Home > Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6)(73)

Tangled Webs (The Black Jewels #6)(73)
Author: Anne Bishop

Then there was only the sound of harsh breathing—hers and Rainier’s—and the children whimpering in the corner.

Lucivar stood in front of them, those cold glazed eyes just staring at them. He pointed the war blade at her, then shifted the tip to a spot on her right.

“Move,” he said.

She sidestepped to the right.

Lucivar pointed at the wall. The Ebon-gray ring flashed as a burst of power was unleashed.

The wall exploded, leaving a gaping hole.

An odd feeling, like netting tightening over bare skin.

Before she could cry out a warning, the spells around the house hit Lucivar with a vicious amount of power. Enough power that she felt his Ebon-gray shield break.

But he withstood the strike, never moving, and when that lash of power was done…

She could feel all the spells trying to close the gap in the wall, chewing on the Ebon-gray power shielding the hole, in an effort to cut off the possibility of escape.

Lucivar reached into the pouch hanging from his belt, pulled out a ball of clay, and tossed it to Rainier.

“Jaenelle made a slide. You need to rub blood on the clay to trigger the spell.” Lucivar’s eyes raked over Rainier. “That won’t be a problem.”

“No need to get pissy about it,” Surreal muttered.

His eyes sliced over to her. “I’ll deal with you later.”

"Surreal, don’t push him," Rainier whispered. He hobbled over to the hole in the wall and blooded the clay. When he set it on the bottom of the hole, the slide appeared, looking like a clay-colored cloud.

“Rainier, you take one of the girls and go,” Lucivar said. “You two boys go next. Surreal, you’ll help them get on the slide. Then you’ll go with the other girl.”

“I should—” Rainier began.

“Most wounded, first out,” Lucivar said.

No arguing withthat voice.

Rainier, the fool, argued anyway. “Surreal has been poisoned.”

Oh, shit.If Lucivar was pissed off before, now he wasreally pissed off.

Lucivar stared at Rainier. “Go,” he said too softly.

Surreal dropped the poker, dragged Dayle out of the corner, and brought her over to the hole.

Rainier was cursing softly and viciously as he got into position on the slide. She settled Dayle on his right side. As he put his arm around the girl, Surreal looked at the end of the slide and saw Jaenelle and Daemon waiting.

The poison blurred her vision, and she was glad. She really didn’t want a clear look at Sadi’s face right now.

She gave Rainier and Dayle a push, then watched them slide on air until they passed over the wrought-iron fence and all the tangled spells that had held them captive in this house.

By the time she got the boys on the slide and started them down, the hole Lucivar had made in the wall was half the size. The spells around the house were closing the hole, and there was no doubt in her mind that anyone left in the house when that hole closed completely wouldn’t be coming out. Ever.


His head was turned, as if he was listening to something behind him. But there was nothing but blank wall behind him.

“Take the girl,” he said. “Go.”

“The hole is closing up. The three of us need to gonow. ”

He looked at her and snarled.

She couldn’t reach him. He would never listen. Not to her.

He’ll listen to Jaenelle.

She grabbed Sage and hustled to the hole, ignoring the way her feet couldn’t seem to find the floor. Since Lucivar wasn’t going to leave until she was gone, she needed to get herself and the girl outfast.

The poison made the ride down a little too exciting, and she felt giddy when Daemon helped her off the slide and set her on firm, unspelled ground.

“What—?” Jaenelle said, her voice sharp.

Then Daemon roared,“No!”

She saw Lucivar framed by the rapidly shrinking hole as he turned back toward something in the house.

A moment later, the hole closed and the exit was sealed shut.


He had time, Surreal thought as she stared at the solid wall.

He could have gotten out. Why in the name of Hell had Lucivar turned back?

Thunder rolled over the house and shook the ground. She wasn’t sure if that was Daemon’s temper being given voice or Jaenelle’s.

But it was Daemon who bared his teeth in a snarl and wrapped one hand around a wrought-iron spike. She thought he was going to rip away a piece of fence. He was furious enough that he might not even need Craft to do it.

Instead, a section of fence suddenly fell to the ground, nothing more than a pile of metal shavings. That was a quieter—and more frightening—indication of the power and fury that had just blasted out of the man.

Then Daemon was running toward the house’s front door.

Jaenelle leaped to follow him, hit a Black shield, and bounced back. “Daemon!Daemon! ”

He didn’t stop, didn’t even check his stride—but the shield came down, and Jaenelle ran to catch up to him.

“Go,” Rainier said. “Help her stop him. I’ll shield the children.”

She ran. The poison seemed to slow her down a little more with every step, but she ran.

He’d reached the covered entranceway. Once he opened that door…

“Daemon!” Jaenelle shouted.

He spun to face her, his face filled with barely controlled fury.

“I amnot leaving my brother in that house!”

“Of course we’re not leaving him in that house,” Jaenelle snapped. “But—”


Surreal staggered. Stopped. Spun around as the side of the house exploded. "Rainier?"

"I’ve got a shield around us.Shit! I’ll layer the shields."

Debris rained down as a dark shape shot skyward with the speed of an arrow released from the bow. Past the fence and high above the trees beyond the property line.

Then those dark wings spread, pumped, caught the air, and began a wide circle back to the front door, where Daemon and Jaenelle waited.

“Who did Lucivar bring out with him?” Jaenelle asked, shading her eyes with one hand.

He’s an idiot, whoever he is,Surreal thought, hurrying to join Jaenelle and Daemon. The man, who was held by one wrist, was flailing around trying to get free. Lucivar was still high enough to skim over rooftops. If he let go, the fool would end up with broken bones or get impaled on the fence.

A gliding descent. The man’s feet barely cleared the fence. Then Lucivar backwinged, dropped his prey, and landed lightly on the walkway.

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