Home > On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(26)

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(26)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I like you Carly.”

I felt a moment of panic. What? Was Brody about to admit he had feelings for me or something? I tried to compose myself.

“Wait. Not like that.”

“Okay, good.” That would have seriously complicated things.

He laughed. “That scary of a thought, huh?” he teased.

“Of course not.”

“You just want one normal roommate relationship, I get it.”

“I’m guessing you talked to Macon.”

“Yeah… I did.”



I looked up at him. “Yeah?”

“He likes you.” Brody’s expression was suddenly serious. “Let’s just get that part out of the way.”

“Kind of how you like me?” I gave him a long look.

“No. Not that way at all. I like you and want you around. You’re a good roommate. You’re really neat, and you have a pretty decent sense of humor. Macon really doesn’t care about that, he cares about you though.” Brody exhaled loudly. “I knew this was going to happen.”

“What was going to happen?”

“That he’d somehow screw things up.”

“It’s not his fault. I kind of started it.” I looked back out at the water. The tide was slowly coming in.

“I’m actually surprised it took you guys this long. The sexual tension between you two is pretty sickening.”

I laughed. “It’s that obvious?”

“Completely, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.” He looked torn for a second like he wasn’t sure if he should say something. “Listen, I already told you I like you, I also like Macon. He’s been a good roommate and friend these past few years. I’m not exactly an expert on relationships, but you two might actually work. The fact that Macon did put on the brakes last night says a lot.”

“Yeah, it says he doesn’t want me.”

“Is that really what you think?” He gave me a skeptical look.

I shrugged.

“The guy didn’t take advantage of you when you were drunk, and you think that’s a bad thing?”

I sighed. “I wasn’t drunk.”

“But you’d had a lot to drink. Both of you. I know something about drinking too much and making stupid decisions. Macon did the right thing.”

What was Brody talking about? He almost never drank. Maybe there was a reason for it. “Was that really it? Was he really just worried about taking advantage of me?”

“Do I have to spell this out for you?” He sipped his coffee.

“Yes, I guess so.” I practically gulped down my coffee. It had cooled down to a comfortable temperature.

“He was scared.”

I nearly spit out my coffee. “Macon? Scared of having sex?”

“No. He was scared of how you’d feel in the morning, and maybe how he’d feel. I don’t think he’s used to caring about a girl. It’s been awhile since he’s been in an actual relationship.”

“I wasn’t asking for a relationship.” I took another sip of coffee.

“You’re going to stand here and tell me you were only interested in a quick hook-up? You have no feelings for him that go beyond wanting to sleep with him?”

“Of course not. I have other feelings.”

“Then stop lying to yourself. He did you both a favor last night. You want to date? Fine. Date. But don’t rush things. He’s scared, you’re scared. We’re all scared.”

“So what do I do? How do I fix things?”

“What needs to be fixed? The two of you fooled around last night.” He finished off his coffee. “I’m guessing it was an enjoyable experience.”

I could feel the blood rushing to my face. “Yes.”

“I can promise you it was for him too. Just tell him how you feel.”

“How? I’m just supposed to open up to him like that? What if you’re wrong and he doesn’t feel the same way.”

“Let me get this straight. You were completely comfortable having sex with Macon, but you’re too afraid to tell him you like him?”

“That’s different.”

“Really? It didn’t take guts to take off your top in front of him? I’m not trying to be an ass here, but you don’t strike me as the kind of girl who gets naked in front of men all the time.”

“Of course not!”

“Exactly. So why was it so easy to do it with Macon?”

“Because I’d had a lot to drink…” The reality dawned on me, smacking me over the head. “Which is why he stopped.”

“Before you get into bed with someone, you need to be able to do it without alcohol. And you need to be able to be honest without it too. Both of you do.”

He stopped walking and turned to me. “You’re a beautiful and smart girl. Why does it seem like you have no confidence?”

“Because I don’t.” I walked off down the beach. For the second time in two days I felt tears welling. Maybe living with guys was more complicated than I thought.

I felt his hand on my shoulder and he spun me to look at him. “I’m sure there’s a story behind that, but you don’t have to tell me. I’m sure it’s the same story that brought you here in the first place. But the bottom line is, you need to have confidence in yourself before you jump into a relationship—or bed,” he looked at me long and hard, “with someone like Macon.”

“Like Macon?”

“He seems really tough, but he’s got his own issues. We all do.”

“You have issues?” I arched an eyebrow. Brody seemed so in control and put together.

“Of course I do. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. At least I’m willing to admit it. One piece of advice, stay away from people who say they don’t have issues. They are the ones with the most.”

“I’ve never thought about that before.”

“Glad I could share something of value. You about ready to head back?”

I looked into my nearly empty coffee cup. “Sure.”

“Good. Remember, there’s nothing to fix.”

I took the last few sips of coffee. “Thanks, Brody.”

“No problem. All I ask in return is that you deal with this head on. Dealing with sexually frustrated roomates is bad enough. I don’t need to deal with ones avoiding each other too.”

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