Home > Temporarily Yours (Shillings Agency #1)(5)

Temporarily Yours (Shillings Agency #1)(5)
Author: Diane Alberts

The attendant set the drink down—along with a refill for Kayla, bless her heart—and cleared her throat. “Here you go. If you need anything else, just press the call button.”

“Could you bring us a blanket? Besides that, we should be fine,” Cooper said. After the attendant left, he shifted closer to Kayla until his leg pressed against hers. Then, with his voice low and his gaze locked on her mouth, he said, “You looked cold.”

The shudder? Yeah. That hadn’t been from the cold. But let him think it was. “Yeah, a little.”

“I’ll do my best to distract you from the flight,” he promised, taking a sip of his drink. “You know that, right?”

She furrowed her brow. “Why do you want to? You don’t even know me. What’s in it for you?”

“Does there have to be something in it for me?”

“There usually is.” She met his eyes. They looked as kind and open as they had earlier. Was it all an act or what? “Most of the time, anyway. What’s your play?”

He shrugged. “I like you. I like talking to you. That’s about it.”

“And now you want to sit with me and make me happy?” She crossed her arms. “It sounds like you’re trying to fill the role of my make-believe boyfriend for the next couple of hours.”

“Yeah, maybe something like that.” He reached for the vodka cranberry and his woodsy scent teased her senses. “I find you intriguing and I enjoy your company. Isn’t that enough of a reason to try to help you? To talk to you?”

“I guess.” She watched him closely, taking in all his perfection with the eye of a cynic. Guys that looked like him usually weren’t the selfless type. That might be stereotyping a bit, sure, but it was true. “And yet, not really.”

His gaze fell to her lips. She could practically feel his mouth on hers already, kissing her until she forgot all about her fears. This was bad. Really bad. He might be here out of the kindness of his heart, but her body was far too drawn to him.

How long had it been since she wanted a man? Months? Years?

As if he could read her thoughts, he leaned closer. “I still don’t see how someone like you would have to make up a boyfriend. How is that possible?”

“I told you.” Her pulse increased. “I haven’t met anyone worth the trouble of a relationship yet. I’m picky when it comes to men.”

“Hm. Maybe you’re looking in the wrong places.” He reached out and touched her hand, his fingers light on her skin. She knew she should pull away, but instead her gaze clashed with his and she didn’t move. “Have you ever thought of that?”

Oh, so he was playing that game, was he? All right, she could flirt with him too. Maybe it would even take her mind off of her flying fears. He’d certainly helped in the terminal before the flight boarded. She looked up at him through her lashes, leaning in just right. “Or maybe the man for me has been hanging around in airports all this time.”

The corners of his mouth tilted up. “Perhaps.”

She tapped her fingers on her thigh, inwardly rejoicing at his reaction to her. “So, you’re all mine tonight?”

“All yours,” he repeated, smiling wolfishly at her. “However you’d like me.”

The attendant came back, carrying a plastic package with a blanket in it. Cooper accepted it, thanking her quietly, and Kayla just watched him.

Why did his words sound so naughty? Maybe he’d meant them that way. Or maybe she just wanted him to have meant them that way. The words were innocent enough, yet desire spiraled in her stomach. There was something about Cooper…

She liked him.

Picking up her almost empty glass, she held it out for a toast. “To vodka and not dying?”

“Especially to the not dying part.” He clanked his cup against hers. “You know, I have a very effective way to make you forget your fear that I would love to show you—if you’re willing to trust me, that is.”

She swayed closer. “Oh? And what would that be?”

He shifted in his seat, closing the distance between them until his lips were a breath away from her cheek. He tucked her hair behind her ear, and she shivered at the light touch. “Distraction. I’m going to make you forget all about how high we are in the sky. By the time we land, you’ll be sad to see the flight end because you’ll have to say goodbye to me.”

Such confidence…but damn if she didn’t think he was right.

“Oh, really?” Swallowing hard, she said, “How do you propose to do something as impossible as that? You did hear the part about me being super picky, right?”

“Oh, I heard you all right.” He settled back into his seat. “As far as how I plan to distract you? Well, that, my dear, is for me to know and you to find out. But first, we drink.”

She chugged back her drink, her heart racing the whole time. Only, instead of fear of flying being the guilty culprit, it was the man sitting next to her. Damn, he was good. They both set down their empty glasses, and she shuddered. “God, that’s strong. I should’ve asked for more juice.”

His lips twitched, and he trailed a finger down her jawline. “Know what chases a strong drink better than the cranberry juice?”

The contact of his hand on her face sent shivers of lust through her blood, making her feel weak and dizzy. Or maybe it was the strong cocktail she just drank as if it were water instead of almost straight booze. Or perhaps it was because she had no idea what he’d do next—and liked that about him.

Oh, the hell with it. She pressed her face into his palm, relishing the touch instead of ending it. “No. What chases a strong drink better than cranberry juice?”


Before she could so much as blink, his lips were on hers, and the harsh taste of vodka was replaced with his mouth. Those lips she’d been fantasizing about closed over hers, taking the breath right out of her. She gasped at his unexpected move, and he took full advantage of her surprise.

When his tongue swept inside and touched hers, she moaned. Actually moaned.

She should have been shoving him off, but instead she pulled him closer. Dear God, the man knew what he was doing. It had been a long time since she’d been kissed…or anything else, for that matter. And he was fabulous.

Groaning, he tilted his head so he could have better access to her mouth, held her face still with his hand, and proceeded to ravish her. There couldn’t possibly be another word for what he did. No doubt. No hesitation. He assumed he was welcome to seduce her…a stranger he’d met moments ago in an airport.

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