Home > Cold Blooded (Jessica McClain #3)(32)

Cold Blooded (Jessica McClain #3)(32)
Author: Amanda Carlson

“I know he is,” I said. “But the uncertainty is killing me.” I needed to focus on something I could fix. “Do you think Eudoxia has hurt Naomi and Ray? I mean, do you think she listened to them at all or just threw them in the dungeon?” I leaned out the open window to peer at the Coterie again.

Rourke gripped the steering wheel. “I think the Queen will use caution at first. She’s diplomatic if anything. She hasn’t stayed in power this long without learning a few tactical moves. But when she finds the bond is missing from her underling, there’s no doubt she will be agitated. Naomi will have a big job of smoothing things over.”

“Naomi is the embodiment of calculated intelligence, which is what I love the most about her. On the other hand, Ray is an impetuous hothead who has no idea what’s at stake.” I turned my head toward Rourke. “I should’ve told him what was going on. It may have bought them some needed time. If he’s his normal cocky self, they are likely in big trouble already.”

“There’s a definite chance the detective will hose things up,” Rourke replied. “But if he listens to what I’m certain Naomi told him repeatedly, I believe they have a chance. The Queen will know something happened, but she won’t know exactly what, and she may choose to believe Naomi. After all, she thinks her faithful servant is returning home after her mission, not coming back with an agenda.”

Jess! Where the hell are you? Tyler’s voice barreled into my brain.

I jolted upright in my seat, mouthing Tyler to Rourke.

I’m here, Tyler. Where are you?

We’re just getting into the city. We ran into an issue.

Demons? I asked. “They ran into a problem,” I told Rourke. He turned over the engine in the next breath.

But where would we go? We were stuck.

No, the sorcerers, Tyler said. We saw one of their vans just inside the city limits and we investigated. We managed to capture one of the ass**les before the reinforcements came. I think he was a scout, too young to know any better, and we got him to spill some information. They’re working with the demons in a technical capacity. The sorcerers are summoning demons all over, but the deal is whoever gets to you first wins the prize. He didn’t know why the demons wanted you, but the sorcerers want something big. After we convinced him his life depended on giving us an answer, he said they were trying to steal your life force.

My life force? I turned to Rourke. His brow was furrowed. “The sorcerers are trying to steal my life force. Is that even possible?” That sounded way worse than trying to siphon my power.

“Hell no,” he snarled. “How would they even do that? I’d like to see them try.”

How can they steal what’s inside of me? I’ve never heard of that. It can’t be possible. And how bad would that hurt?

I have no idea, but according to their scout they’re going to try. They are rushing around and seemed fairly unorganized. The demons have gone home for the day, so they’re hoping to snag you first. Whatever the parameters of their agreement, I’m pretty sure the demons are in charge at night. Jess, you need to get out of the city as fast as you can.

And go where? There’s no safe place to get to before dark. I eyed the vamp stronghold. There’s nowhere left for us to run.

Well, you have about three minutes to decide. Five vans full of sorcerers are behind us on this road alone. It’s taken them time to regroup, but even if we don’t lead them to you, your signature is all over. We’ve been able to track you with the windows down. Once they stop and get a plan, they’ll be all over you.

Damn. Then we only have one choice left. We barter with Eudoxia for refuge until we can reach Dad.

The vamps are not going to protect us, he argued. We’ll be walking straight into enemy territory. I’ve told you all along this is not a good idea.

I don’t agree and neither does Rourke. The Queen wants my life force too—let’s not kid ourselves. If stealing my power is on everyone’s list, there’s nowhere I can go. As long as I’m still tantalizing to Eudoxia, we have something to bargain with. The goal will be to stay in control at all times. If she denies us, we get Naomi and Ray and fight our way out. But taking refuge in the vamp stronghold is the best we’ve got.

Tires squealed down the street.

I turned to Rourke. “Tyler has five carloads of sorcerers on his tail. We have to move now.”

The Suburban, with Nick at the wheel, rounded the corner, going up on two wheels. There was a loud explosion and an Orb flew over the trees, coming at us like a heat-seeking missile.

Rourke leaned over and threw open my door, yelling, “Go! I’m right behind you.”

I sprang from the car and took off at a dead run. The Orb exploded behind me, taking out the Porsche.

Car doors slammed and Tyler, Danny, and Nick joined us as we ran for the huge stone wall surrounding the mansion.

“Let me go first. If I get through, follow me,” I called over my shoulder, clearing the massive height in one leap. Nothing kicked me back, but a strange pulse of energy whipped through my body as I crossed the boundary line. Thank goodness it wasn’t warded.

I landed easily and kept running. I was up the steps to the front door, happy that nothing exploded behind me, before I took my next breath. I slid to a stop just short of kicking in the door, which would be considered bad manners for a visiting guest. I turned and glanced back for the first time and realized no one was behind me.

I watched as each of them tried to clear the wall again and was repelled backward.


It was warded. I just hadn’t been affected by it.

I ran back to help and Rourke called, “Jessica, stay inside the boundary. We’ll find another way in.” Another explosion rocked the wall from the outside, but none of the Orbs were breaching the ward.

Before I could decide what to do, huge French doors directly above the portico of the mansion shot open and the Vamp Queen strode out into the morning light, a single finger pointed directly at an Orb hovering in the sky.

The thing froze in place.

Half a beat later, with one flick of her wrist, it evaporated into nothingness.

“You dare declare war on me?” her chilly voice rang out.

It seemed the Queen had no problem with sunlight and she was wide-awake.

That was a bonus.

I stayed inside the yard and moved to the top of the stairs so I could get a better vantage point. The sorcerers who had jumped out of their vans were now tumbling all over themselves trying to get back in them. So much for badass.

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