Home > Mai Tai'd Up (Cocktail #4)(50)

Mai Tai'd Up (Cocktail #4)(50)
Author: Alice Clayton

“And here I am,” I murmured, stepping back so he could take a good look. “Naked.”

His eyes smoldered as his gaze swept across my body. “Chloe,” he whispered. “You’re perfection.”

I purred, I actually purred, dragging my hands down his torso, over the defined muscles in his chest, the tiny little hairs that gathered there. Letting my gaze follow my hands, I decided to sneak a peek as well. “Mmm, and you’re—holy sweet fuck, are you kidding me?”

Here’s the thing about an enormous penis. They don’t just live in romance novels. They don’t just live on famous actors, although John Hamm and Michael Fassbender need to admit a certain ginger vet into their Big Cock Club. They’re real. And they’re out there. Right here, even, in my guest shower.

For every peanut, there is an eggplant. For every Charles, there is a Lucas. And since I’d had one, I feel I deserved the other.

My “Holy sweet fuck, are you kidding me?” still ricocheted off the tiles, bouncing off his shocked face.

“Pardon me?” he finally said, his hands frozen on my hips, his lips still halfway down my neck.

“Sorry. Actually, not sorry. Actually, congratulations.” I pointed down. “This is kind of amazing.”

He threw his head back and laughed out loud. “My dick is amazing?”

“Oh, please, like you don’t know. You’re bigger than a breadbox!”

“Baby’s arm.”


“Bigger than a baby’s arm, that’s the phrase.”

“That’s gross! What does that have to do with a—stop laughing at me!”

He didn’t stop laughing, but he did start kissing my neck again. Which normally would have been enough to make me surrender to the sizzle running wild through my veins, but I literally couldn’t take my eyes off it . . . er . . . him.

“I don’t even think that’ll fit,” I said.

“Oh, it’ll fit,” he murmured, then pulled away. “Wait—are we . . . talking about . . . fitting?”

“If you think we can. Seriously, Lucas—you’re huge.”

“Seriously, Chloe, you’re awesome. Will you walk around behind me with a megaphone from now on?”

“Quiet, you,” I said, bringing him back to my mouth for another searing kiss. Every single thought went out of my head, which was filled up instantly with Lucas. Here. Now. Hot and heavy and wanting.

I focused on this moment, this gorgeous man and his delightful tongue that was thrusting inside my mouth, mating with mine and making my breath come even more quickly.

My mouth opened wider, trying to bring as much of him inside me as I could. My urgency was matched by his own, his hands pressing into my skin, strong and sure, each finger on a different part of my spine, nails embedded, fiery and wicked strong. I broke the kiss just so I could breathe, only to be sucked back down in another wave of need, stronger than the last.

“Need you, need to see you,” he murmured into my hair, picking me up roughly and setting me down on the ledge at the end of the shower, knocking shampoo bottles left and right. Dropping to his knees on the tile, he kissed a path down my collarbone, down the center of my torso, hands now reaching out, surrounding me, cupping my breasts and kneading my wet skin. His mouth closed around my nipple, sucking hard and fast, his tongue rolling in a way that made me alternately slap at the wall and push deeper into his mouth.

“Lucas. Oh. Lucas. Oh. Lucas,” I chanted, my hips beginning to roll in concert with his tongue. He released my breast to bring another punishing kiss to my mouth, still tasting of coconut rum, passion running wild now. He pulled my hair to bring my face up, looking deep into my eyes. His face was full of lust. Longing. Lust. Frustration. Lots of lust.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked, my voice throaty, filled with that same lust.

“You really want to know?”

I placed my feet on either side of him, using my knees to cage him in and coax him further into me. “Tell me. What are you thinking about right now?”

Lucas stared hard at me, then knelt on the shower floor. He kissed my tummy, let his tongue trace a circle around my belly button. Hands once more touched my skin, his knuckles trailing up the backs of my legs. I leaned forward on the ledge, mimicking his movements with my own hands, tracing little patterns across his cheekbones, pausing to touch the indent above his upper lip, stealing a kiss on my fingertips as his mouth chased me a bit. I let him catch my thumb between his teeth, nipping at me as I let out a soft gasp. Even the air was frantic, charged with the excitement you feel at the very beginning of something. You don’t know quite what it is yet, what it might turn into. But you’re aware of the epic.

“You want to know what I’m thinking? Right this very second?” he asked as I put both hands on the back of his neck once more, trying to pull him back into my orbit.

“Uh-huh,” I murmured, watching as his hands moved farther up my legs, dancing across the tops of my knees.

“It’s a little bit dirty,” he replied, leaning down to press one wet kiss against my left kneecap.

“I’ve never really had the dirty,” I admitted, my mind flashing to missionary after missionary with Charles. I blushed a bit under Lucas’ stare, but held it. I was done with timid. I wanted to try tiger.

He pulled me even farther down on the ledge, toward where he was kneeling. “Still want to know,” he asked, wrapping one of my legs around him, “what I’m thinking about?” He wrapped the other leg around him, his hands moving even higher, digging into my thighs.

“I think so?”

“You think?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. He leaned up again, nuzzling at my neck, just below my ear. His tongue darted out just the tiniest bit to lick at the skin below.

I shivered in the very best of ways and nodded yes. What his mouth was doing to my ear might be illegal. And I wanted it.

“What I’m thinking about right now is the same thing I’ve been thinking about since you showed up in this town, blushing in that mirror over the bar.” He moved to my left ear, his right fingertips now tickling the inside of my thigh. “How you look spread out for me, naked and pink.”

I gasped, and he bit the side of my neck hard enough to leave a mark. He continued, now scraping his teeth lightly down towards my collarbone. “I’m thinking about your tits, how gorgeous they are, and how they’ll look when I’m fucking them.”

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