Home > Eternal Kiss of Darkness (Night Huntress World #2)(49)

Eternal Kiss of Darkness (Night Huntress World #2)(49)
Author: Jeaniene Frost

"Lower your head," he directed her.

She dipped her head, shielding the flash of green in her gaze from any inquiring people around her. They passed through Frontier Land into New Orleans Square, where he procured Kira a pair of sunglasses. She gave him a grateful glance as she settled them onto her face. Now any green flashing from her eyes would be muted or probably thought of as a trick enhancement of the glasses.

Her confidence seemed to grow as they continued to thread their way through the crowd, but though Mencheres knew she still struggled with her hunger, he couldn't feel it.

Kira was turned vampire through his blood and power, so she was part of him and could sense his emotions whenever his shields were lowered. He, however, could only catch glimpses of her feelings the same way he had before; through her scent, her expressions, the tone of her voice, and her body language. All those were telling him that though her hunger continued to rise, Kira's strength did as well, matching the challenge of being thrust into this living feast around her.

"Do I just . . . pick someone, then find a bush or alcove to hide behind?" she whispered.

That would be sufficient, but he wanted her to learn how to feed even in plainer sight than that. He regretted the lack of time to ease her into this more gently, but Kira's ability to survive on her own was of primary importance.

"We will do it here," he said, pointing to the structure ahead of them on the hill.

She stopped walking. "You want me to bite someone while on the Haunted Mansion ride?" she asked incredulously.

He shrugged. "It is darker inside there than it is in most places in this park, and the other humans around you will be too distracted by the ride to pay attention to what you're doing."

She started walking again, but she shook her head. "Just when I thought I couldn't feel any weirder about this," she muttered.

Kira stood next to Mencheres as they proceeded through the first segment of the Haunted Mansion ride. They'd been hustled inside a small circular room. Then the ceiling and the portraits stretched above them while a faux-spooky voice went on about all the various ghoulish delights awaiting the visitors. Some more than others, Kira thought dryly.

She tried to focus on that recorded voice. Or the crank of various machines and the overlapping music and sounds from the rooms beyond. Anything except all the blood-filled bodies around her. This room was packed, with people brushing up against each other every few seconds. If she concentrated, she could drown out all those tempting heartbeats under the commotion from the rest of the noisy attraction.

When the doors to the room opened, she was relieved. They went into a much larger room, onto a sort of conveyor belt where the caricatures of carriages called Doom Buggies were being systematically filled with guests. Much easier to control herself here, without being in a small confined room with the equivalent of five-course meals all around her.

Mencheres ignored the order of the line to stride up to one of the ride's attendants. An almost imperceptible flash of his eyes later, and the employee was all too happy to seat them with a single rider instead of giving Kira and Mencheres their own carriage. She found she couldn't look at the young man in the Doom Buggy that the employee directed them to join. Only the steady pressure of Mencheres's hand on her arm, leading her into the mechanical domed seat, kept her from fleeing altogether.

"Hey," the guy said in greeting when Kira sat next to him, Mencheres on her other side.

She couldn't bring herself to respond. Guilt and hunger competed in her. Could she really bite this young man and drink his blood?

The attendant pulled up a metal safety bar, checked to make sure it locked, then they were on their way into the next section of the ride. A recorded voice blared out from speakers inside the carriage as the narrator continued to drone on. It wasn't dark to her eyes inside the ride, but with the various spots of shade, Kira knew the other guests would have a hard time seeing what occurred inside this aptly named Doom Buggy

- except for the times when the ride deliberately twirled the buggies.

"I don't think I can do this," she whispered to Mencheres as the guy laughed and waved at his friends when the ride spun the carriages to briefly face each other.

His gaze was steady. "You must."

The pain spreading throughout her body with ever-increasing intensity seemed to agree. Mencheres was right. She was a vampire now. She still might not be used to the idea, and she certainly hadn't asked for this, but it didn't change the facts. Either she learned how to harmlessly take someone's blood, or she'd risk killing someone later when the need rose beyond her control, and there wasn't a plasma-vending machine conveniently nearby.

Mencheres leaned forward, catching the laughing young man's attention. His eyes flashed green before he spoke.

"Lean back with her into the corner. Say nothing. You feel no fear." That familiar complacent look settled over the young man's face as he draped an arm around Kira and leaned them into the side of the carriage. She almost gasped. With half his body pressed to hers, his pulse seemed to drown out all the other noises around them, focusing her attention on that delicious, steady rhythm.

"The hand is safest until you have more experience. Then advance to the wrist, then the neck - but never bite the jugular unless you mean to kill," Mencheres instructed in a calm voice. The ride entered a faux ball room filled with images of dozens of dancing ghosts dressed in eighteenth-century attire.

Kira looked at them instead of the young man's face as she slowly drew his hand to her mouth, reminding herself to exert no more pressure than she had when handling those eggs. If anyone could see them, all they'd notice was a couple huddled in the corner of the Doom Buggy, the man's hand over a woman's mouth as if urging her to silence. Her glasses hid her glowing eyes, and the young man's hand blocked her fangs from anyone's view when they popped out as that throbbing pulse beneath his thumb neared her mouth.

She closed her eyes, chanting "gently, gently" to herself as she pressed her fangs into the vein jumping against her lips.

The ambrosial flavor that immediately filled her mouth washed away her last vestige of hesitation. What she swallowed was richer than chocolate, smoother than cream, and it spread with luscious warmth all through her. Her mind hazily mused that this wasn't anything like when she'd fed from those bags. That always had a faintly acidic taste and left her with a sense of wrongness, but this felt entirely natural. Like she was part of an ancient chain of life that was at turns sacred and mysterious, dark and beautiful.

After her fourth swallow, Kira's eyes fluttered open. The young man's face was the first thing she saw. She braced for an accusing glare, but his eyes were slitted and a smile of pure bliss wreathed his face. He'd pressed closer to her, until his head lay on her shoulder and his body was an insistent brand against her right side.

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