Home > On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(17)

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(17)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I don’t know.”

“Is this about your parents? About not getting into med school?”

Maddy had ended up in Corolla after getting rejected from med school. I didn’t know all the details, but from what I gathered, I wasn’t the only one who used a summer in the Outer Banks as a post-graduation escape.

“Maybe. I feel like I’m all over the place lately.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.” I put an arm around her. “He’s so in love with you it’s crazy.”

She smiled. “I know. I feel the same way.”

“Then finish getting packed.”

“Are you trying to kick me out?” She wiped her eyes.


“In that case, I guess I should go.” She stood up.

“I’m coming with you.” I hopped off the bed.

“Why? What are you afraid of? Didn’t you bring half your stuff with you?”

I laughed. “I figured I should probably tell Colin before I officially move.”

“Why? He’s your brother, not your parent. You’re an adult anyhow.”

“You don’t think he’d care if I didn’t come back tonight?”

She played with a loose string on her cover up. “I never said he wouldn’t care, just that it’s not his decision.”

“What about the rest of my stuff? And my car?”

“It’s up to you, but we can definitely bring everything by. Just give me the keys.”

I tried to get a read. Did she want to get me out of the house? That just didn’t feel like Maddy. Maybe she didn’t want me to chicken out or something. Either way, staying made the most sense. “Ok, you’ll have Colin bring my car and stuff over later?”

“Absolutely. You know he’s going to want to come check on you anyway.”

“Okay, good luck.”

She laughed. “Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?”

“Any last minute advice you have about living with these guys?” I lowered my voice hoping Brody wouldn’t over hear.

“Don’t sleep with them,” she said completely seriously.

“What?” I’m sure my mouth was hanging open.

“You heard me.” She grinned before heading to the door.

“You don’t know that from experience….” I really doubted it.

“The only experience I’m speaking from is living with them. They can be annoying and full of themselves as is. If you get in their beds it will probably just be worse.”

“Colin would freak if he heard you say that.”

“I guess it’s a good thing he didn’t then.” She laughed again. “I’ll call you before we come over later. Enjoy the new place.”

“I think I will.”

“I know you will.” She disappeared through the doorway.

I braced my hands behind me on the bed. What had I gotten myself into?

Chapter Ten


I pushed open the door to Maddy’s room, ready to give her a hard time for listening to electronic-pop music. It wasn’t her usual taste. “Hey, Maddy, what are you—” I stopped mid-sentence.

“Hey.” Carly gripped a towel tightly around her.

“Oh.” I forced myself to turn away despite the pleasant view of seeing her in just that blue cotton towel. Her skin was slightly red from the hot shower she must have just taken.

“Yeah… could you give me a second?” Her cheeks were red, but otherwise she seemed unconcerned with my entrance. That probably meant she was really embarrassed. She was trying hard to hold it together.

“Oh, sure.” I backed out of the room awkwardly. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

I closed the door securely behind me and walked back to the main room. I made the mental note to start knocking on that door. It wasn’t Maddy, my friend who could care less if I saw her in a towel. It was Carly, the gorgeous girl who also happened to be Colin’s little sister. If I didn’t watch myself she’d think I’d invited her to live with us for other reasons. I hadn’t, and I needed to make up for my little invasion of her privacy.

I waited until I heard the door open before I even walked toward her room. I practically walked into her. “Oh, hey.”

“Hey. Sorry. I’m not normally in a towel in the middle of the day.”

“You don’t have to explain. You’re more than welcome to hang out in a towel all the time.” Wow, that came off creepy. “I just mean you can do whatever.”

“I went down to the beach and wanted to clean up.”

“Oh, cool. How was it?”

“Nice. I still can’t believe I get to spend the whole summer living on the beach.”

“The novelty will wear off eventually.” I was thinking the same thing about my own thoughts, but mine weren’t about the beach. They were about the image of Carly in a towel that I just couldn’t shake. Or really I couldn’t shake the thought of what she looked like under the towel.

“I doubt it.” She stepped to the side, and I let her pass, following her toward the living room.

“I didn’t know you were moving in today. I was supposed to help you, remember?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. I only brought one bag over and Brody helped me.”

Brody. I shouldn’t have felt the wave of jealousy, but I did. I really needed to get myself in line. “I didn’t see your car outside.”

“It’s at Colin’s. Maddy’s supposed to drop it by with him tonight. They’ll bring the rest of my stuff too.”

“Why don’t we go get it? Save Maddy and Colin the trip?”

“Oh, thanks.” She ran a hand through her wet hair. “Should we go now?”

“Sure, unless you have other plans.”

“Other plans in a town where I know no one.”

“You know people.”

“Yes, I know four.” She walked back to her room and returned with a purse.

I held open the door. “In case math isn’t your strong point, four is more than none.”

She laughed and followed me out. “Really? I had no idea.”

“It’s actually a pretty simple concept.” I started down the stairs, and she followed.

Her flip flops made little slapping sounds on each step. “I guess if I want to be stealthy I should wear different shoes.”

“It might be advisable,” I teased as I held open the door to my Accord. She seemed surprised by the gesture before sliding into the seat.

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