Home > One Night (Superstars in Love #2)(18)

One Night (Superstars in Love #2)(18)
Author: Diane Alberts

She blinked up at him, her forehead wrinkling. “Okay?”

He ran his knuckles down her cheek. “I’m an actor, not a stage crew member, and I plan to spend my life on stage—until they kick me off. I’ve spent almost my entire life alone, and I’m not the best at being around others and trusting people. My parents died of drug overdoses. Not at the same time. My mom died when I was three. My dad when I was seven.”

He stumbled over the words. He didn’t talk about this. With anyone. Ever. She reached out and pulled him closer, offering him silent support while her eyes filled with tears. She gave him the strength to go on and tell her about his wretched past.

“As a teenager, I didn’t have anyone else. I comforted myself with hash and other drugs for a while. But I soon realized it would kill me, like it killed my parents. So I switched my focus to music. I fell in love for the first and only time in my life. I changed my goals and focus in life in to becoming an actor and musician—never taking the time to form a lasting relationship with anyone. Not even wanting to. But you bloody well make me want to change. And more.”

“Justin … ”

He cleared his throat. “And that’s me. The real me.”

She gave him a shaky smile. “I’m a serious, far-too-cautious business woman who doesn’t have one-night stands. At all. I stayed with the same man since college—until he died. I haven’t been remotely interested in anyone or anything until last night. Until you knocked me into a puddle.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, staring up at him with soft eyes. “I don’t go chasing after actors or drinking in bars. I don’t want to put my heart back out there and risk losing everything again. It terrifies me. But with you? I kind of want to do all of those things. And more.”

“Brilliant.” He closed his arms around her. “Then we can take the leap together. Together, we can’t fall.”

She blinked back tears, entwining her hands behind his neck. “It sounds like a plan to me. If you trip, I’ll catch you. And if I slip … ”

“I’ll pick you up.” He swept her into his arms, dropping his forehead to hers. “And I won’t let you go.”

He melded his lips to hers, her sigh joining his. When her hands crept up to his hair, she pulled back and grimaced up at him. “Take me into the shower.”

He grinned. “Don’t like my helmet hair?”

“Nope. Know what else I don’t like?”

He headed into the bathroom, his hold on her tightening. He couldn’t believe she was here. With him. “No. What?”

“Seeing you kiss the woman on stage.”

He choked on a laugh. “I assure you, it’s far from sexual. We count the seconds in our heads to make sure we stay together the required amount of time. Then when we’re done, she goes back to her hotel. With her girlfriend.”

Her eyes went wide. “Really?”


She bit on her lip. “They won’t all be lesbians, though.”

He set her down, switching the hot water on. He understood where her insecurity came from, but to him it was downright laughable. None of the women he’d kissed on stage came close to being even half as beautiful or addictive or tempting as his Lexi.

“No, they won’t,” he agreed. “But you know what none of them will be?”

“What?” she asked breathlessly.

“They won’t be you. You’re the only one I want here, with me.” He pressed her hand to his chest. “Only you can make my heart race and my mind soar all at the same time. Only you make me want this.”

He crushed her lips beneath his, not giving her a chance to respond. Not allowing her any room for doubt or questions or blooming thinking. His hands on her hips, he didn’t bother to remove their clothes as he backed her into the shower. He would just have to kiss her until she realized he didn’t want anyone but her. Until she realized no other woman would ever compare to her. And if she didn’t ever realize that?

Then he would never stop kissing her.


One year later

Lexi stood, clapping her hands loudly and cheering. Tonight was Justin’s last night in the show. The same musical she had watched over and over again, to his surprise. And she still loved it. Tonight was also their one-year anniversary—and she had to hurry up and go into their alley before he got there. She gave him a big smile, then scooted out of the first row. She could feel his eyes on hers as she walked away.

Watching her.

This past year had been filled with so much happiness and love. Sometimes, she swore it all had to be a dream. It couldn’t be real. She was just so darn happy with him. He was the complete opposite of what Hugh had been, and yet they were still the perfect fit. The perfect year.

After sending out what seemed like countless self-tapes over the past couple of months, he finally got a role. She’d been terrified he wouldn’t get another part, and he would go back to the UK. Terrified he would leave her. But last night, he got word that he would be here another year. He started rehearsal next week for his new show—a modern musical with lots of guitars, drugs and sex. The complete opposite of what he starred in now.

An actor’s dream. Transcending role expectations and crossing over genres.

With his next role booked and his future secure, they could relax and enjoy their anniversary. She went to the back alley and stood in the shadows. A bunch of fans waited for autographs, and she smiled at them. He loved this part. She had discovered over the past year he was generally shy by nature, so waiting by the stage door was really the only way to get his attention.

The door opened and he came out, followed by a few other members of the cast. They all smiled at her before signing and posing for pictures. Little by little, the alley cleared out, and soon enough she and Justin were alone.

She hid her hand behind her back, a smile on her face. “Congratulations on another amazing performance.”

“Thank you.” He opened his arms up. “Now come here.”

She shook her head, instead holding out a bouquet of red flowers. His favorite color was red—another thing she knew now. “I got these for you.”

His gaze went all hot and her knees shook with desire. She knew the look—and she approved very much of what was about to happen. He took the flowers, set them down on a crate, and wrapped his arms around her. His mouth closed on hers, and he pressed her against the building, growling when she closed her legs around his waist. Rotating his hips against her, he buried his hands in her hair and deepened the kiss. She clung to him, needing him now.

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