Home > Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4)(43)

Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4)(43)
Author: Jeaniene Frost

"Stay as long as you wish. After all, you owe me a debt. It might take me more than a few days to collect on it."

I gave him a tired look. "Don't bet on it."

One thing could be said for staying with the uncrowned Prince of Darkness. He didn't have a lazy, inattentive staff. After I was shown to my room by a vampire named Shrapnel, I asked what kind of plasmaless drinks they had. Shrapnel didn't respond by listing them from memory - he brought me the entire beverage contents of the refrigerator. When I told him I would have gone down myself to see it, he stared at me like I was crazy.

Well, he was right on that one.

Vlad had dinner with me each night even though he didn't eat. He was pretty scarce during the day, tending to his own affairs, I guessed. Not that I knew for sure. I spent most of my time in my room, brooding, my mood swinging wildly from anger at Bones to self-recrimination. Had my relationship been doomed from the start because Bones was incapable of changing his promiscuous ways? Or would everything have been okay if I just hadn't left that day with Gregor? I didn't know, and not knowing festered.

I went to the dining room at nine. Dinner was served late, for obvious reasons. Vlad was already seated. His long brown hair was brushed and loose, and he twirled the stem of his wineglass as I took my usual place next to him.

I started to fill my plate from the selections on the table. Rack of lamb with a rosemary reduction, marinated asparagus with mango salsa and tiny, tender red potatoes. Vlad just watched, drinking his wine. Living with a vampire, I'd gotten used to being the one munching while someone else just watched, so I didn't feel self-conscious.

After a few minutes of silent chewing, I paused. "This lamb is really good. Sure you don't want to try any?"

"I'll eat soon."

Something about his voice made my fork poise over the next bite. Vlad didn't sound like he was referring to the feast spread before him.

"Are you mentioning that in passing, or prepping me?"

"Gauging your reaction." With a tilt of his head. "Your eyes aren't as puffy tonight. And your manner is less downtrodden. Does this mean you've finally resigned yourself to Bones's abandonment?"

It was the first time in four days that he'd mentioned him. Personally, I could have stood to let it go longer.

"Don't worry, you won't have to talk me off a ledge again."

"I'm pleased to hear that."

He leaned back in his chair, twirling his glass again.

"You haven't contacted Spade or anyone else since you've been here. Aren't you curious to know if they've spoken to him?"

That had me setting down my fork. I didn't know where he was going with this, but Vlad did nothing without motivation.

"What's up, buddy? Trying to get my blood pumping? Tenderize me before you dig in? No, I haven't talked to them, and I don't want to. I don't need more gory details."

"Like whether he has his hands on someone this very minute? Squeezing her, kissing her...holding her naked against him?"

My plate hurled across the room to shatter against the stone wall. Even as I did it, I cursed myself, Vlad, and most of all, Bones.

"You're just seeing how quickly I'll lose it, aren't you? Gauging me? Well, I'm a little testy, as you can tell, so excuse me."

I grabbed my linen napkin and headed toward the broken dish, determined to clean up my own mess, but Vlad was faster. Still seated, he yanked me to him.

"What are you doing?" I snapped.

His hold tightened until he was almost hurting me. "Claiming my blood price."

I had time to tense before Vlad's mouth latched onto my throat, and his fangs bit into it.

A cry came out of me, but it wasn't of pain. Vlad sucked harder, drawing more of my blood into him. Pulsing warmth spread through me with each pull of his mouth. Vampire venom. Not harmful, but capable of producing a false, very pleasant sensation of heat.

"Vlad, that's enough..."

"No." Muffled. "More."

He pulled me closer. Now I was half-sagged against him while those deep suctions felt like they went going straight through to my spine.

Vlad ran his hands down my arms. I gasped. They were hot, so unlike a vampire's normal temperature. Must be from his pyrokinesis. My blood couldn't warm them that quickly.

Just as fast as he'd grabbed me, Vlad released me. I leaned against the table, my knees far weaker than before.

"That should give you something else to think about," he said.

"No, it won't."

It came from me brokenly. All at once, I started to cry. "I still love him, Vlad! I hate him, too, maybe, but...I still love him."

His stare didn't waver. "You'll get over it."

Will I?

I didn't say it out loud, not that it mattered. Vlad could still hear me.

"I'm not hungry anymore," was what I did say, and left the dining room.

Later that night, I'd just fallen asleep when the bed shifted. My eyes opened in alarm, then a finger pressed to my lips.

"It's just me. I want to talk."

I was awake now. People didn't usually talk while climbing into bed, which described what Vlad was doing.

"Really?" With heavy sarcasm.

He made a dismissing motion. "Don't white-knuckle the sheets, Cat. I'm not intending to rape you."

"Where I come from, when people want to talk, they do it while upright." To punctuate my point, I sat up. Yes, I was gripping the sheets pretty good. "This smacks of coercion at best, pal."

Vlad just fluffed a pillow under his head and laughed.

"What a perfect picture of outrage you are, Reaper, yet we both know I could burn these sheets to ashes if I wanted to. Come now, aside from your rigid Midwestern upbringing, do you mind that I'm here with you like this?"

My grip relaxed on the bedclothes. He had several points. Vlad was much stronger than I am, so even if he couldn't torch the sheets, if he'd wanted to force sex, he could. Plus, playing hyperappropriate when he'd sucked over a pint from me seemed a tad hypocritical.

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Your future."

I tensed. "You want me to leave. Fine. I'll - "

"Do you truly believe I came here to tell you I'm throwing you out?" he interrupted. "You should know me better than that."

"Sorry. It's been, well, a rough week."

"Yes." There wasn't any false pity in his tone. "Your self-esteem has suffered a severe blow, and you're very vulnerable. If I had a mind to, you'd be easy to seduce."

"Full of yourself, aren't you?" I said with a snort. "But you're barking up the wrong tree if you thought I'd be looking for a mercy f**k."

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