Home > King Hall (Forever Evermore #1)(42)

King Hall (Forever Evermore #1)(42)
Author: Scarlett Dawn

I nodded, and went back to what they were saying in front of us.

The President had given a press conference two days after our attack on the beach, and much of his comments were the same here. The Mys community had the full cooperation of the United States of America law enforcement. The Kings and President were now speaking about a joint effort between the Com CIA and the Mys MSA to provide intel between the two organizations about any planned attacks, whether it be Mys against Com — this was a real possibility since, with the attacks against us, our subjects were furious worldwide — or Com against Mys. They were correctly working for peace between our communities.

Although, the President surprised the crap out of me when he looked in my direction, then back toward the Kings, and cleared his throat — almost appearing nervous, but forged on — stating gradually, “I’m not sure if you have met Philip Masterson, Congressman.”

King Fergus flicked a finger. “We haven’t, but our Prodigies have met him. Along with your son, a few months ago.”

The President nodded, smiling. “Yes, my son was impressed by the Prodigies at the meeting.” He smiled in a way only a dad could and, really, he embarrassed his son with his next words. “I think he has a crush on Ms. Cooper.”

Sitting on the other side of me, Pearl groaned softly.

I only just stifled a chuckle.

The President got back on track, saying, “What I want to talk with you four about today is unconventional by United States standards, and it’s only one idea for peace. I hadn’t even thought about it until Mr. Masterson approached me with the topic. He appears to have interest in Ms. Ruckler,” I stiffened, “and he has proposed a very unique notion for shaping a more united relationship between Mys and Com.”

He tapped his fingers, staring at the ceiling for long moments before tipping his gaze back down to the Kings. “His idea stems from hundreds of years past when two kingdoms would marry two individuals of high ilk to unite their kingdoms.” His thumb tapped again as my heart rate shot through the roof, knowing where this was heading. “He would like to build a relationship like this with Ms. Ruckler. Have the two of them marry in hopes it will show the world our two divisions can come together peacefully.”

I had no clue what the Kings’ faces looked like, but mine had to show utter shock. My friends were stiff next to me, glancing from me to the President, but kept mute like we were supposed to. I think they were as shell-shocked as I was.

The President raised his hands when the Kings continued to sit mute. “As I said, it’s merely an idea. One to think about.” He lowered his hands. “I do believe it’s a fairly brilliant proposal. Mr. Masterson is an upstanding man in the United States. An up-and-coming man, really. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day he ran for President.” He glanced to me, then back to the Kings. “I’m no matchmaker, just the backer, but I do believe they would make a fine political couple.”

He had said backer. Which meant that Philip and he were pretty decent friends. Therefore, a marriage with him right now would still be advantageous, even if he wasn’t ready — right now — to run for President. Jesus Christ, this was seriously not good.

Chiefly, when King Kincaid — my King — said, “We’ll discuss this with Ms. Ruckler.”

I almost fainted. They could not do this to me.

All three of my friends stilled further.

Pearl inhaled a giant breath, undoubtedly ready to blast them right there.

I nudged her leg and gently shook my head. Now was not the time for this discussion. If Philip was such a close friend of the President, it wouldn’t be PC to abruptly turn the idea down — and not nicely.

The President smiled, nodding to King Kincaid, then went on to talk about future meetings the Kings and United States officials had planned, which were regular quarterly conferences.

As if he hadn’t just dropped that huge bomb on me, turning my world upside down. I was seriously alarmed that the Kings would consider his idea, because it wasn’t really a bad one, politically speaking. I wasn’t ignorant enough to miss the gains it could create.

Breathing shallowly, I barely heard the rest of their conversation. In fact, Jack had to nudge me when I was the only one left sitting when they were all standing, lost in my own thoughts as I was. I was pretty sure I shook the President’s hand when we left, but I was absolutely positive that as we made our way through the White House, leaving, I saw Philip standing with a group of Coms, studying papers he held.

Stopping dead in my tracks, I stared.

Pearl slammed against me from behind, whispering, “Lily, keep moving.”

I jerked my head in Philip’s direction, so she could see what I was seeing.

He was still as handsome as before. He wore his suit well, telling me he worked out regularly. The people around him seemed to genuinely like him as they listened to him speak while he pointed to something on the papers.

“Oh,” Pearl breathed, staring right along with me.

“What are we looking at?” Ezra asked, stopped ahead of us, and strolled back.

Jack followed, both of them peering where we were.

They both grunted.

My friends, the group with normally so much to say, expressed their feelings on this topic in such small ways, but all three of them always got their point across.

Philip’s eyebrows furrowed and he stopped talking, looking left, then right. Eventually, straight at me. Those dark, intense eyes leisurely ran up and down my body before meeting mine. Held. If one man could put a thought into his gaze, it was him. After only meeting him once, it was there in his eyes. He wanted me. Not just for the political aspect.

“Diplomatic decision, my ass,” Ezra rumbled.

Jack snorted and turned his eyes on mine, murmuring quietly, “He looks like he wants to throw you on a bed and gobble you up.” He paused. “Bit by bit.”

“With honey drizzled all over her body,” Pearl whispered, gaining a look from all three of us. She didn’t seem to notice, though, peering over my head to where our group had traveled. “We’d better go. The Kings are waiting at the door. They look annoyed.”

Glancing that way, I saw she was right. Clearing my throat and walking with my friends, I took one more look-see at Philip. He hadn’t looked away. For a Com, he wasn’t bad. Not bad at all. But, still, it just seemed wrong. Me with a Com? I seriously hoped the Kings weren’t going to push this.

Chapter Twelve

They pushed.

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