Home > The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards #1)(21)

The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards #1)(21)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“At least you’ll get good tips.” Tally shrugged.

“If anyone actually comes in. I don’t understand why I need to be there before nine o’clock, but if they want to pay me for sitting on my butt, I’m all for it.”

Cara laughed. “Have fun.”

“Will do.”

I grabbed a zip-up sweatshirt on my way out the door so I’d have it for my walk home. I headed straight through the center of campus. It was pretty deserted. I made it to Al’s with a few minutes to spare.

“Hey, Ms. Oakley.” Reed didn’t look up from his book when I walked in.

“How’d you know it was me?”

“Who else would come in now?”

“So you were being serious? We’re not going to have customers for hours?”

“Nope. I always prep, but trust me, we won’t need to touch anything until at least eight.”

I stopped next to the counter. “I’m glad I brought my books.”

“Good.” He finally glanced up. “Wow…you know how to make a t-shirt look good.”

“Shut up.”

“What? I don’t remember it looking quite so good the other day.”

“I somehow managed to shrink it. When you give me my other shirts, I’ll need an extra.”

“Would you mind shrinking them all? It might make work more interesting.” He grinned.

“You know, I really thought you were a decent guy, but maybe you are a jerk and—”

“Hold that thought.” He walked into the back and came back with a handful of shirts.

“Take your pick.”

“Thanks. Sorry about the jerk thing.”

“I had it coming.”

I pulled out a few articles we had to read for history class and noticed that Reed was reading the same thing. When I finished, I put them away and messed around on my phone.

Reed set aside his work. “Want to learn how to make a perfect Al’s Pizza?”

“I thought I wasn’t going to be cooking?”

“You’re not. But maybe you’ll have to one day.”

“All right. Why not?” I stuffed my phone into my back pocket.

“We make the dough in big batches ahead of time, so it’s really not hard.” Reed walked into the back and stopped in front of a large, deep sink. He washed his hands, and I did the same.

“The fridges and freezers are back here.” He disappeared around the corner, and I followed. He opened a large refrigerator and pulled out a container of dough. “Do you know how to toss a pizza?”

“Do I look like I know?” I bit back a smile. I had a feeling he actually enjoyed his tutorial.

“Maybe, maybe not.”

“I have no clue.”

He went through it step by step. He rolled out the dough and made me try to toss it. I dropped in on the table twice before I got it.

“You’re a fast learner.”

“Yeah, you know, I have mad skills.”

He let me do the sauce and cheese part myself. I think he found the whole thing amusing. It was a nice distraction from my school work. Still, I was more than happy to let him take over after the first pie. I took a seat and watched him make a couple more. “The guys will make the rest when they come in. What do you want for dinner?”

“Does it honestly taste that bad? Do you knowingly serve horrible pizza?”

“Want to find out?”

“Not particularly, but I guess it’s important to actually know what I’m selling.”

Reed took the first pizza to one of the industrial ovens. Twenty minutes later, we sat in a booth with the pie between us.

Reed grinned. “Dig in.”

“Should I be scared?”

“It’s not going to make you sick or anything. It’s just not the best pizza ever.”

He was right. It tasted like a cheap frozen pizza from the grocery store. “Point taken. I won’t ask again.”

He laughed. “I think there’s something about the dough that makes it actually taste good when you’re drunk, but when you’re sober, not so much.”

“What do we do now?”

“Clean up, and do more work.”

“I really think I’m going to get used to this.

Chapter Eleven

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Boys…

Dear Juliet,

Don’t read into it? Who’s bad in bed? I hope you haven’t been sleeping with Dylan again or Kyle. But then again, it would be really funny if either of them sucked in bed.

Your Slightly Worried Cousin,


Tuesday was pretty boring. I did some reading for class and went to a meeting at the house. I was surprised to get a text from Dylan right before heading back to my dorm. Stop by my house tonight?

I texted him back. No easy feat while walking. You’re back?

Yeah. When can you come over?

I’m just leaving the house.

See you in a minute.

“Dylan wants me to stop by. I’ll see you girls later.”

“Ohhh, don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.” Mallory laughed.

“I guess you’d do almost anything.” I grinned.

“Night, Juliet.”

I headed to the Phi Omega house. A few guys were hanging out on the porch when I got there, so I went ahead and walked in.

Dylan was talking to some guys around the pool table. I hesitated for a moment before walking over, suddenly nervous. Before I could make myself move toward him, Dylan looked up and saw me. I expected him to smile, but his expression was stony.

“Let’s go upstairs.” He grabbed my hand and towed me behind him.

“Hey. Easy there. Your hand is digging into my wrist.”

“Sorry.” He loosened his hold but didn’t let go until we were in his room with the door closed.

“How’s your dad?” I asked.

“Fine. This isn’t his first scare.”

“Oh. That’s good. I mean that he’s okay.”

“Is there anything you want to tell me?” Dylan glared at me.

“What do you mean?” I crossed my arms nervously over my chest. His gaze was intimidating.

“Do anything fun this weekend?”

“I don’t know… it was okay.”

“Stop playing dumb, Juliet. What the hell was that about?”


“You thought I wouldn’t find out that you went on the float with my brothers?”

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