest ached. "I knew her working for the FRU was a bad idea."

"She was just bumped and bruised a bit," Burnett said.

"How bumped and bruised?" Kylie asked.

"Not so bad that I can't say that I think her ego received the most damage," Burnett replied.

"She's really fine. I promise," Holiday added. "I spoke with her myself."

Kylie inhaled, knowing she was probably overreacting, but her emotional dam was almost ready to spew over. She started walking again, hurrying to the cabin, wanting to be alone before that dam broke.

Holiday picked up her speed and slipped her hand into Kylie's, bringing her to a stop right before taking the steps to the porch. "Do you want me to come in and we can talk for a while?"

"No," Kylie said, feeling like an idiot. "I just need some rebound time." She hugged Holiday, absorbing a little more of her soothing touch. When Kylie pulled back, she started to turn for the door when Burnett cleared his throat. She looked up.

The man held out his hands. "I don't get one, too?"

Kylie saw the surprise shine in Holiday's eyes, then she couldn't help it, she grinned. "Be careful, people might think you've gone soft on us."

"I doubt that," he said, and gave her a quick embrace. With his chin pressed against her hair, he whispered, "I'm going to get the bastard. I promise you."

She didn't have to ask which bastard. She knew he meant Mario.

"Thank you," she said, and pulled back. And before she really broke down and cried, she movedinside.

The smell of the cabin filled her senses. She wasn't even sure exactly what contributed to the scent, but whatever it was, it offered some calming effects. And then she realized it smelled like the people she loved. Miranda, Della. And there was the woodsy scent that she registered. A smell that belonged to ...


It just smelled like home, she told herself.

Della's bedroom door stood open-like a flashing neon sign that she wasn't here. The vamp, a very private person, always kept her door closed.

Kylie's gaze shifted to Miranda's door.

"Rebound time," she whispered to herself. If she was going to fall apart, she wanted to do it alone. She started to her bedroom, had barely opened the door when she heard the slight creaking of the wood floor.

She wasn't alone. Her gaze shot up to the corner of the room and she saw the figure standing there.

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