Home > A Mere Formality(9)

A Mere Formality(9)
Author: Ilona Andrews

The way he looked at her made Deirdre’s heart flutter.

He took a deep breath and glanced at the audience waiting in the room. “They will only see it once.”

Slowly, deliberately he knelt before her. “Stay,” he said. “Please.”

“Well that won’t do,” she murmured. “The Reigh Lord doesn’t kneel before anyone.” She knelt next to him. “That’s better.”

“Is that a yes?”

She brushed his lips with hers and he kissed her, her mouth eager and warm. “It’s a yes,” she murmured when they came up for air. “On one condition. You have to tell me your name, because I am not moaning ‘lord Nagrad’ on our wedding night.”


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