Home > The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards #1)(6)

The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards #1)(6)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

I was starting to get a hang of the pledging thing—or at least I thought I was. We spent at least half of the time being forced to memorize every minute detail about the history of Delta Mu and our local chapter. It would have been somewhat interesting if we didn’t have to prove we’d taken in every word. I also wasn’t a huge fan of our pledge mom, Amanda. Sometimes, I felt like she wanted us to screw up. The look of disappointment that crossed her face when I correctly named each of the original chapters and their school affiliations might have been comical if we hadn’t been at it for two hours already.

After an hour of history, the topic of conversation moved on to the social scene. “I want all of you girls out and about tonight. Make sure to show off your pins, but remember, nothing with the actual Greek letters.” Jana smiled.

“Because you haven’t earned them yet.” Amanda always had to play bad cop. “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t representing us. Make sure you dress cute. People are watching.”

I wasn’t one hundred percent sure what dressing cute actually meant. In my book, that meant a nice tank and skirt, but I had a feeling it also entailed something other than flip flops and a messy bun.

“I heard there’s a really fun party over at Phi Omega tonight.” Mallory applied mango scented lotion to her hands.

“Yeah?” I tried to sound nonchalant, but my heart was racing a mile a minute. I knew from my internet stalking that, not only was Dylan in that house, he was the president. Dylan and I hadn’t interacted in any way since the night at the beach house. I doubted he even had my number. Maybe he’d just pretend it never happened. I wasn’t sure whether I’d be more relieved or disappointed by that reaction.

Chapter Four

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Hey!

Dear Amy,

Don’t worry about Dylan. I haven’t even seen him yet. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t do? Based on that list, I’m guessing you’ve done some pretty crazy things. I may take you up on those shirts. Do you have last year’s formal shirt?

Your Sweet and Well-Behaved Cousin,


Cara, Mallory, and I grabbed drinks from the big vat and explored the party. I kept glancing around for Dylan, equally excited and terrified at the thought of seeing him. The place was happening, and it wasn’t even nine-thirty. I didn’t recognize too many people, but other than the girls in my house and my floor, I’d barely met anyone yet. The crowd was so noisy I couldn’t even make out what kind of music was playing. I concentrated really hard, determined to figure it out. Two arms slinked around my waist.

I spilled a little of my drink as I was yanked back against a solid chest. “You have some explaining to do.” I didn’t need to turn around to know it was Dylan whispering in my ear.

“Hey…” I needed to stay calm. It wasn’t a big deal—I’d already slept with him.

“Hey, yourself. You were supposed to stay the night.”

“I wasn’t tired. I figured you wouldn’t notice.” I tried to move out of his arms so I could look at him, but he didn’t loosen his hold.

“I woke up in the middle of the night wanting you so bad, and you weren’t there. Not even a note with your phone number. Your house was empty the next day. And are you the only person on the planet without Facebook? I couldn’t even find you that way.”

“I have it, but only my friends can find my profile.”

His lips brushed my earlobe. “Add me as a friend, Juliet.”

I shivered. Why was I shivering? “Okay. Are you going to let me go now?”

“Only if you promise not to run off on me again.”

“I promise.” He moved his arms, and I took a step away. I glanced at Cara and Mallory. They both looked shocked.

Cara recovered quickly. “And who’s this?”

“Dylan Bradley.” He held out a hand. “Welcome to the Omega house, ladies.”

“And you know Juliet, how?” Cara didn’t beat around the bush as she accepted his handshake.

“I’ve known Juliet a long time. Mind if I borrow her for a little while? I promise I’ll give her back in the same condition you left her.”

Both girls giggled. “Don’t leave without calling,” Cara warned before they walked off.

Dylan turned back to me. “You ready to tell me what happened?”

“Nothing. I just wasn’t tired, so I left.”

“And you couldn’t at least tell me you were leaving town the next morning?”

“I didn’t want to wake you up.”

He put a hand on my hip. It felt like he touched my skin through the flimsy material of my tank top. “I wouldn’t have minded being woken up by you. In fact, I would have enjoyed it.” He tugged on my hip, and I fell into him. “I would have convinced you to stay a few more days.”

Why did he still have the ability to make me shiver? “I’m sorry. I really didn’t know what I was supposed to do.”

“Want to have dinner tomorrow night?”

“Are you asking me out on a date?”

“We’ve already had sex. Is it really surprising that I want to take you to dinner?”

He had a point. I’d slept with him. I might as well see what else could happen. “Okay.”

“Great. Now I need your number.”

“Oh yeah.” I programed it into his phone, and he called me so I had his.

“And I expect a friend request by the end of the night.” He ran a finger down my arm.

I laughed. “That really bothered you, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did. I’ve spent the past few weeks wondering if you were pissed at me or something.”

“Oh. I wasn’t.”

“Since you just agreed to dinner, I assumed that.”

I smiled. “Yeah, I guess that was a dead giveaway.”

“So you’re a Delta Mu pledge, huh?” He pointed to my button.


“Nice. I never thought I’d date a Delta Mu.”

“And why’s that?”

“Girls in your house generally date Kappas. I think we’re considered too preppy for you party girls.”

“I’ve heard that. But I’m not a party girl.” At least a quarter of the active sisters in my house were dating Kappas. I knew I wouldn’t be one of them.

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