Home > King Hall (Forever Evermore #1)(54)

King Hall (Forever Evermore #1)(54)
Author: Scarlett Dawn

He swatted my hand away, wiggling his straight nose in agitation. “Because you are one of my best friends. It would be counterproductive for what we’re doing with,” he mouthed, “you.”

I blinked, realizing he was, in a sense, putting me first. If I drank from one of the three of them, then he drank from me, it would be counterproductive, like I had figured out that first time. I’d had to resort to bagged blood that night because I had been so low after he drank from me. I muttered, “I don’t exactly like it, but I don’t mind going,” I mouthed, “bagged,” then, spoke normally, “if you wanted to every once in a while.”

We knew I needed to be strong, and going bagged every day wouldn’t cut it for me, or for them, since they also liked me strong — like any real friend would — so Ezra couldn’t drink from me every day, but if he wanted a treat every once in a while, I could deal with it.

His lips thinned. “That stuff’s disgusting. It wouldn’t be fair.”

It was disgusting, but I had lived off it the majority of my life since my first Awakening. “I really don’t mind. Life’s not always fair.” Again, I pointed with my fry at his nose, which was still close, whispering softly, “Seriously, if you’re going around picking donors like you did today to try to get the same taste, I would prefer it this way. You can’t be put in jail, Ezra. If it means that much to you, I’m willing.”

“Let her do it,” Jack said, beginning to eat his food again, now that he understood the tension. “Like she said, it won’t hurt her to have the other stuff every once in a while.”

“Yes, and I agree with her,” Pearl muttered, tossing an onion ring at Ezra’s face. “Those picks were stupid. You should have just gone for the real deal instead of imitation.”

Sitting back, I kept my gaze on Ezra. “It won’t hurt me. It’s not really selfish because I don’t mind it too much.” It wasn’t pleasant, but it was doable. If he had something I really wanted, I would ask if I thought he wouldn’t mind too much. There’s give-and-take in any friendship.

He grunted, his nostrils flaring, and, finally, he nodded. “Alright.” His gaze lingered on my throat. “Thank you.”

“Just quit looking at me like I’m a juicy steak,” I amended. His gaze flew up, and I chuckled. “When we leave here, I’ll give you what you want.”

“Nikki said that to me last night,” Jack murmured absently. He was always saying stuff like that now. The man had a serious case of Nikki-on-the-brain…or other parts.

“I’m sure she wasn’t talking about nutrition,” Pearl chuckled, going along with it.

He grinned cockily. “No. Not at all.” His smile softened, and he looked like the man in love he had become. It was sweet, but also an odd look for him. He worked it, though. “She thinks she has me wrapped around her little pinky. It’s adorable.”

I choked on my food.

Ezra muttered, “She does, man.” When Jack scowled, Ezra clarified, “She made you watch cycling competition reruns all Saturday night instead of coming over to Lily’s for movie night with us. And, she was even invited.”

Pearl snickered. “She had you babysit her two younger brat brothers when she went shopping with her mom.”

“Also,” I added, “she bought you that god-awful peach shirt you hate, which you wear. For her.” I glanced down. “That shirt, to be exact.” Damn, that thing was hideous.

Ezra lifted his little finger. “Oh yes, my friend. She’s got you wrapped and,” his finger bent sharply, “hooked.”

Pearl patted Jack’s hand when he sat blinking. “It’s alright. You’ll get used to it. She’s the same with you. I can’t believe some of the things she does…” She stopped talking when he shook his head.

“Sorry, I wasn’t freaking out about that. She wants,” he tapped his head, “us to bring her back something to eat at school. Lunch was barf worthy today, so she didn’t eat.”

I snickered as he quickly started cleaning his mess. He was interesting being in love.

Ezra expounded, “We can drop it off, but I’m not going back today.”

Jack nodded. “I didn’t think so. I told her we’d bring it, but I was leaving afterward.”

“Good,” Pearl murmured, but she was looking at me with eyebrows raised. “So, you think you might explain the situation that led to Felix lying on top of you today?”

Jack and Ezra, at the same time, asked harshly, “What?”

“Um, yeah…” I shot Pearl a dirty glance. Of course she would blab. Nothing ever stayed a secret between any of us for long. “He was my hand-to-hand partner today, since Ezra wasn’t available.” A quick scowl at him. “He wants to hook up again. He said he never slept with me because of his job.” I munched on a fry. “He spoke truth.”

“Bad idea,” Jack muttered, shaking his head. “Do not sleep with him again. These people are supposed to be our elite guard. Having a relationship — any relationship — with them could complicate things. They’re there for one reason, and one reason only. To guard us.”

“There are plenty of other guys for you to pick from,” Ezra murmured. “After today, I wouldn’t touch anyone if I only thought they were being honest.” He grimaced. “Those cuffs were atrocious.”

Sighing, I rested my elbows against the table, getting what they said, but argued, “It’s hard enough to find someone that will even look me straight in the eyes, much less half of what Felix does.” I grinned, biting into my last fry. “Very well, I might add.”

They sat back, quiet and thoughtful, knowing it was hard to find someone on equal footing. Not timid with us. Or who acted like we were perfect. Because we weren’t. No one likes to be cooed over or have someone jump to do your bidding all the time, even though you barely mentioned it. If you found someone with backbone, it was a rare find indeed. Add in the attraction between Felix and me, and yeah, it wasn’t an easy decision.

Ezra’s lips pursed. “When I left home after Felicia died, I did an extensive amount of traveling. I met tons of different Mysticals during that time, some of them more reputable than others.” He cracked his neck. “There was this one alpha Shifter I met—”

I held up a stopping hand. “I don’t do blind booty calls.”

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