Home > The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Hazards #3)(36)

The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Hazards #3)(36)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Does that really matter to you? Is it that important?”

“Very. My only other option is to hire a PI to follow you. I figured you’d prefer this.” He smiled.

“You can hold off on the PI. I agree, but no freaking out if you don’t hear from me until late. I go out sometimes.”

“I know. And that’s a good thing. You’re supposed to have an active and exciting social life. Well, if it involves girls.”

I swatted at him.

“I’m kidding, but you know I get that. I want you to enjoy college. Just tell me you’re going out late. You don’t have to tell me why or where you’re going. I’m not trying to play psycho stalker. Just give me a heads up that you’ll be late. If it makes you feel better, I’ll do the same thing.”

“You’re going to text me to tell me you’re home?”

“I already call you when I get in at night. That’s why you never get sleep. But I can check in and tell you when I’m going to an after party or something.”

“I love that you’re offering that.”

“I can play fair. I want you to get the fact that this is not an attempt to be controlling. It’s just the only way I’m going to be able to handle being apart from you.”

“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”

He sighed. “I know. I’ll have more down time soon.”

“Good.” I snuggled into his side and closed my eyes.

“Oh no. No sleeping. We haven’t even had dinner yet.”

“Oh, dinner. What are we having?”

“We’re making eggplant parmesan.”

“You remembered that was my favorite.”

“I remember the important things.”

“Just the mention of it has me hungry.” I sat up, ready to get dressed.

“Here, wear this.” He got out on the other side of the bed and dug through his bag. He tossed me a t-shirt.

I read the front. “A Chance of a Lifetime shirt?” I slipped into the shirt and put my panties back on.

“You look too good in that shirt.” He came up behind me and squeezed my ass. “Please tell me I can get a picture of you in it.”

“How about I let you get a picture right before you take it off me?”

His eyes widened again. “Okay, that’s easy.”

He grabbed his phone and took a picture.

“Hey. I said you had to wait.”

“You said I had to wait until I was ready to take it off you.” He stepped toward me, tossing aside his phone and taking off the underwear he’d just put back on. “I’m ready.” He pulled off the t-shirt. “This should wake you up.”

Chapter Fourteen

I had a Chase hangover. As he’d promised, we hadn’t slept a wink. We’d had sex, talked, and had sex again. We’d even taken two showers the next morning—one to cool off after the sex we had in the first one. It was as though we couldn’t get enough of each other, and in some ways, we couldn’t. Maybe we were both trying to stock up on the physical intimacy so we could hold onto it during the time we were apart.

I held in the tears when he dropped me off outside my house. I knew it was only going to be a few more weeks, but I didn’t want to say goodbye. Every taste of Chase left me wanting more. I was going to have to keep myself busy. Sitting around and missing him wasn’t going to help anything. Besides, he kept emphasizing how important it was that I had a real college experience. Maybe he had a point.

My phone rang as soon as I got back to my room after catching up with a few of my sisters. I answered right away when I saw it was Jade. “Hey.”

“Hey! How are you?”

“In terms of the Aaron stuff or the Chase stuff?”

“Wait, what Chase stuff? I only heard about Aaron going psycho.”

“Chase drove down here to see me.”

“Seriously?” Her voice lilted. “That was really sweet. What did you guys do?”

“I’ll leave that to your imagination.”

“Okay. Point taken. Are you doing all right about the other part?” She avoided using his name again, and I appreciated it. Hearing it still sent a stab through me. I wondered if I’d feel that way every time I met someone with his name. Hopefully it would eventually fade. “What are you up to today?”

“Class, lunch with the roomies, and class. No plans for tonight.”

“How about a show? It’s another small venue one. It’s more electronic this time, but I think you’ll like it.”

I didn’t hesitate with my answer. Another show with Jade sounded perfect. “Absolutely. Want to do dinner beforehand?”

“Yes! I already need a break from school food.”

“I hear you there. Want to meet me at the house at seven?”

“Yes. I’ll be there.”

“Great, have a good day.” I hung up with a grin. I wasn’t wasting any time jumping into my keeping busy plan.

Before leaving for my class, I sent Chase a text. Going to a show with Jade tonight. I might be late.

I knew he was stopping by to see Riley before he left town, so I didn’t expect an immediate answer. I got one. Can I tell you how awesome you are?

Sure. You remember what flattery got you last time.

Oh, Cara. You’re killing me. Any chance I can get a quickie before I leave?

As tempting as it sounded, if he was being serious of course, I couldn’t go through the goodbye again. Let’s leave this visit with that shower. Nothing can beat that.

Fine, be that way.

Remember I’m awesome.

That you are. Miss you already. What show are you seeing?

I forgot to ask. Something electronic I think.

Maddox Trance? He’s doing a show at the Tin Oak tonight I think.


If it’s him, tell Maddox I said hi.

A friend of yours? Was Maddox Trance someone’s actual name?

Yes… let me know if that’s who you’re seeing. If so, he could be good for Jade’s show.

Oh, great! I’ll ask Jade. Have a safe trip.

Have a fantastic day. I’ll be thinking about you.

I pocketed my phone and headed out to class. The sun was shining, I’d had an amazing night with Chase, and I had a fun night planned with a friend. Things were going to be okay.


“I’ve got some exciting news for you.” I practically skipped out on the porch to meet Jade. I was still flying high. Kyle had seemed completely better in class, so even that guilt was starting to lessen.

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